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George Floyd/Black Lives Matter Protests

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23 minutes ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:

It should be socially unacceptable to support Rangers in modern Scotland. The “I’m just here for the football” deflection won’t fly anymore.


I've always found that claim laughable. Guilt by association. "it's only a tiny minority". Aye, that's why Ibrox is a cacophony of sectarian bile and 'party songs' every other week. 

I'm not a Nazi, I just joined in for the cool uniforms.

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23 minutes ago, Boo Khaki said:

I've always found that claim laughable. Guilt by association. "it's only a tiny minority". Aye, that's why Ibrox is a cacophony of sectarian bile and 'party songs' every other week. 

I'm not a Nazi, I just joined in for the cool uniforms.

Just to point out a lot of the info on the local Fash (names, addresses, workplaces) came from Rangers fans over the years.

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4 minutes ago, Tutankhamen said:

Just to point out a lot of the info on the local Fash (names, addresses, workplaces) came from Rangers fans over the years.

Fair enough, and I'll admit to having met plenty of Rangers fans in my life that were thoroughly honest and decent people, I just do not know why on earth anyone would willingly associate themselves with a club that is synonymous with bigotry and hate. The club can pay lip service all they want, but while they're still playing flute tunes over the P.A. and hosting armed forces appreciation days etc they're just buying into and perpetuating it.

Plenty of other clubs around you can follow if you are purely into football and nothing else.

I also accept that there must be a view that the hate has attached itself to the club, and people simply want that link broken for good, but I don't accept that. The reason I find Rangers so distasteful is that the very core of their identity and being is founded on exclusion, hate, sectarian ideology and veneration of historical difference.

Edited by Boo Khaki
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1 hour ago, dorlomin said:

Aunt Jemima brand being "retired" in the US. 



The image itself is not the issue, but its history is. 


Uncle Ben beat her to it - footer_begin_with_bens https://www.theguardian.com/business/2020/jun/18/uncle-bens-rice-firm-to-scrap-brand-image-of-black-farmer

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I worked at Ibrox for a few year and most of the shite was usually kept to one stand (the one the Union Bears are in) until a certain team came to visit.

Still one of my favourite memories at a fitba ground was the 2-1 defeat on Hogmanay against Celtic when a group of like 30 **** were singing God Save the Queen in the most dejected manner I've ever seen. I was absolutely convinced the Queen was dead (and still am!)

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1 hour ago, Jacksgranda said:

Saw this in a shop in Tenerife a couple of years ago , where do you even begin to try and explain that something like that was still in use ?


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One of our bosses had been into the office and had shot some videos on his phone of what each section now looks like after being rejigged to support social distancing and the new norm of working from home - we're now getting to the stage where people who can prove they can't do something remotely can come in for the duration it takes them to do it, and I think these videos were to impress on folk coming in how much the setup has changed.

Anyway, he'd shot them in Quicktime which apparently isn't supported on our intranet, so I said I'd convert them across to MP4. When I was doing that I noticed the shaky found-footage nature of what he'd done - I'm tempted to do a director's cut with horror movie music edited behind it.

As if the poor b*****ds that have to go in won't be nervous enough before they go in the first time, it could only be made worse by having to sit through five minutes of Blair Witchesque footage of him lurking round a lot of empty desks soundtracked by the theme from Halloween.


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One of our bosses had been into the office and had shot some videos on his phone of what each section now looks like after being rejigged to support social distancing and the new norm of working from home - we're now getting to the stage where people who can prove they can't do something remotely can come in for the duration it takes them to do it, and I think these videos were to impress on folk coming in how much the setup has changed.
Anyway, he'd shot them in Quicktime which apparently isn't supported on our intranet, so I said I'd convert them across to MP4. When I was doing that I noticed the shaky found-footage nature of what he'd done - I'm tempted to do a director's cut with horror movie music edited behind it.
As if the poor b*****ds that have to go in won't be nervous enough before they go in the first time, it could only be made worse by having to sit through five minutes of Blair Witchesque footage of him lurking round a lot of empty desks soundtracked by the theme from Halloween.

Yeah, but what’s that got to do with George Floyd?
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50 minutes ago, saint dave said:

Saw this in a shop in Tenerife a couple of years ago , where do you even begin to try and explain that something like that was still in use ?


Spain has a pretty troubling relationship with black face and other racial representations we'd find pretty sickening here. Good example would be the three kings parades where one (I think Balthazar) is always depicted in black face - I think Iniesta got in bother for doing so a few years back. Caused a wince whenever I went to parades when living there. I went to the one in my parents' village this year and they had finally cottoned on to the compromise of asking some of the local black families to man the float which was better at least.

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Did those blackface caricatures originate in the US and disseminate through the rest of the world, or is this an older stylistic thing that the Americans embraced as their own when the slaves started coming over?

I've idly read about racist propaganda in the US over the years, but I don't remember that being mentioned. I think most folk from the US would be horrified to see exactly how many countries still use these stereotypes in art, even if sometimes those people don't know exactly what the depiction is supposed to be.

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