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6 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

Top 5 worst people in The Office? Not worst characters but awful people.

1. Glynn

2. Anne

3. Lee

4. Brent

5. Finchy

Finchy is the absolute worst person by miles. He's a selfish arsehole, has zero loyalty to anyone bar himself,  is an outright bully, and shows multiple hints of being a bigot. A right nasty piece of work under the guise of an "alpha-male". Awful though he is, at least Glynn seems to be genuinely mates with the boys in the workshop, as opposed to just using / bullying them like Finchy does with Brent, etc.

I also hugely dislike Malcolm. Constantly trying to get under Brent's skin in the first series and show him up. Would swap Brent out and add him in tbh.

Edited by J_Stewart
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Malcolm was a very irritating man but he had good reason for disliking Brent as Brent mocked him for being bald and slapped his bald head on at least one accession. Him approaching Brent at the end of series 1 about the high blood pressure issue was hilarious when Brent got out of it by implying he faked the illness so they didn’t give him the job.

Anne was such an awful human being and I’ve been forced to listen to horrible moaning old cows like her before IRL. Glynn smoking in her face and then coming out with  “just coz you let some stupid tosser blow his beans up your muff” was probably the most almighty scene in the entire show and should exempt him from getting being anywhere near anyone’s top 5 list of worst people in the show.

Finch was such a hilarious addition, the way in which they big him up before his appearance and his total lack of respect for Brent showed how weak and tragic a character Brent truly was. Anyone who uses “single barrel pump action yogurt rifle” when talking about their sex life deserves some credit though. 

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Brent being a worse person than Finchy is a wild shout. Finchy is the worst person in the show by a country mile.  

Finchy is the school bully that never grew up. He knowingly exploits David's desperation and loneliness for his own ends. Like most bullies, he is also a total coward - he would never dare be remotely as demeaning or malicious in a relationship with different power dynamics (as evidenced with Neil, for example). A genuinely horrible person. Difficult not to stand up and applaud when David eventually tells him to f**k off. 

Lee would be second. He is a dense, ultra-negative bore. Tim Sherwood-esque. Routinely disrespectful and disparaging of Dawn. Doesn't like sparing a few quid for some starving Africans. 

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At least you’d get a laugh at Finchy. Despite the hideously grim nature of his humour, your time around him would be relatively entertaining, even if you find it hard to resonate or even agree with anything he says.

Lee, on the other hand, is a dull-as-dishwater bigot who would bore the arse off you with lazy misogynistic or cultural stereotypes. Hanging around with Lee would be agonisingly awkward as you’ll share no common ground with him unless you’re a knuckle-dragging moron. You can guarantee Tim wasn’t the first or last person who was lost for a topic of small talk in which to engage just to disperse the awkward silence due to the fact that he’s a boring tosspot with little interest in anything or anybody except himself.

For that reason, Lee edges it as the worst character.

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I expect Finchy would be as bigoted tbh. He already shows hints of homophobia and misogyny but he always appears to be aware of the camera and therefore is careful about his language.

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One thing I don't get is that Neil is supposed to be a bad guy, yet Brent is forgiven for so much shit, some of it pretty nasty stuff.

Neil is a decent guy who only acts like a bit of a dick, but not much, to Brent. He only does so because Brent is consistently rude and insulting to him. Neil makes many efforts to be nice towards Brent and lets a lot of things pass, giving him multiple second chances, but Brent chucks every single one of them back in to his face.

It was a bit mean and a bit of a dick move for Neil to laugh at Finchy's 'dog' joke in the last episode, but he has a genuine reason to dislike Brent.

Neil is definitely not the bad guy, or a bad guy 

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David is consistently rude and insulting to Neil, but at least he is 'punching up'. The dynamics of that relationship - Neil not only being more powerful and respected than David within Wernham Hogg but also being more intelligent, charismatic, younger, happier, better looking and virtually everything else David fantasises about being - make David's continual digs at Neil look feeble and utterly desperate, which they are. Neil, I think it's pretty obvious unless he is significantly less perceptive that I give him credit for, knows this. 

Edited by DrewDon
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Not only is Lee a downright boring, bigoted arsehole he is also verging on a domestic abuser. He sexually degrades Dawn in the workplace when around mostly other men with his “get the old milkers out for a tenner” comment, he then pushes Tim aggressively when he’s getting too close to Dawn which shows a jealous and a violent side to his already highly unpleasant character. The likes of him talking about their plans to get married at a registry office before moving in with his mum whilst Dawn “gets a couple of kids under her belt” before taking up a part time cleaning job shows a complete lack of respect for anything Dawn wants in life. You can see her look completely demoralised when around him pretty much all the time, almost as if she’s being held there against her will. He is definitely the worst character in the show, zero redeeming qualities whatsoever and in no way humorous like Finchy was.

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