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So no crowds for friendlies in September but will they even be allowed in from start of league season? No reason can't have crowds now and have everyone socially distanced plus encourage everyone that can to wear face coverings.

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4 minutes ago, Shannon said:

So no crowds for friendlies in September but will they even be allowed in from start of league season? No reason can't have crowds now and have everyone socially distanced plus encourage everyone that can to wear face coverings.

The reason is to make changes gradually.  It makes no sense to allow crowds for friendlies, given that the Premier League clubs haven't had a soul in to watch.

It's gradual because it's not about football.  This is about re-opening - slowly - all aspects of life.  The economy and society doesn't dance to the tune of football.

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19 minutes ago, TFW said:

I fully concur. Absolutely diabolical that players won't be able to charge their phones in state of the art changing rooms that wouldn't look out of place in the SPL.

How can the virus get into our dressing rooms anyway but it's ok for our kids not to wear masks in their classroom at school? This virus is a clever wee c*nt isn't he? 

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Q – Why are we being told there should not be spectators, if I keep 2m distance what is the harm?

Adults remain the greatest risk factor in the transmission of COVID-19. For that reason they SHOULD NOT spectate from pitch-side at this stage. Although at some venues it may look like there is plenty space for spectators to watch whilst keeping physical distancing, it will not always be possible and may create additional footfall and contact points in busy areas to and from facilities. By asking adults not to spectate we hope to greatly help reduce risk of breakouts linked to football, and also assist with anchoring related Scottish Government advice and messaging in this regard.



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Plenty of grounds in the West Region where you could stand outside and watch. How will they stop people from doing that?

Q – Why are we being told there should not be spectators, if I keep 2m distance what is the harm?
Adults remain the greatest risk factor in the transmission of COVID-19. For that reason they SHOULD NOT spectate from pitch-side at this stage. Although at some venues it may look like there is plenty space for spectators to watch whilst keeping physical distancing, it will not always be possible and may create additional footfall and contact points in busy areas to and from facilities. By asking adults not to spectate we hope to greatly help reduce risk of breakouts linked to football, and also assist with anchoring related Scottish Government advice and messaging in this regard.

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Me again, FA Cup stuff : some clubs did temp checks, track and trace, had extra stewards inside ground to encourage distancing, contactless payments, really tried their best. Yate v Bristol City sold out online, max 600, collecting cash on the way in apparently - thought money was risky ? Be interesting to see how the County League do things as they are basically railed off pitches, we'll see.

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Bit more FA Cup stuff from the horse's mouth, away club used both changing rooms whilst the home side changed in the clubhouse, with no showers being used. Lucky it wasn't a mudbath . Some decent crowds up to the maximum 150, so plenty of room to distance and stay away from your mates etc. Variants on how the players turned up, just getting on with it I imagine. 

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Bit more FA Cup stuff from the horse's mouth, away club used both changing rooms whilst the home side changed in the clubhouse, with no showers being used. Lucky it wasn't a mudbath . Some decent crowds up to the maximum 150, so plenty of room to distance and stay away from your mates etc. Variants on how the players turned up, just getting on with it I imagine. 


The guidance will be different going by the differences implemented so far by Public Health Scotland over Public Health England.


We know what clubs need to do with the guidance handed out earlier this week now clubs need to implement it or face not playing. No showers, limited access to changing rooms while also using face coverings, no fans for friendlies at least and designated areas for players and coaches access.


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The Scottish guidance was fairly close to some of the English stuff, think the clubs will work really hard to make things work , they've impressed me with their ground improvements so far. Positive 100% . Then it's up to the fans to make it work as well, following the guidelines. Believe the move to senior status has changed attitudes for the benefit of all.

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with regard to players turning up  ready, going home after the game i dont think this is feasible. a lot of glasgow based players  are with ayrshire teams and a forty mile drive home after  playing in a downpour is just not going to happen.    also as a/lie1981 says some teams may not be able to keep to the guidelines for whatever reason so how would a league work if a quarter  or so of the teams cannot play .i fear it wil have to be all or none 

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Completely agree with you Marconi

An easy solution may be to wait until the start of next year. As you mention how would league work if teams decide can’t do it. I feel pressure will be applied to play a league from clubs ready, when it isn’t a realistic option. Have any clubs said they can’t play? 

With no fans or changing rooms, it may be sensible to play friendlies and maybe some kind of trophy with clubs who can fulfill guidelines until rules change. Then a half season after new year

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Teams have to submit to SFA by next Wednesday if they can live up to the rules or not i think. Some may not be able to but to suggest that you just bin the season because some teams cannot comply is just absurd.
Those that can play, should play. Those that cannot, shouldn't. Simple as that.

The SFA are cacking their pants, thinking that teams/players will struggle to comply but once they see it is working fine, they will start to let supporters in. If folk make a roger hunt of it, supporters might not be in for a while.

Play their wee games, tick their boxes, jump through their hoops with minimal fuss and they will relax things.

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12 minutes ago, Tutankhamen said:

...This could be around for years.

There's a good chance that something close to herd immunity has already been achieved in the UK even without a vaccine due to the very substantial first wave that already happened and cross-immunity that a lot of people appear to possess from having been infected by other coronaviruses.

That isn't the story that keeps people hooked to news broadcasts and politicians are terrified of getting blamed for a huge second wave that kills a lot of people, so the information that supports that point of view is not being highlighted as much as the shrill alarmism that suggests otherwise.

I strongly suspect based on information that can be readily accessed via twitter and google that we'll be more or less back to normal by the turn of the year, but can understand why Nicola Sturgeon and Boris Johnson wouldn't want to stake their careers on it by being more gung ho on lifting restrictions and are playing things very safe.

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3 hours ago, marconi said:

with regard to players turning up  ready, going home after the game i dont think this is feasible. a lot of glasgow based players  are with ayrshire teams and a forty mile drive home after  playing in a downpour is just not going to happen.    also as a/lie1981 says some teams may not be able to keep to the guidelines for whatever reason so how would a league work if a quarter  or so of the teams cannot play .i fear it wil have to be all or none 

I play fives with guys who get in their cars straight after the game and drive those sort of distances straight after year round without getting changed or showered. Wouldn't be for me but it's hardly impossible. 

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