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Anonymity online / doxxing

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A blog I like has been deleted because of a threat to the bloggers anonymity. “Scott Alexander” blogs at Slate Star Codex, part of what is called the rationalist community. The blog is popular with tech types and features discussion of a wide variety of topics. The blogger is a practicing doctor (psychiatrist) and because of this tries to keep himself anonymous. The New York Times contacted him regarding a piece on the blog and during the conversation said they’d be naming him, he didn’t want to be named so he deleted the blog.


Here is his account - https://slatestarcodex.com


Leaving aside the details of this case, do P&Bers think online anonymity is desirable or not? Obviously it’s possible to post anonymously on here but you can find out who most people are. I’ve heard a lot of people claim that anonymity online fuels abuse as but at the same time it allows people a space to express themselves in a way they might not do if their profile was public.


Have any P&Bers ever been doxxed?

Have any P&Bers doxxed anyone?


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It would be a shame to lose the Secret Barrister. 


Must be loads of people who have interesting knowledge and perspectives to share that we wouldn't have access to without anonymity.

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10 minutes ago, RH33 said:

I do like to doxy....

You're about the only person on here I could doxx, apart from @Melanius Mullarkey. You don't want to know what green trousers and mushroom suppers really mean in the deviant Dundee concrete community.


Edited by welshbairn
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A few years ago, I was very active on a local forum. It was a fun, social group and many of us formed on-line friendships. Some knew each other in real life too and often met up for barbecues, Superbowl parties and so on. It was around the time of the Bush/Blair Iraq invasion and even though this is a predominantly Republican area, there were a few Liberals on the site who were willing to make their voices heard. There was a lot of back and forth on the Political section and things often got heated. However, it never strayed beyond on-line arguments. Whenever we met in real life, political discussion was banned and the friendships crossed party-lines without a problem.

Then the original owner of the site retired and gave up the management to one of the administrators, who happened to be a hard-core Tea Party supporter. Within weeks she'd installed  some of the ugliest, most rabidly right-wing forum members as moderators and the site went downhill fast. Before long, all the most active posters, liberal and conservative, drifted away and the forum became an echo-chamber of Bush supporters arguing about who of them hated liberals most.

During the fun days, when we had all the social events, it had been common for some folks to post photos of the gatherings on the forum, identifying people by their user names. All innocent enough, right? Well, about a year after I'd stopped posting, someone must've scoured back through them and recognised me. Maybe they'd seen me out walking my dogs, or otherwise out and about in the neighbourhood. They then posted a photograph of my house...my fucking house complete with address on the forum with the caption "Here's where an America hater lives."  Fortunately, a friend alerted me to it but despite this being a gross violation of the site rules, it took me over a week to get the moderators to delete the post, and only then after I threatened legal action. Someone must also have recognised my wife because shortly afterwards she came home from the supermarket in tears after some little Republican shit had accosted her in the car park, and shouted, and I quote "Tell that asshole of a husband of yours he should f**k off back to England if he knows what's good for him." She didn't even have an account on the forum.

I never did find out the identities of the twat who posted the photo, or the shit who went after my wife. They may or may not have been the same person. Fortunately, nothing further happened but I'm still livid about it all these years on. So then when I saw that clip of Johnathon Pie ranting about how liberals were to blame for Trump's election because they "were mean to conservatives"; I would cheerfully have taken out my rage on him.


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A moderator on dafc.net (supposed unofficial dunfermline forum) exposed my name without consent and goaded me into having a go about it during the admin era.
I posted something up about us overspending and it not being a good idea, well reasoned and not abusive.
He edited it to look like I had went mental for no reason, even editing what I said.
Was also banned for life as a result.

Guy is a supposed superfan and is still involved with the club volunteering. Walked past him once a few years later and was tempted to have a go but he was with family so didnt bother. Reckon they did it with others. They also supported a group of fans abuse and attack an pensioner who would later go on and raise thousands for the club depsite being really unwell.
Still disturbs me that theres a few of these p***ks hovering around the club.

Not a huge deal but I didnt like the exposure, I'm pretty sure if I'd captured some screens and went onto social media they would have been ruined.
To the last minute they were denying the truth and backing our board so they could keep their wee roles and get free tickets etc.
Super fans ma arse

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The wife has a tendency to share way, way too much information online with "friends" (people she's spoken to through Facebook). As a result, she's ended up on the radar of a variety of different trolls, who've attempted to cause problems in lots of different ways - we've had the police sent out, social services, animal welfare groups, you name it. I had an identity theft problem at the start of the year, and there's a bit of me wonders if that wasn't somehow connected. It's been going on for years, but she still won't get the message and withdraw from social media. I STRONGLY ADVISED her to stop posting pictures of our house, myself, and our son online, which seemed to work for a while. We had a visit from the SSPCA earlier this year because they'd received a complaint that I battered the cats, which was easy to disprove. Turned out that she's posted a picture of them online a couple of days before. Still didn't see the connection.

Pretty inevitable that WaffenThinMint will be wearing me as a skin suit one day.

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The worst thing I've seen on here was his own fault partly, asked to produce proof of his qualifications after some daft argument he gave a registration number, which turned out to link to an unflattering photo on his card, which some eager doxxer shared with everyone for lols. How we laughed. Be careful out there.

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I got sort of outed years ago on the East of Scotland Forum but it wasn't too hard to work out which of the 4 Edinburgh City fans the club had at the time was me.

I denied it, which confused some of the denser posters there :lol:

There's always Plan B, the P&B sleeper account should things go south ..

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11 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

The worst thing I've seen on here was his own fault partly, asked to produce proof of his qualifications after some daft argument he gave a registration number, which turned out to link to an unflattering photo on his card, which some eager doxxer shared with everyone for lols. How we laughed. Be careful out there.

I wonder what happened to that poster. Someone should've suggested that he open another account.

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3 minutes ago, BigFatTabbyDave said:

I wonder what happened to that poster. Someone should've suggested that he open another account.

It's a mystery. Last thing I heard he was on a bus to London, username Tony, hope he's ok.

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13 minutes ago, Highland Capital said:

I was once outed on a certain Caley Thistle fans site and blamed for low attendances. 

^^^ Craig Brewster found

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