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WoSFL Premier Division thread

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3 minutes ago, jimbaxters said:

That was why I asked the question. Wasn't pretending to know the answer. Although, your answer is in the past tense so maybe ours is the worst after all. Also, the scenario you described, although awful still allows for a scenario where all four of those winners could still go up. Ours only allows for one, regardless of anything else.

It's a lot harder to find leagues where the bottom team(s) aren't relegated that's for sure.

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12 hours ago, Lokloyal said:

Yes we need to be delivering on the park where it has for  some time been so near so far which isn’t good enough.

However off the park  having  a local authority which simply has no interest in the club means that infrastructure issues and projects are a real struggle -it is disappointing when clubs in other local authority areas seem to get backing from their Councils.

Why should the local Authority be the main source of infrastructure improvements? I’d much rather the LA financed homes and health and if they were to provide financial support - it would be for job  creation and sustainability. 
Clubs may have to do more to help themselves. 
some will some won’t, some are capable, some aren’t. 
In football it’s  cyclical. Look at previous big clubs who are floundering,,,, why does that happen?

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8 minutes ago, Man from the East said:

Why should the local Authority be the main source of infrastructure improvements? I’d much rather the LA financed homes and health and if they were to provide financial support - it would be for job  creation and sustainability. 
Clubs may have to do more to help themselves. 
some will some won’t, some are capable, some aren’t. 
In football it’s  cyclical. Look at previous big clubs who are floundering,,,, why does that happen?

Nobody has said they should be be the main source of funds for improvements, however some clubs have had their local authority give them money to help with upgrades, floodlights for example which is a great expense.  In the small rural towns in Ayrshire the clubs are seen as part of the community and that's why (some) have been granted funds to upgrade their facilities promote involvement within the community.   But it depends where you are and what authority you fall into. 

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22 minutes ago, beithboy said:

Nobody has said they should be be the main source of funds for improvements, however some clubs have had their local authority give them money to help with upgrades, floodlights for example which is a great expense.  In the small rural towns in Ayrshire the clubs are seen as part of the community and that's why (some) have been granted funds to upgrade their facilities promote involvement within the community.   But it depends where you are and what authority you fall into. 

Don’t you think that having that safety net makes clubs look for the easy option? 
Then when the LA has tight budgets,  football clubs will be the last thing on their minds.

Then there’s the discussion about where you draw the line, tier 3,4,5,6,7 or 8 ,,,,

Not easy to resolve that one. 

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23 minutes ago, beithboy said:

Nobody has said they should be be the main source of funds for improvements, however some clubs have had their local authority give them money to help with upgrades, floodlights for example which is a great expense.  In the small rural towns in Ayrshire the clubs are seen as part of the community and that's why (some) have been granted funds to upgrade their facilities promote involvement within the community.   But it depends where you are and what authority you fall into. 

Absolutely spot on.Pollok haven’t ever received a penny from the City Council and have self funded every aspect of the Licence process including all ground upgrades.A financial Assist would be hugely appreciated of course but more importantly just some Co-operation,enthusiasm  and backing from GCC.It does feel like City clubs are pretty much ignored whereas as said above clubs in rural or village/small town locations are valued and supported by their Councils on various fronts-and that can become disillusioning.

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8 minutes ago, Lokloyal said:

Absolutely spot on.Pollok haven’t ever received a penny from the City Council and have self funded every aspect of the Licence process including all ground upgrades.A financial Assist would be hugely appreciated of course but more importantly just some Co-operation,enthusiasm  and backing from GCC.It does feel like City clubs are pretty much ignored whereas as said above clubs in rural or village/small town locations are valued and supported by their Councils on various fronts-and that can become disillusioning.

And the city council screwed pollok over with this 900 maximum attendance nonsense .

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Really think every champion club should go up automatically - if criteria is met. Scottish non Lge club's don't get massive support compared to down south but, the changes that many clubs have already made - grounds, floodlights, gaining licenses has been absolutely brilliant. To see the changes made, at a decent cost, proves these clubs have taken this seriously and deserve the pyramid to work better in the future. Fully expect most Premier Divisions to be fully licensed before long.👏

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Personally, I would support a system where the highest placed licensed team takes the promotion/playoff spot but only if they achieve a certain position e.g. top 3. This would keep things competitive but not hold back licensed teams. England used to a similar thing at level 9 of the pyramid (possibly top 5 was needed but can't remember for sure).


Over time, the west will catch up with the east. 

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3 minutes ago, Shankland1874 said:

Hopefully not. Just cos the west final is at meadow

I would be surprised if Newlandsfield is used for finals again due to the capacity constraints. 

WoS finals would in most cases get 4 figure crowds 

Neutral venue SJC matches I would be surprised would ever be held at Newlandsfield again following the last 18 months, even if we do re enter it at some point in the future, then the added capacity issues would rule it out too.

I would guess that we have had around 4 or 5 games reach capacity this season with another few less than 100 away and thats with us having an underwhelming season - so a big cup match in a location that is easy for neutrals to attend would reach capacity easily 


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14 minutes ago, Shankland1874 said:

Hopefully not. Just cos the west final is at meadow

The venue for this year's WoSFL Cup Final was set over a year ago as Meadow applied to host it when clubs were invited to apply.

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