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Conspiracy Theories

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The issue with Boston bombing is ... particularly the older brother's strange activities travelling back and forth to the Caucasus which didn't set off any alarms

Am I missing something? What's strange about going to see your family now and again?
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5 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

Some gumption posting it's impossible right after @Highland Capital posts video of a bunch of guys doing it.


He posted a CBS television news report from 1968. It's not exactly credible.

The conditions and the gun are different, all the expert marksmen fail then they tack on the end that a gunsmith managed it. Seems legit. 


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24 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

Fair enough on the tree. What do you mean about the target being immobile? Still some average blokes managed to hit a target alright. 

JFK was moving a little inside the car unlike that target which is fixed. 

No one has hit the second and third shots under proper observation like Oswald. When you add the difficulty of the second and third shots to the nonsense of magic bullet theory it's becomes lottery winning levels of unlikely that the Warren Commission description of the shooting is correct. 

As I said before I still think the more damning evidence is in the details of LHO's life in the lead up to the event. There is a transcript of J Edgar Hoover telling LBJ the next morning that the FBI have a recording of someone impersonating Oswald attempting to contact a KGB agent in Mexico City. The recording never made it into the evidence. There is also a photo of LHO in Mexico City outside the Soviet embassy which isn't Oswald which suggests he was also impersonated at the embassy.

His activities in New Orleans are also very strange where he ran a pro Castro campaign from the offices of one of the most virulently right wing men in America Guy Bannister. That's the equivalent of someone setting up a Real IRA office in Bridgeton Orange Halls. It's not at all credible at face value.

Edited by Detournement
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2 hours ago, Detournement said:

There's no big tree in the way and the target JFK is immobile other than the movement of the car.


JFK suffered from chronic back pain and wore a girdle to ease the pain.  This prevented him ducking for cover prior to the third shot which was fatal.

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21 hours ago, DiegoDiego said:


I somewhat disagree with you. The most significant settlements have rarely been coastal. Mesopotamia, Persia, inland China and India and the upstream Nile were the sites of the largest cities around the 2000 BC mark. Most of the capitals were on elevated ground for obvious reasons.

There probably is a lot underwater (e.g. Doggerland) , and if the technology and money is there we're quite likely to find some interesting stuff, but the most important sites have always been inland.

Fair point. I was going by where big cities are now and in recent history and not in the stone age. 

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Just perusing this thread when I noticed this headline on the Beeb's website: Egypt tells Musk pyramids were not built by aliens.

Seems a bit obvious he was taking the piss, but what role do we think aliens have played in the evolution of man? Did they, in fact, kill JFK? Is the twist that we were, in fact, the aliens all along?


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On 01/08/2020 at 02:36, coprolite said:

That specific one is clearly nuts. 

I do think that some archaeologists and historians  have historically been too quick to reach conclusions from limited evidence. Or at least they present their working theories in public as if they were conclusions. 

There was a huge rise in sea levels 12-8,000 years ago and the humanity's most significant settlements have more often than not been on low lying or coastal land. Add the tectonic movements of the eastern med and middle east and there is potentially a lot underwater. 

With advances in underwater excavation techniques i think we're heading into an exciting era of discovery that will probably push back the origins of what we think of as civilisation by thousands of years. 

It's a shame that a lot of it will get claimed as evidence of the lost pyramid builders or aliens

I'm sure I read a while back in something reputable that there's evidence of an impact in the Indian Ocean somewhere near Madagascar around 3000BC which would have caused local inundations in the Fertile Crescent just as civilisation was getting started and lived on in folk memory as a great flood  when the whole world was under water.

In terms of lost civilisations now underwater, given the timescale of the last major rise in sea levels it's unlikely. That being said, there's another theory that evidence of some of the transitional missing links in human evolution now lie under the sea, as we're unique amongst the great apes in having an affinity for water...drop a chimp, gorilla or orangutan in water and all they'll do is drown. We may have gone through a coastal semi-aquatic stage a good while back which would account for this quirk which none of our closest relatives share.

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23 minutes ago, Hillonearth said:

I'm sure I read a while back in something reputable that there's evidence of an impact in the Indian Ocean somewhere near Madagascar around 3000BC which would have caused local inundations in the Fertile Crescent just as civilisation was getting started and lived on in folk memory as a great flood  when the whole world was under water.

In terms of lost civilisations now underwater, given the timescale of the last major rise in sea levels it's unlikely. That being said, there's another theory that evidence of some of the transitional missing links in human evolution now lie under the sea, as we're unique amongst the great apes in having an affinity for water...drop a chimp, gorilla or orangutan in water and all they'll do is drown. We may have gone through a coastal semi-aquatic stage a good while back which would account for this quirk which none of our closest relatives share.


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1 hour ago, BigFatTabbyDave said:

Just perusing this thread when I noticed this headline on the Beeb's website: Egypt tells Musk pyramids were not built by aliens.

Seems a bit obvious he was taking the piss, but what role do we think aliens have played in the evolution of man? Did they, in fact, kill JFK? Is the twist that we were, in fact, the aliens all along?


Yeah I'm pretty sure any benefit of the doubt for Elon vanished a long time ago. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if he did think that.

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2 minutes ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

Yeah I'm pretty sure any benefit of the doubt for Elon vanished a long time ago. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if he did think that.

I'll believe the aliens thing over the idea that he got fired in to Amber Heard and Cara Delevingne without currency changing hands.

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19 minutes ago, Hillonearth said:

Genuinely thought you'd posted a clip of a chimp drowning there :(  That poor wee fucker's obviously been trained and even then it's all it can do to stay afloat!


The chimp drowning is in my private animals drowning collection.

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