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Conspiracy Theories

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A couple of conspiracy theorists bite the dust.....


"An anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist has been sentenced to 12 months in prison for plotting to destroy 5G masts.

Christine Grayson, 60, joined an online chat group in 2021 after "becoming obsessed" with the belief they were linked to the Covid-19 vaccine."


"Her co-defendant Darren Reynolds, 60, was also jailed for terror offences.

Reynolds, of Newbould Crescent, Sheffield, had been cleared of conspiracy to commit criminal damage in relation to 5G masts, but found guilty of terrorism offences.

He was jailed for 12 years, with an additional year on licence, after being found guilty of offences linked to his "extreme right wing, antisemitic and racist views".


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I really cannot be arsed "doing my own research" to find out, but how have the tinfoil hatters taken their mental 5G predictions turning out to be arse gravy?

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Coupla guys at my work were explaining to me that everything in The Da Vinci Code was true - I tried a coupla mild rebuttals but they were having none of that - they also added a new twist that in medieval times there had been an underground link between Notre Dame and Rosslyn Chapel.  

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26 minutes ago, btb said:

Coupla guys at my work were explaining to me that everything in The Da Vinci Code was true - I tried a coupla mild rebuttals but they were having none of that - they also added a new twist that in medieval times there had been an underground link between Notre Dame and Rosslyn Chapel.  

I sometimes wonder how people can end up having conversations with lunatics like this, but then I remember my old man angrily complaining that the gays have been running the country since Mandelson, and that they'd put up signs in my hometown's county court to announce that it was being run under sharia law.

Still don't know his views on the big Bigfoot conspiracy, though.

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1 hour ago, btb said:

Coupla guys at my work were explaining to me that everything in The Da Vinci Code was true - I tried a coupla mild rebuttals but they were having none of that - they also added a new twist that in medieval times there had been an underground link between Notre Dame and Rosslyn Chapel.  

With the number of “secret underground links” that these nutters suggest exist, you’d expect sinkholes and people falling in left and right…and that doesn’t happen, except in Florida…which explains a lot.

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27 minutes ago, BTFD said:

I sometimes wonder how people can end up having conversations with lunatics like this, but then I remember my old man angrily complaining that the gays have been running the country since Mandelson, and that they'd put up signs in my hometown's county court to announce that it was being run under sharia law.

Still don't know his views on the big Bigfoot conspiracy, though.

It started of with favourite authors and moved onto Dan Brown (theirs not mine) and like I said their belief that the Da Vinci Code was all true, btw the underground link between Paris & Rosslyn was how the Templars were able to avoid having their treasure confiscated. Then just the usual stuff like Mary Magdalene being in Da Vinci's painting of The Last Supper and then down a few other rabbit holes. It was an entertaining part of a N/S when we had completed our work and raided the canteen for our supper.

In return I completely bored them with my tale of the One Giant Frog / Many Normal Sized Frogs controversy regarding said plague in the Book of Exodus - their opinion was that it was clearly many normal sized frogs.


My POV on Conspiracy Theories is that I enjoy a good one but I can't think of many that I've believed.

Edited by btb
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My favourite conspiracy theory us that a significant number of conspiracy theories are actually plants, put out there to look absolutely stupid and therefore make it easy to discredit as conspiracy theorists, anyone who gets close to what's really going on

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2 hours ago, TxRover said:

With the number of “secret underground links” that these nutters suggest exist, you’d expect sinkholes and people falling in left and right…and that doesn’t happen, except in Florida…which explains a lot.

Explain the North Sea, then.

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2 hours ago, btb said:

It started of with favourite authors and moved onto Dan Brown (theirs not mine) and like I said their belief that the Da Vinci Code was all true, btw the underground link between Paris & Rosslyn was how the Templars were able to avoid having their treasure confiscated. Then just the usual stuff like Mary Magdalene being in Da Vinci's painting of The Last Supper and then down a few other rabbit holes. It was an entertaining part of a N/S when we had completed our work and raided the canteen for our supper.

In return I completely bored them with my tale of the One Giant Frog / Many Normal Sized Frogs controversy regarding said plague in the Book of Exodus - their opinion was that it was clearly many normal sized frogs.


My POV on Conspiracy Theories is that I enjoy a good one but I can't think of many that I've believed.

I wonder if people bring up stuff like this in the hope of reeling in new converts, like folk who'll suddenly ask if you've heard the good news.

Aye, conspiracies are great, so long as nobody believes they're real. Just like how I love a good film where ghosts are real, or religion turns out not to be bullshit, but it stops being entertaining when the people involved seem to earnestly believe it. Well, unless it becomes funny  :P

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2 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

My favourite conspiracy theory us that a significant number of conspiracy theories are actually plants, put out there to look absolutely stupid and therefore make it easy to discredit as conspiracy theorists, anyone who gets close to what's really going on

I used to enjoy noising up conspiracy theorists by claiming that Anonymous was really a special CIA unit charged with doing just that!

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