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There's no doubt that some of the abuse that Neil Lennon has received has been sectarian abuse because he's an Irish Catholic. There's also no doubt that some of the abuse he receives is not sectarian, and is because he's a deeply unpleasant person who has done deeply unpleasant things. Trying to say it's all one kind or the other is clearly wrong, and trying to work out what proportion of it is sectarian and what isn't is a completely pointless endeavour, because it's impossible to answer.

The Old Firm both have a much bigger problem with sectarianism than other clubs, but it's wild to me that there are fans of other clubs that don't think sectarian abuse happens within their fanbase. There are bigots in every single football clubs support. Thinking that this issue is siloed within the Old Firm is a major mistake. To question the veracity of an anecdote about sectarianism on the basis that it can't be true because that type of thing doesn't happen at your club is extremely naive, at best. All good people are engaged in the task of helping to eradicate bigotry, xenophobia and racism from society, but to do so we have to recognise the scale of the task we face.

That said, Neil Lennon has a lot of friends in the press. In particular, two of his closest friends in the press actually work at the Herald and the Guardian. The theory that these people have picked an unflattering picture of him to play on anti-Irish or anti-Catholic stereotypes seems very unlikely.


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3 minutes ago, bennett said:

It's classic deflection.

I mean it's worked. No editor in their right mind would look at that photo and think they're aping Irish caricatures. No editor would do it intentionally unless they were determined to lose their job either. So this is either some astounding projection or some wild extrapolation. He gave a pi**ed off press conference and in lieu of usable images from said press conference, images from another press conference where he was reaching boiling point have been used.

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17 hours ago, Jacky1990 said:

I've lived in Glasgow  surrounded by the Celtic-Rangers, Irish-British, Catholic-Protestant pish all my life and gun to my head I couldnt tell you what an 18th century caricature of an Irishman looks like.

I did some research and this seems fairly typical.



Which suggests that in the Avengers movies Thanos should probably have sounded like Father Jack Hacket

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1 hour ago, Jacky1990 said:

**Despite the financial struggles, Bowie says boss Alex Dyer will be backed in the January window to add to his squad.

He added: “We had a meeting last week and we had approved a sum to Alex to bring in an additional player.

"Hopefully that will give him enough funds to bring in the player we need.**


If Killie (or any club) are requiring a seven figure government bailout then they shouldnt be in a position to sign new players. IMO any government loan above what has already been agreed should come with a transfer embargo for the January window. If Killie get this loan and still go and sign players (unless its loans they arent paying wages for, but thaats not what Bowie is suggesting above) then it would just be another sign of entitlement.

As others have said, the loans are designed to allow clubs to carry on as they normally would (or as close to normal as possible). Transferring players is a major part of a club's business. It's no different to a manufacturing company using the government loans to purchase stock or machinery to manufacture their products.

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9 minutes ago, Jinky67 said:

We’ve not went bust yet, broke into our own stadium or had an ex player go all Bomber Brown outside trying to rally the troops.

I’ll freely admit what is going on just now is embarrassing but there are levels and we haven’t quite reached Sevco level ....... yet, there is still time this season however 😂

You lot just tried to storm the team bus and had sharkhead fenced off.

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23 minutes ago, bennett said:

A nice picture of him laughing and smiling. celtic fans should be having a go at their own club for allowing him to do a press conference in that state, rather than attacking the media for reporting it.


It's classic deflection, in a few months celtic have squeezed in around 8 or 9 years of Sevco style banter. 


Maybe one of him relaxing by a pool?

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1 hour ago, SouthLanarkshireWhite said:

These images may help explain that perception. Not sure how you can be offended if that is the image those fans wish to portray to the world.


Considering the amount of physical, emotional and psychological pain the Catholic church has inflicted on their beloved Ireland these photographs do seem odd.



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33 minutes ago, kennie makevin said:

Considering the amount of physical, emotional and psychological pain the Catholic church has inflicted on their beloved Ireland these photographs do seem odd.



As someone who has been living in Ireland for years, I can assure you that the average Irishman is well aware of:

a) The pain that the Catholic Church has inflicted on his nation, and

b) The increasing cringeworthiness of Celtic Football Club. 

Both institutions being abandoned mercilessly over here. 

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Not sure of the ages of posters on here but going back quite a few years bigotry was a big issue at all grounds when either of the old firm played and quite often others. Those categorically absolving their club couldn't have been around then.I

Things have improved since then and I certainly believe @Drew Breesaccount.

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Not sure of the ages of posters on here but going back quite a few years bigotry was a big issue at all grounds when either of the old firm played and quite often others. Those categorically absolving their club couldn't have been around then.I
Things have improved since then and I certainly believe [mention=21217]Drew Brees[/mention]account.

Well I, for one, am shocked....
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1 hour ago, Drew Brees said:

Sharkhead!! Pretty poor IMO, you’ll be calling Lennon Lurgan Flopp or Snus Hiddink next. 

I'd best stop posting that now, don't want  anymore scorn from Drew.  He might throw some 🦈🦈 at me.




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11 hours ago, wastecoatwilly said:

Lennon made a lot of serious allegations while everybody was having a laugh at his rant. 

You mean Lennon told a lot of lies about facilities at other clubs, which in turn could have got the other teams financial penalties

Are you happy to have a liar as a manager?


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