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COVID-19 In Scottish Football

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9 minutes ago, johnnydun said:

After his rant and poor performance, his position has become untenable.

He has lost the support of Celtic fans and since his debut, he has always claimed to be a victim because of the team he loves.

Time to step away @Drew Brees.

I’ve been his biggest critic on here in recent months, I want him gone and it should’ve been months ago. And maybe you are correct, ive always seen it differently, doesn’t mean is was right, as I said initially it’s was IMO. Which is changing over the last few hours. 

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41 minutes ago, Grangemouth Bairn said:

I’ve never seen that myself at either Brockville or TFS but doesn’t mean it didn’t or hasn’t happened. It’s not acceptable any place in football or society.

I’d expect given how upset Drew was by the incident at Brockville though he’d have reported it at the time and not waited c.20 years to report it on a fans forum.

Don’t recall saying I was upset about it, it’s, unfortunately, part of the society we live in. 

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13 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:

This also seems a complete misrepresentation of what was said. 

**Despite the financial struggles, Bowie says boss Alex Dyer will be backed in the January window to add to his squad.

He added: “We had a meeting last week and we had approved a sum to Alex to bring in an additional player.

"Hopefully that will give him enough funds to bring in the player we need.**


If Killie (or any club) are requiring a seven figure government bailout then they shouldnt be in a position to sign new players. IMO any government loan above what has already been agreed should come with a transfer embargo for the January window. If Killie get this loan and still go and sign players (unless its loans they arent paying wages for, but thaats not what Bowie is suggesting above) then it would just be another sign of entitlement.

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Just now, Jacky1990 said:

**Despite the financial struggles, Bowie says boss Alex Dyer will be backed in the January window to add to his squad.

He added: “We had a meeting last week and we had approved a sum to Alex to bring in an additional player.

"Hopefully that will give him enough funds to bring in the player we need.**


If Killie (or any club) are requiring a seven figure government bailout then they shouldnt be in a position to sign new players. IMO any government loan above what has already been agreed should come with a transfer embargo for the January window. If Killie get this loan and still go and sign players (unless its loans they arent paying wages for, but thaats not what Bowie is suggesting above) then it would just be another sign of entitlement.

The initial statement was that Killie were taking a £1m loan to fund transfers. Clearly not what was said.

The idea that clubs should completely abandon recruitment if they're facing a cash flow deficit is silly tbh. They just lost Brophy who is a first team regular so it would make sense to bring in a replacement, for all you know the replacement could be at half the cost Brophy was.

Yes, if Killie went out and spent £500k on a new striker whilst claiming poverty that would be silly, but that's not what's likely to happen, is it?

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10 minutes ago, ahemps said:

Go to a game not involving the old firm and you wont hear anything to do with religion.

Quite. Jim Goodwin is an Irishman who attracted the ire of opposition fans because of his antagonistic playing style. 

Weirdly, that was never sectarian.

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1 hour ago, RandomGuy. said:

Meanwhile Kilmarnock have admitted they'll  e taking the £1m government loan to fund transfer business this window.

That's the same club that let fans pay the £10k fine for them breaching Covid guidelines just last week, remember. 

It'll not be like you to grab a piece of manufactured journalism then spin it to make it sound as if its gospel.

But go ahead, knock yourself out.....

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1 hour ago, RandomGuy. said:

Probably because he's claiming every bit of abuse Lennon got was just due to his religion, and not because he's a massive, throbbing, w****r. 

Celtic fans deflects from clubs issues by calling everyone else bigots shocker!

Helped by people so desperate to remain "neutral" they can't help but defend someone calling them bigots.

Bit of a wild take this imo. No one implies every bit of abuse Lennon got was because of his religion. Lennon has done his fair share to invite abuse with some dubious behaviour at games however he does and has received a lot of sectarian abuse at grounds up and down the country. Yes it was more prevalent at grounds like Ibrox and Tynecastle but not exclusive.

And the clubs issues are massive, most Celtic fans on here except Willie want Lennon gone and quickly such is the current level of fuckwittery and can quite freely admit to being somewhat embarrassed  by the current goings on inside Celtic.

People also passing off Drews experiences of sectarian abuse as something he made up then unless anyone was there then you haven’t a clue  and really should refrain from making comment. People burying their heads in the sand believing these things are inconceivable do nothing to help get rid of the problem. I know I’ve said things especially when I was younger and trying to fit in with the crowd that I would look back now on cringe and find totally unacceptable. I’d be absolutely mortified if I ever heard it coming from my kids.


Edited by Jinky67
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Lennon isn’t daft: his outburst was clever in the sense that it changed the discussion. Now we’re no longer talking about his coaching ineptitude, or about him throwing away 10 in a row ,or why he took Julien on a jolly to Dubai, or his club’s corporate incompetence. Instead people are talking about whether he has a point. They were at it on Sportsound last night. At the same time Lennon has frothed up his support's more suggestible element – and it's sizeable – to imply conspiracy. 

The benefits might come quickly: a reminder to wavering doubters that he’s a Celtic man and that’s the most important thing, a ‘circle-the-wagons’ sensibility that pits club against everyone else. The team will be up for a fight and, who knows, it might be enough to scrape three points against Livingston tonight.

Of course there’s a price to be paid: the maligning of other football clubs, the undermining of the government’s response to a pandemic, the condescension towards those who have suffered so much over the last few months, the reappearance of the insidious suggestion, evident in this thread, that writers, pundits, and fans other clubs are secretly sectarian.

All a price worth paying, clearly.

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I don't think he's sided with anyone.
He commented specifically on the fact that an incident in Falkirk may well have happened, and that one individual being sectarian wasn't that unbelievable. I haven't seen him side with the fact that this is any indication of the entire country being bigots.

My issue was not that it was not possible for anyone to be bigoted at Falkirk. It was the suggestion that we were one of the worst clubs for it which I am comfortable saying is in no way the case.
Interesting when challenged that it didn’t happen inside the stadium. So it could have been anyone in a town with a high proportion of arse cheek supporters. If indeed, it even happened.....
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5 minutes ago, roman_bairn said:

My issue was not that it was not possible for anyone to be bigoted at Falkirk. It was the suggestion that we were one of the worst clubs for it which I am comfortable saying is in no way the case.
Interesting when challenged that it didn’t happen inside the stadium. So it could have been anyone in a town with a high proportion of arse cheek supporters. If indeed, it even happened.....

That was never suggested, I gave 3 examples where I’ve experienced it, one happened to be in Falkirk, from one guy in the street.  Do you seriously think a Celtic fan would try to claim that a club outside of Glasgow would be one of the worst? 

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55 minutes ago, Jacky1990 said:

**Despite the financial struggles, Bowie says boss Alex Dyer will be backed in the January window to add to his squad.

He added: “We had a meeting last week and we had approved a sum to Alex to bring in an additional player.

"Hopefully that will give him enough funds to bring in the player we need.**


If Killie (or any club) are requiring a seven figure government bailout then they shouldnt be in a position to sign new players. IMO any government loan above what has already been agreed should come with a transfer embargo for the January window. If Killie get this loan and still go and sign players (unless its loans they arent paying wages for, but thaats not what Bowie is suggesting above) then it would just be another sign of entitlement.


I'm not sure what you mean about "above what has already been agreed" - this isn't some sort of additional loan, this is the £1m that the Scottish government made available to every club in the Premiership to help them cope with the loss of trade that has come as a direct result of their restrictions. Bowie also said that he hoped they wouldn't have to take any of it, and definitely didn't want to take the full £1m if they could possibly avoid it.

Your idea about transfer embargos is daft here - the money is literally being made available to help clubs continue to trade normally through the pandemic, and player turnover is part of normal trade. We've already taken two wages off our books in January (Eastwood and Brophy) and we're talking about bringing in one player this month. The idea that you should stop clubs from signing any players because they have to take a loan to bridge a temporary loss of income is absolutely wild to me. Apart from anything else, it is a loan, so anything that we do take will have to be repaid in full anyway, it's not like it's free money.

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3 minutes ago, craigkillie said:


I'm not sure what you mean about "above what has already been agreed" - this isn't some sort of additional loan, this is the £1m that the Scottish government made available to every club in the Premiership to help them cope with the loss of trade that has come as a direct result of their restrictions. Bowie also said that he hoped they wouldn't have to take any of it, and definitely didn't want to take the full £1m if they could possibly avoid it.

Your idea about transfer embargos is daft here - the money is literally being made available to help clubs continue to trade normally through the pandemic, and player turnover is part of normal trade. We've already taken two wages off our books in January (Eastwood and Brophy) and we're talking about bringing in one player this month. The idea that you should stop clubs from signing any players because they have to take a loan to bridge a temporary loss of income is absolutely wild to me. Apart from anything else, it is a loan, so anything that we do take will have to be repaid in full anyway, it's not like it's free money.

Yeah, this. 

Taking a loan to do this is an inherent gamble anyway (not least because you're letting Dyer spend the money) but you certainly shouldn't be prevented from doing what you would normally in January.

If a club chose to use it to go over and above what they'd normally spend, then they're utterly fucking mental. Not suggesting Killie would, btw.

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Is this all still because a picture of Neil Lennon was a picture of Neil Lennon?
I'm confused that following a blurry Zoom video of an angry Neil Lennon, how this is now a conversation not about how Neil Lennon, as depicted in a clearer stock image of Neil Lennon looking angry and Neil Lennon'y going supernova - but rather one about bigotry? 
What wouldn't have been deemed bigoted? No picture? A still from the low res video that wasn't attended by press in person?

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1 minute ago, amidst-tundra said:

Is this all still because a picture of Neil Lennon was a picture of Neil Lennon?
I'm confused that following a blurry Zoom video of an angry Neil Lennon, how this is now a conversation not about how Neil Lennon, as depicted in a clearer stock image of Neil Lennon looking angry and Neil Lennon'y going supernova - but rather one about bigotry? 
What wouldn't have been deemed bigoted? No picture? A still from the low res video that wasn't attended by press in person?

A nice picture of him laughing and smiling. celtic fans should be having a go at their own club for allowing him to do a press conference in that state, rather than attacking the media for reporting it.


It's classic deflection, in a few months celtic have squeezed in around 8 or 9 years of Sevco style banter. 


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14 hours ago, Monkey Tennis said:

One thing worse than people assuming you're a Catholic because you're a Celtic fan; is people assuming you're a Celtic fan because you're a Catholic.

Truly offensive.

These images may help explain that perception. Not sure how you can be offended if that is the image those fans wish to portray to the world.


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2 minutes ago, bennett said:

A nice picture of him laughing and smiling. celtic fans should be having a go at their own club for allowing him to do a press conference in that state, rather than attacking the media for reporting it.


It's classic deflection, in a few months celtic have squeezed in around 8 or 9 years of Sevco style banter. 


We’ve not went bust yet, broke into our own stadium or had an ex player go all Bomber Brown outside trying to rally the troops.

I’ll freely admit what is going on just now is embarrassing but there are levels and we haven’t quite reached Sevco level ....... yet, there is still time this season however 😂

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