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The Wildcat Douglas Ross Experiment


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Bizarrely, the P & J has seen fit to devote, erm, absolutely nothing to this massive cock up by Duggy boy in today's paper.
Ah that would be a surprise if the P&J wasn't a very pro-Union leaning publication. Pal of mine did some work there before and said the political reporters were staunchly Conservative in their viewpoints.
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1 hour ago, MixuFruit said:

Can't remember who but someone at the P&J married into the Trump organisation when he was building his golf course and spiked an online poll when a majority said they disagreed with it. A total bunch of c***s.

The former local press officer for Trump was married to the then-editor of the PandJ, or something like that. 

Moray is full of people who still vote Tory purely because they don't like Alex Salmond. 

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9 hours ago, BucksburnDandy said:
11 hours ago, RiG said:
Bizarrely, the P & J has seen fit to devote, erm, absolutely nothing to this massive cock up by Duggy boy in today's paper.

Ah that would be a surprise if the P&J wasn't a very pro-Union leaning publication. Pal of mine did some work there before and said the political reporters were staunchly Conservative in their viewpoints.

Yeah I shouldn't have been surprised really :lol:

9 hours ago, MixuFruit said:

Can't remember who but someone at the P&J married into the Trump organisation when he was building his golf course and spiked an online poll when a majority said they disagreed with it. A total bunch of c***s.


7 hours ago, Jimmy Shaker said:

The former local press officer for Trump was married to the then-editor of the PandJ, or something like that. 

Moray is full of people who still vote Tory purely because they don't like Alex Salmond. 

Aye it was Sarah Malone who married Damien Bates who was the editor of the P & J. Shockingly, the P & J published nothing but pro Trump pieces saying how great it would be for the area.

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10 hours ago, Jimmy Shaker said:

Jesus fucking wept. Is that clown still trying at politics? 

Yup. The oily wee fucker is prepping for the "big time" turning pretty much every local issue he sticks his oar into a "THE SNP ARE TAKING ALL YOUR FACILITIES AWAY" clusterfuck. 

His highlights as a local Councillor include being addressed as "Braden Gravy" but our fuckwitted Provost and being slapped down by the Leader of the Administration for trying to introduce a motion about "Saving the British pound" during an emergency meeting on Council budget savings. He's an utter p***k but seeing him get utterly rinsed at Holyrood will be fucking superb. 

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so the massive stooshie that actually unraveled on BBC Scotland airtime and then was (surprisingly) followed up and double downed on by Beattie, appears to have been very quickly dropped. The BBC must have assessed that the story around a leader of the Scottish Tories lying/intentionally misrepresenting himself live on air despite been confronted with clear evidence to the contrary is not of interest to anyone. There will be something on SG and education/Covid to return to flogging. 

In other BBC news, James Kelly calls for Leonard to stand down. FFS, if a cretin like Kelly is questioning your leadership it really is time to pack it in. Kelly questions why after 3 years in charge Labour are still badly trailing in the polls - completely oblivious to the fact that his inept and rather thick performance this morning may be a wider contributing factor. 

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On 31/08/2020 at 21:39, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

He fucked if he's upset the fermers already. It's them, fishermen and RAF personnel who make up 99% of his constituency vote. The other 1% is the Forres Loyal Rangers supporters club.

And one of the Army engineering regiments based in Kinloss.

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As I've said before on another thread what is a cooncil hoose loon from Elgin doing fronting the Scottish tories? his father was a cattleman working for farmers.

As for the farming vote in Scotland NFU figures show that 67,000 people are directly involved  in Scottish Farming, that doesn't represent a major voting bloc in the overall Scottish voting public of 3.9 million. 

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4 hours ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

Can the people of the North East please stop voting in these Tory bangers please.

It's usually minkers who grew up with nothing and are suddenly loaded due to oil jobs that vote Tory.

All the English folk I've met and get on well with voted for Scottish Independence and hate the Tories.

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On 01/09/2020 at 11:19, BucksburnDandy said:
On 01/09/2020 at 09:11, RiG said:
Bizarrely, the P & J has seen fit to devote, erm, absolutely nothing to this massive cock up by Duggy boy in today's paper.

Ah that would be a surprise if the P&J wasn't a very pro-Union leaning publication. Pal of mine did some work there before and said the political reporters were staunchly Conservative in their viewpoints.

The owner of the Press and Journal is DC Thomson.

 The Thomson family wealth through journalism was put at £1.28 Billion by the Sunday Times Rich List.

To me that would not suggest they read the left wing Morning Star on a daily basis but it would indicate they lean in the opposite direction. 

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Hairbrain has to one of the thickest Tories ever elected - and that takes some doing.
Unquestionably. She wasn't even intelligent enough to lie properly, an absolutely vital quality for a successful Conservative. She would regularly tweet blatant nonsense, take credit for the community initiatives of others, and then be invariably rinsed on social media the same day. Useless.
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On 02/09/2020 at 13:32, Merkland Red said:

It's usually minkers who grew up with nothing and are suddenly loaded due to oil jobs that vote Tory.

All the English folk I've met and get on well with voted for Scottish Independence and hate the Tories.

I know and have worked with a fair amount of English folk in and around Inverness/Ross shire over the years and nearly all of them vote SNP as they all love Scotland and class it as their home now.

And yes, I worked for Sureclean for a bit, who clean and paint tanks offshore , and it was all the directors and senior managers (local boys) who were the Rangers supporting Tories.

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