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The Wildcat Douglas Ross Experiment


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He's a vile man in every respect, but I see this in much the same way as I thought when I told the DVLA I had changed address in regards my driving license, that I wouldn't have to tell them again to get my car registration changed over. 

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12 minutes ago, Ric said:

For anyone giving Ross the benefit of the doubt, are you seriously wanting people to believe that a man who knows he would be under scrutiny, who will have access to the best legal and financial advice money can buy, who is well aware of his position as not just MP but MSP and a third job, just somehow "forgets"? Really? Bear in mind he has had months to review his finances, something he is obliged to do by parliamentary regulations (both MP and MSP), yet somehow it's only when his colleagues have been found with their fingers in the biscuit tin does he suddenly now come out and say, "oh, yeah, sorry guv".

Not buying it, not buying it at all.




Sorry, his other earnings were in the public domain. Most folks have an idea what linesmen earn.

Absolutely nothing to gain by hiding this.

Not a big story other than incompetence.

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3 hours ago, Ric said:

I read that as it's not the corruption or sleaze that bothers you, it's the amount of corruption or sleaze that is at issue.

Which would then raise the question of just how much corruption or sleaze needs to happen in order for it to be a problem.

Bear in mind that this is a pattern for tories, whether small or big, they actively try to deceive the public.

No, the tories are all morally corrupt in their entirety. But what im saying is i dont actually think you can define an action of him forgetting to donate a salary that’s already widely known to be donated to charities just because it didnt feature on a return, we all know he has the jobs, its not some kind of unknown entity like his other wee pals. Theres plenty to hate Ross for and plenty to pick him up on, this isnt it. Also as many have pointed out the longer he is in charge of the tories the better for those who dont like the tories. 

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22 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

..i dont actually think you can define an action of him forgetting to donate a salary that’s already widely known to be donated to charities just because it didnt feature on a return, we all know he has the jobs, its not some kind of unknown entity like his other wee pals.

My point is it's not for financial benefit, it is arrogance. You might say that is him just forgetting to do something but when it's his finances, something he will regularly look at and something he is obliged to report on, it stops just being absent mindedness and something of intent. He just didn't think he'd get caught so never bothered reporting it correctly.

It's a repeating pattern from those in power, and especially from those on the right. Which is why the post you quoted was worded as it was and why we should be vigilant even when it seems "minor".


Edited by Ric
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Probably too embarrassed to declare such a paltry sum in front of his Tory pals the absolute walloper........of course he remembers to claim for pints of milk but who hasn't forgot the 30k or so they got from another job ?

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google "Douglas Ross calls for the resignation of......" and see how many times he has demanded NS, a Scottish Minister or someone or other (including Johnson if found guilty of (insert latest sleaze allegation)) to do what he considers to be the "right thing".

Despite being an odious Tory, and you know he is truly odious when Dawson Park Boy is well and truly in his corner - see also Andrew Neil - then you would say that something so blatantly in the public eye is a simple (arrogant induced) oversight.

But due to the stance he has taken in the past on a wide range of issues - Covid, care homes, exams, Salmongate etc - then he hasn't got a leg to stand on. Off you f**k. 

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6 hours ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

Sorry, his other earnings were in the public domain. Most folks have an idea what linesmen earn.

Absolutely nothing to gain by hiding this.

Not a big story other than incompetence.

Would you employ an incompetent guy like this in your business ?  If not then why should he continue to  receive the trust of the electorate ?  Most Tories I know would blow in an arthritic taxi driver for a rogue fiver.

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43 minutes ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

Would you employ an incompetent guy like this in your business ?  If not then why should he continue to  receive the trust of the electorate ?  Most Tories I know would blow in an arthritic taxi driver for a rogue fiver.

You have to be honest and admit that everyone, business owner, manager, employee have moments of incompetence.

It depends on whether it’s a regular occurrence and the seriousness of the error.

Ive never been a great fan of DR but I just don’t see this as a ‘hanging offence’.

If he continues with gaffes, the men in white coats will soon be gunning for him.

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1 hour ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

You have to be honest and admit that everyone, business owner, manager, employee have moments of incompetence.

It depends on whether it’s a regular occurrence and the seriousness of the error.

Ive never been a great fan of DR but I just don’t see this as a ‘hanging offence’.

If he continues with gaffes, the men in white coats will soon be gunning for him.

I work in health care and we have things called "Never Events" which are mistakes that should never happen.

This is a "Never Event" for me. Its not like getting paid for a one off newspaper column or doing some private speaking which may slip your mind, These are regular jobs with a regular income. They should be the first things he is declaring.

Having a defence of complete incompetence is not a good look especially with his style of politics of asking for resignations for every slip up

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^^^This. I can understand him not thinking he has to declare his second Parliamentary income, but not his Linesman gig. Just makes me wonder what else he hasn't declared. Moray Landowners Against Travellers .org? Whelks Are Us? Lossie Swabs Ltd?

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12 hours ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

You have to be honest and admit that everyone, business owner, manager, employee have moments of incompetence.

It depends on whether it’s a regular occurrence and the seriousness of the error.

Ive never been a great fan of DR but I just don’t see this as a ‘hanging offence’.

If he continues with gaffes, the men in white coats will soon be gunning for him.

"white coats"? Do you mean "grey suits"? I don't like the bloke at all, but insanity is a bit if a stretch! 

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47 minutes ago, Wee Bully said:

Much as I despise the Tories, this really is a non-story. The problem in making big things out of little things is that eventually it comes back to bite you. 

A few people have pointed to it already, Ross is clearly trying to drum up enough interest so that when an SNP politician calls for his head or whatever he can try and get them with a charge of hypocrisy. As usual it's not even something he's came up with. Look at Starmer getting (rightly) called out for the same when he had to be prevented from taking a cushy second job himself. 

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23 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

A few people have pointed to it already, Ross is clearly trying to drum up enough interest so that when an SNP politician calls for his head or whatever he can try and get them with a charge of hypocrisy. As usual it's not even something he's came up with. Look at Starmer getting (rightly) called out for the same when he had to be prevented from taking a cushy second job himself. 

The other problem with it (and I might be overly cynical here) is that it removes the focus from the real corruption going on.  

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Douglas lobbying Channel 4 to have a Scots family on Gogglebox.

I dare say if the SNP did this it would be "narrow minded nationalism" and "get on with the day job'. Ross does it and it'll be "strengthening the Union" 

As I don't watch the show I don't care if it has Scots on it or not.

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4 minutes ago, tamthebam said:

Douglas lobbying Channel 4 to have a Scots family on Gogglebox.

I dare say if the SNP did this it would be "narrow minded nationalism" and "get on with the day job'. Ross does it and it'll be "strengthening the Union" 

As I don't watch the show I don't care if it has Scots on it or not.

They've had a Rangers  Scottish family on before but no-one could understand them.

Gogglebox family laugh off criticism of their Glasgow accents on TV | HeraldScotland



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On 17/11/2021 at 15:45, Suspect Device said:

They've had a Rangers  Scottish family on before but no-one could understand them.

Gogglebox family laugh off criticism of their Glasgow accents on TV | HeraldScotland



There's a new programme on telly to help folk learn Gaelic. (Quite good, it's got that Joy Dunlop on it.) 

In the interests of fairness to our southern neighbours, if they are going to feature Scots on Gogglebox, maybe someone needs to dig out the "Parliamo Glasgow" and broadcast it to give them a chance of keeping up? Classics like "layaff, yanyaff" and "hoora boorit?" can't be lost. 

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