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Premiership Best & Worst Posters 2020

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15 hours ago, HibsFan said:

Still not completely calmed down from that final, but let's give this a stab.

Best: @Dons_1988 - should really consider switching to supporting Hibs. He'd be much better suited as a m9 than the big fish in Aberdeen's tiny P&B pond.
Worst: @afc_blockhead - the extent of his comedy is going "Hibs 😄" when we f**k up. Just generally weird and I think a big Kingsford advocate too.


Best: N/A
Worst: @Romeo - nobody encapsulates what I despise about Celtic fans better than him, fair play.

Dundee United

Best: @Szamo's_Ammo - similar to Dons_1988, should really switch to Hibs.
Worst: @Sarto Mutiny - not nearly as funny or clever as they think their posts are.

Hamilton Academical

Best: @G51 Red - love a Glaswegian who refuses to go along with the Old Firm.
Worst: they're all okay nowadays I guess. I'll give them a generous N/A.


Best: @Henderson to deliver ..... - think I miss out on his best work in the GN forum, but his rare trips over to the SPFL forum are always good.
Worst: @Snifter Pee Rot - maybe he could switch with Dons and go and support Aberdeen? 


Best: @deadasdillinger - quite funny. Sorry don't have anything else to say.
Worst: @craigkillie - you can either be the rational facts nerd or you can be the unashamedly biased Killie jammy wearer. Being both is a terrible look.


Best: @LiviLion - purely because they voted for me and if you scratch HibsFan's back then he'll scratch yours.
Worst: N/A


Best: @YassinMoutaouakil - good set of posters and Yassin is the best of the lot.
Worst: @MJC - no explanation required.


Best: No thanks.
Worst: @G51 - newbies not welcome.

Ross County

Best: @Savage Henry - only one I can remember off the top of my head.
Worst: Another N/A.

St Johnstone

Best: @PauloPerth - posts that make me laugh and doesn't take themselves too seriously unlike every other St J poster.
Worst: @RandomGuy. - takes himself far too seriously and runs around the forum contributing both everything and nothing simultaneously.

St Mirren

Best: @Arch Stanton - good set of posters and Arch is the goodest of the lot.
Worst: @Munoz - don't even have anything against him personally as I'm not clued up on him, but they can't all be wrong pal.

Cheers , it’s a hard fight , but one worth fighting ....

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Best- Dons_1988 

Worst- Aberdeen fans on here are strangely sound? Honestly can't think of anyone noticeably bad. Nobody's filled the pantomime villain gap left by StandFree.


Best and Worst- Romeo because he's the only Celtic fan on this website I can think of.

Dundee United

Best- Sarto Mutiny

Worst- Granny Danger. Thinks Hitler was Austrian.


Best- Scotty T

Worst- Bert Raccoon. He called me an "angry little man" once which is factually inaccurate because I'm 5'9.


Best- Henderson to Deliver

Worst- Haiku Hibee because I don't think they're actually always proper Haikus.


Best- Craigkillie

Worst- c4mmy or whatever he's called


Best- EdinburghLivi

Worst- ATLIS. I have no issue with him but he mentioned wanting nominations a few posts up.


Best- capt_oats, our stats/gifs overlord.

Worst- genuinely don't have one. 


Best- G51, takes a weird amount of abuse from the "local team" oddballs.

Worst- Bennett but tbh I like having him around

Ross County

Best- Yoda

Worst- ?

St Johnstone

Best- RandomGuy. I think he might be my favourite person on here and I'm not really sure why.

Worst- not really many obvious candidates but Radford seems a bit chippy.

St Mirren

Best- CoventrySaint seems to have avoided the borderline personality disorder that the rest of Paisley apparently developed.

Worst- literally fucking all of them. Ric's maybe the most annoying but ask me tomorrow and I'll have changed my mind.

Edited by YassinMoutaouakil
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Okay, here goes, not been on the Premiership forum as much this year, probably due to the lack of football content for 6 months and the fact United have only just got promoted from the Fundesliga,


Best - @Melanius Mullarkey for me. Love his stuff on GN.

Worst - Would have said @StandFree03 but I think he's fucked off, so I'll say @afc_blockhead as he seemed like a knob in the United vs Hibs thread. @Bob Mahelp deserves an honourable mention for his late charge into Walter Mitty-ness.


Best - @Romeo probably by default

Worst - @wastecoatwilly see above.

Dundee United

Best - This is a tough one, as both @Szamo's_Ammo and @Accent-Unknown are good lads on here but I'd have to go for @stumigoo, although I'm missing his blog.

Worst - Probably just @Granny Danger, don't think much explanation is needed.

Hamilton Accies

Best - @Bert Raccoon Tbh he's one of the few on here I can't think anything bad of.

Worst - @Im_Rodger He's a (tory) knob.


Best - Our returning officer @HibsFan gets it for me, but as we all know the Hibs lads on here are a good laugh.

Worst - @Joe Terrapin as he was seething at United's completely deserved point on Saturday. Can't think of anyone that's too bad from Hibs tbh.


Best - @craigkillie probably more for his "policeman like" bodying of trolls and idiots on here and on Twitter, which is always a good laugh. He's a w**k (especially when your team loses to Killie), but a good w**k at that.

Worst - Didn't have one until @C4mmy31 decided to be an arsehole a page or two ago, so him.


Best - Probably @LiviLion always seem like a good lad.

Worst - Very meh supporter base, can't think of one.


Best - Similar to Hibs as they're mostly a good bunch but I think @YassinMoutaouakil gets it for me.

Worst - @MJC is a closet Rangers fan from memory, so them.


Best - Hard one this as they're all varying levels of arses but probably @alta-pete as one of the least annoying ones. There's a couple of ok guys like @G51 as well that deserve mentions.

Worst - Hard again for the same reason but I think @The_Kincardine manages to take the biscuit here. I can't remember one post of his that aren't the ravings of a drunkard.

Ross County

Best - @Savage Henry for me always been a good poster, 

Worst - Don't have one to mind now, but they will come out of the woodwork as they get relegated, bit like Hearts.

St Johnstone

Best - @PauloPerth for bamming up Eric Paterson. Always a good laugh on here as well. Although honourable mention to @deej for doing the Hot Potato that was stolen inspiration for AVFTT.

Worst - Don't want to say @RandomGuy. as I don't think he's that bad, a bit tedious, but that's it. So I'll have to say @tree house tam

St Mirren

Best - @Ric for taking the risk of making a thread dedicated to Yogi Hughes upcoming disastrous term at County, but if he does a job there and the thread goes  the way of the St Mirren Relegation Express, then I reserve the right to put him on the worst list for 2021. Otherwise, I would have gone for @Coventry Saint, possibly @Arch Stanton.

Worst - A lot of candidates here but @Lex seems to be most annoying as of late.

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I always forget to do this so have made a special effort. Like an episode of Bakeoff, I'm judging people based on their contributions this year, and not before. I sometimes struggle for 'worst' posters as I tend to just tune the idiots out a bit. Also, I think the events of this year have softened everyone a bit. People all seem to be behaving relatively reasonably. It's a bit weird.


Lifetime Worst Poster Achievement Award: @8GamesToGo - offered some quite incredible point-and-laugh material during the first lockdown. Like a whack-a-mole, keeps popping up only to be laughed out the room again. His team may only be Championship level, but his idiocy is top-flight.


Decent set of posters now Standfree seems to have stopped dragging their average down.

Best: I'm going to go with @Dons_1988, though @Jacksgrandacame a close second.

Worst: N/A


Best: Meh.

Worst: @Romeo

Dundee United:

Best: @Szamo's_Ammo - witty guy, decent contributions, 8/10, would read again.

Worst: @Granny Danger - bless him. He manages to survive three years in the championship, and he's got both Covid and the winter months to contend with. I hope he's ok.

Hamilton Accies:

Best: @accies1874

Worst: @Scotty Tunbridge is actually alright but then nominated himself as best Accies poster which is bizarre behaviour.


Setting my St Mirren-related bias aside, probably the best set of posters on the board. Tough to pick a winner. Generally a great bunch of lads.

Best: @HibsFan edges it for being genuinely very funny. @Green Day, @Aim Here and @Henderson to deliver ..... also stand out in a crowded marketplace.

Worst: Jack Ross.


Best: @craigkillie

Worst: What happened to the boy with the Leonardo di Caprio avatar? Him. I've had a frantic year and can't mind his name. is he even on here any more?


The Livi guys are alright.

Best: @EdinburghLivi

Worst: @ATLIS - mainly because he wants it. Merry Christmas pal.


Best: @capt_oats

Worst: None stands out, tbh.


Best: @G51 seems awright and his new 'crying Kris Boyd' avatar is decent.

Worst: @The_Kincardine 

Ross County:

[scene deleted]

St Johnstone

Generally awful set of posters who seem determined to generate some sort of rivalry with us, hanging out in our threads like that velcro guy in the pub that just latches on to everyone else's conversations.

Best: @PauloPerth - good guy, balanced. Most importantly, not a twat.

Worst: @RandomGuy. - he's mainly harmless and sometimes seems quite balanced, but is also an utter shitebag and will run and hide before admitting he's wrong. You know what I'm talking about. I wasn't actually going to nominate him, but have done so so I don't have to nominate @tree house tam, who really, really wants this award.

St Mirren

Ahm no' jus' sayin' this... but we have a way better selection of posters than we're given credit for. 

Best: I'm nominating @djchapsticks despite fierce competition from a resurgent @Ric. DJC is an entertaining, balanced poster who I would happily sit down for a pint with. @Lex seems to have a bad rep on here for some reason; probably dates back so far that I bet Falkirk were a top-flight side, but he offers good match analyses and is a good guy. Also honourable mentions for @Gareth_Glasgow@GAD, @sergie's no1 fan, @NorthBank, @Ralstonite, @Arch Stanton... and others that I've inevitably forgotten. I love you all.

Edited by Coventry Saint
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Ric is very much the epitome of a ‘yer da’ poster. I remember him as being a noteable contributor in the early days of Pie & Bovril, but now he’s just scrambling for relevance on a daily basis. It’s sad to see. Take a well-earned respite and spend some time with the family, I’d say.

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3 hours ago, Coventry Saint said:


Setting my St Mirren-related bias aside, probably the best set of posters on the board. Tough to pick a winner. Generally a great bunch of lads.

Best: @HibsFan edges it for being genuinely very funny. @Green Day, @Aim Here and @Henderson to deliver ..... also stand out in a crowded marketplace.

Pwoud, so Pwoud


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8 minutes ago, The Real Saints said:

Ric is very much the epitome of a ‘yer da’ poster. I remember him as being a noteable contributor in the early days of Pie & Bovril, but now he’s just scrambling for relevance on a daily basis. It’s sad to see. Take a well-earned respite and spend some time with the family, I’d say.

He used to have regular breakdowns and compose long, rambling resignation speeches which was sad to see. I believe that was his ‘turned the weans against us’ phase which ended in him being thrown out of the house for spending too much time on Pie and Bovril and moving into a caravan at the bottom of the street. At least he’s generally relatively coherent though, which is more can be said for Munoz. A snivelling, malnourished maggot of a man.

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It's nice to know I live #rentfree in so many places in Perthshire.. :)

Edit: :lol: just read poor wee bonksy's fan fiction. None of which is true, but it's a great insight into his fevered imagination.


Edited by Ric
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5 minutes ago, Ric said:

It's nice to know I live #rentfree in so many places in Perthshire.. :)

Edit: :lol: just read poor wee bonky's fan fiction. None of which is true, but it's a great insight into his fevered imagination.


Which parts aren’t true? I may have embellished parts ever so slightly but that’s merely as a result of my flair for writing. The general jist of the story of the downfall of Ric is there for all to see.

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13 minutes ago, Bonksy+HisChristianParade said:

I may have embellished parts ever so slightly but that’s merely as a result of my flair for writing.

Ever so slightly.  But, you know, you do you and all that.. ;)

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8 minutes ago, Ric said:

Ever so slightly.  But, you know, you do you and all that.. ;)

4A0C309C-6B26-4029-BF71-BB446AEBBF05.png.93bd6401839417f33d8430f372b40067.pngRic why the edit? I really enjoyed your tale of travelling North Africa and Europe for a decade whilst writing software for some of the world’s biggest companies?!

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