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P&B Chess League - Season 8 coming soon….

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1 hour ago, SweeperDee said:

I’d say if agreed by both players beforehand then 10 minutes should be the time limit. Otherwise the remaining the rule stays in place, for better or worse.

This isn't a blitz chess league, it's supposed to be classical chess which means it's a bit of a slower game with more thought given to each move.

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This isn't a blitz chess league, it's supposed to be classical chess which means it's a bit of a slower game with more thought given to each move.

But as been highlighted, there’s clear issues with the day-turn rules. I totally understand why the day-turn rule is in place, we aren’t professional chess players, we have lives and other things to do; however, if you want classical chess, you’re looking at FIDE’s rule set:

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Just now, SweeperDee said:

But as been highlighted, there’s clear issues with the day-turn rules. I totally understand why the day-turn rule is in place, we aren’t professional chess players, we have lives and other things to do; however, if you want classical chess, you’re looking at FIDE’s rule set:


So a 60 move game is a maximum of 150 minutes per player or 5 hours in total. That is maximum thinking time.

It would be interesting if chess.com did a stat on move thinking time from where you login or are online review the position and make the move. I expect most of us move relatively quickly <10 mins when we are there. The waiting time is down to life getting in the way and not being on chess.com.

I really don't think anyone is being slow deliberately. I can't see what they would gain.

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14 minutes ago, Stellaboz said:

I'd never slow play anyone on here, but if I've felt hard done by and can the the end coming against randoms, I sometimes do it when pissed off enough.

You do get players who are in an no-lose position who will stall out longer sets just to frustrate the opponent into resigning. Christ GM Hikamaru gets some players into positions where he gets most of his pawns upped to rooks and just fucks them around.

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In the seaside league, markf268 beats the_kid1433 by checkmate.

On paper, we both could have done a lot better, quite a few mistakes and a bit lower on the accuracy than my previous game. But I think that was mostly down to neither of us wanting to open up the holding position we had.

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7 minutes ago, Aim Here said:

Division A, Round 1

DearyMe does that thing he does where he soundly trounces you when you haven't made any obvious (to you) mistakes.

DearyMe beats AimHere by resignation.

Thanks for the game.

It was pretty level, as we talked about in chat afterwards if the c pawn isn't pinned it's a very drawish position. I was fortunate to have that resource available which allowed me to go a pawn up and knight for bishop. It becomes easier for me to play thereafter. As I got a big center and pressure on your kingside.

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In the seaside league, markf268 beats the_kid1433 by checkmate.
On paper, we both could have done a lot better, quite a few mistakes and a bit lower on the accuracy than my previous game. But I think that was mostly down to neither of us wanting to open up the holding position we had.

Some game we are having at the moment. Checkmate in less than 5 for both of us. ;)
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In the seaside league, markf268 beats the_kid1433 by checkmate.
On paper, we both could have done a lot better, quite a few mistakes and a bit lower on the accuracy than my previous game. But I think that was mostly down to neither of us wanting to open up the holding position we had.
Yeah. A tight game but I always felt under pressure from the moment you took your queen out and a deserved victory at the end.
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On 21/01/2022 at 08:52, arab_joe said:

Division B, Round 2

Arabjoe defeats Pnbmathematics by checkmate. 

Tight game that completely swung when I managed to take your Queen by sacrificing my Bishop - after that I should have closed out the win, but made a few mis-moves and almost ending up losing it when I got my King into an awkward corner.

Yup, fairly even game. I think I showed my rustiness a few times!

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7 hours ago, mathematics said:

I hadn’t. Was away rethinking my promotion. Schoolboy.

Unfortunately for me you were still rethinking about your promotion - the division may have changed but the result stays the same:

Pnbmathematics beats paakman01 by checkmate.

Thanks for the game.

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On 25/01/2022 at 10:36, Trogdor said:

I should add as well. If you are chronically slow your fixtures will pile up and you end up playing multiple games at once which is not conducive to good chess. Unless you are @Ziggy who can juggle 20+ games at once.

It's in everyone's interest to progress their games. Are there actually people playing slowly for nefarious reasons? Who are they? What advantage are they gaining?

To @SweeperDee's point - I'm pretty sure the flexibility exists to agree a seperate time control between both players and report the result. 

Yeah that is true, but you also have to factor that slow players will also cause other players to have a fixture pile up.  They then have to play multiple games at the same time impacting on their playing time in a day.  Less thinking time per move impacting on their quality of move.

A point penalty for games over the 14 days would probably be the only solution,  something to think about for next season.

I had to laugh at the use of “nefarious reasons” though 😂.  


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Division C

XCTR94 beats Markf268 by resignation.

Great game of chess; very well played by Mark, however it ended up with my rook pinning his bishop against the king and with 2 pawns on the advance for upgrading there wasn’t much else he could have done.


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