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P&B Chess League - Season 8 coming soon….

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I'm so lost. I just played my first game in probably a decade, did alright, had taken all of the oppositions pieces other than 1 pawn and the king and had just got my Queen back, still had 1 rook and 1 bishop and plenty pawns, did a shite move just trying to get my Queen closer to their King and the game ended as a stalemate. Am I missing something mad obvious, I don't understand how I've just been slapped with a draw even though it was a matter of time before I got checkmate..


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I'm so lost. I just played my first game in probably a decade, did alright, had taken all of the oppositions pieces other than 1 pawn and the king and had just got my Queen back, still had 1 rook and 1 bishop and plenty pawns, did a shite move just trying to get my Queen closer to their King and the game ended as a stalemate. Am I missing something mad obvious, I don't understand how I've just been slapped with a draw even though it was a matter of time before I got checkmate..
Your opponent had no legal move possible (i.e. his only available squares would put him in check) hence the draw.
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12 minutes ago, Stormzy said:

I'm so lost. I just played my first game in probably a decade, did alright, had taken all of the oppositions pieces other than 1 pawn and the king and had just got my Queen back, still had 1 rook and 1 bishop and plenty pawns, did a shite move just trying to get my Queen closer to their King and the game ended as a stalemate. Am I missing something mad obvious, I don't understand how I've just been slapped with a draw even though it was a matter of time before I got checkmate..



10 minutes ago, DiegoDiego said:
12 minutes ago, Stormzy said:
I'm so lost. I just played my first game in probably a decade, did alright, had taken all of the oppositions pieces other than 1 pawn and the king and had just got my Queen back, still had 1 rook and 1 bishop and plenty pawns, did a shite move just trying to get my Queen closer to their King and the game ended as a stalemate. Am I missing something mad obvious, I don't understand how I've just been slapped with a draw even though it was a matter of time before I got checkmate..

Your opponent had no legal move possible (i.e. his only available squares would put him in check) hence the draw.

Aye this. If the king isn't in check but any move he takes will put him in check qualifies as a stalemate, I think. I managed to force this earlier and couldn't stop laughing as I was well beat.

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Ah right cheers for the explanation, I don't know how I've managed to go my whole time without ever coming across that situation, gutted my first game I threw away the win, deffo need to create a new account. Also that is an utter shit rule, I destroyed that lil bot bitch and he got away with it because I'm rusty. 

I don't want anyone to be worried or anything but when I'm up to speed I'll give some of you a game and... I don't like talking about it because I'm modest but I came 2nd in a chess tournament in primary school, so yeah be prepared. 

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1 hour ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

I am absolutely fucking dog shit at anything under 10 minutes. Getting destroyed at blitz.

I tried some 3 minute blitz at the weekend in a tournament. It's absolutely crazy, not sure there's much strategy involved, more just quickly moving pieces around the board. Scored 2/5.

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I tried some 3 minute blitz at the weekend in a tournament. It's absolutely crazy, not sure there's much strategy involved, more just quickly moving pieces around the board. Scored 2/5.
Lots of puzzle rush is the way to improve! That and choose a solid opening which is relatively unblunderable. Or simply trade off pieces as quickly as possible and try to win the pawn endgame.
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11 hours ago, Stormzy said:

I'm having a look now, is there a skill level with the bots? I've just clicked on and it wants me to play some level 600 motherfucker, no beginner mode? 😂

The bots are categorised into beginner, intermediate and advanced. The weakest bot is level 250. In saying that, the shittest a bot played against me was the streamer bot called CodeMiko who's level 600. The game went a little bit like...

CodeMiko: Brings Queen out on third move - "Heehee, you're in trouble now"

*Takes Queen for free*

CodeMiko: "Wow. How did you do that?"

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4 minutes ago, Frank Grimes said:

Any luck?

if we don’t hear from @adampar by Sunday night you’ll get a walkover and I’ll draw the next round of the cup on Monday morning 

Nothing yet, will resend the invites and see if that prompts him.

Doesnt let me add him again, but resent an invitation.

Edited by Loki
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15 hours ago, Leicesterlichtie said:

I tried some 3 minute blitz at the weekend in a tournament. It's absolutely crazy, not sure there's much strategy involved, more just quickly moving pieces around the board. Scored 2/5.

There's definitely strategy to the 3-5 minute 960 games, but it's almost like starting mid-game. You can do a devastating amount by flinging pawns up the board, a couple of times I've busted open a king defence that way. I've also won a couple of 3 minute games when I was in trouble by keeping them in check, moving fast and making them use their time up.

It's not really chess but it's much easier to fit into your day.

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I just got a free month of premium membership on Chess.com. I took the free week and then cancelled before payment kicked in. They sent me an email offering some free and discount deals, I emailed back and said I'd take a free month, and it came through today with a personal email.

That's some quality customer service and I'll probably take the cheapest membership when that runs out. You can save a couple of quid by getting someone to gift you a membership - seems odd that it's cheaper than buying it for yourself. I bought one for my son and I'll use his account to gift membership to me.

Yes, I am that cheap.

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I've spent most the day playing against the low level bots and getting better and quicker each game, remembering some of my old favourite strategies. I must say I hate when the app says you've done a blunder because it's not appreciating the long game. 

Chess to me soon becomes boring when it's at the level I'm sure some are on this thread where it's basically just going through a script and a flow chart. I'll probably keep at it playing the freestyling jobbers like myself and then give up when I get to the joyless neeks further down the line.

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35 minutes ago, Stormzy said:

I've spent most the day playing against the low level bots and getting better and quicker each game, remembering some of my old favourite strategies. I must say I hate when the app says you've done a blunder because it's not appreciating the long game. 

It probably was a blunder but the beginner bots aren't good enough to punish it because they're not looking as far ahead as the analysis is or they just make random dumb moves sometimes. 

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1 hour ago, Stormzy said:

Is a wasted move with no immediate danger considered a blunder? Only if you play in your formulas I'd imagine, as a free spirit like myself I'd rather call it a procrastination move or a bait move. 

Could be that you have a great chance to get a piece but didn't take it. I'd say that's fair enough to call a blunder.

Edited by Gordon EF
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1 hour ago, Stormzy said:

Is a wasted move with no immediate danger considered a blunder? Only if you play in your formulas I'd imagine, as a free spirit like myself I'd rather call it a procrastination move or a bait move. 

A 'blunder' is a move that swings the odds of the game. A 'mistake' is when you've made a mistake, duh!

inacc. = 0.5-1 deviation (EngineProposal-Your move)
mistake = 1-2 deviation
blunder > 2 deviation

Each 1 representing a pawn. It's all based on mathematics.

Edited by Ludo*1
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