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VAR in Scottish league???

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7 hours ago, Euan B said:

 Those 2 red cards in the Dundee United game????? Neither of those are red cards, and VAR would've overturned both.

Surely when you see those decisions you start to consider VAR? 

No no no no no no no no no no no no...

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On 16/02/2021 at 15:39, Euan B said:

 Those 2 red cards in the Dundee United game????? Neither of those are red cards, and VAR would've overturned both.

Surely when you see those decisions you start to consider VAR? 

Strange that 3 officials who have had a lot more time to study the incidents than the VAR would have had time to to do, have said that both are indeed red cards.

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Guest TheJTS98
6 minutes ago, ancientnoise said:

That's quite a rant.

It has its foibles and is obviously still in the teething stage, but going on the attack against it and harking back to the past and all the "fun" fans had with blatantly wrong decisions is a fool's errand.

Explain to me how VAR makes football more fun then.

What's your favourite part? The standing around waiting? The muted goal celebrations? The results changed after full-time? The minutes spent with a ruler out going over minute decisions?

It's a great laugh, isn't it?

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Guest TheJTS98
2 minutes ago, ancientnoise said:

Why would I do that?

It's not VAR's purpose.

Ok. Strange to pick up a post pointing out that VAR is not fun, but then have no intention of engaging with that point.


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Guest TheJTS98
1 minute ago, ancientnoise said:

Unclear. Try again.

Very clear. I criticised VAR as making football less fun. You criticised this point. You then said you have no intention of engaging with that point.

I can only assume you don't think football should be fun. Or you think VAR doesn't make it less fun.

Both of those views would be silly. I think you're probably at it.

Good morning to you.

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Guest TheJTS98
2 minutes ago, ancientnoise said:

Not so fast!

VAR was introduced to essentially enforce the rules of the game that a referee may, of often will, miss.

There's zero fun in being robbed by an infrigement.

Let's take a random example...where's the fun in this, sauf si vous êtes français?



I think decisions like that are worth it to have a game that flows well and allows people to celebrate goals.

Ultimately, life and football aren't fair.

Football is a hobby. It's meant to be enjoyable. A small number of high-profile errors don't change that.

If you'd rather enjoy it less for greater accuracy, that's up to you. I just don't see the point in that for a hobby. Ultimately, it's completely unimportant.

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25 minutes ago, ancientnoise said:

And that new "wait till the phase has completed before raising the flag" rule? That needs to be put in the sea before another ball is kicked!

How do you propose VAR operating without this? A player is through on goal and the assistant raises his flag, so the referee stops the game. It turns out the assistant has got it wrong and the player was onside, but the chance is now gone. However, in the opposite position where an assistant incorrectly thinks a player is onside when they are actually off, the goal is subsequently disallowed. Therefore, you are immediately reducing the number of goals scored, since you are only ever going to disallow goals for an incorrect onside, not award them for an incorrect offside.

The rule about the flag staying down until the phase is finished is a direct consequence of VAR. If you want VAR then you have to by definition also want that rule to be in place.

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18 hours ago, ancientnoise said:

Should we suppose that VAR will replace referees and linesmen entirely?

The vagaries of ref + linesman decisions could be nullified by it.

VAR officials also make mistakes.

There have been multiple clarifications issued in England due to the VAR officials completely fucking it.

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19 hours ago, ancientnoise said:

Not so fast!

VAR was introduced to essentially enforce the rules of the game that a referee may, of often will, miss.

There's zero fun in being robbed by an infrigement.

Let's take a random example...where's the fun in this, sauf si vous êtes français?



Have you seen the countless times in the English League where some referee in a box has a look at a situation from countless angles for three minutes and still gets it wrong. VAR should be nowhere near Scottish football.

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I used to be firmly in the we need VAR camp, but as others have said it sort of kills the "moment" in football.

The rawness of it is lost when your team score, you're all jumping about like twats shouting get it up ye to see Willie run over to a box, stand there for three minutes and then say no goal.

I'd rather lose games to dodgy decisions than have the spirit of Scottish football murdered anyday.

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On 18/02/2021 at 01:13, TheJTS98 said:

Ultimately, life and football aren't fair.

Football is a hobby. It's meant to be enjoyable. A small number of high-profile errors don't change that.

If you'd rather enjoy it less for greater accuracy, that's up to you. I just don't see the point in that for a hobby. Ultimately, it's completely unimportant.


If you like VAR, I basically abhor your outlook on life in general.

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I don’t watch much football outside of Scotland but have caught some controversial VAR incidents on MOTD, are these controversies happening all over wherever VAR is used?

I know VAR was used in recent Scotland games and only noticed a pause before the final penalty was awarded as a goal.

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5 minutes ago, ropy said:

I don’t watch much football outside of Scotland but have caught some controversial VAR incidents on MOTD, are these controversies happening all over wherever VAR is used?

I know VAR was used in recent Scotland games and only noticed a pause before the final penalty was awarded as a goal.

I'm similar in that I don't watch too much football outside of Scotland, but if I use the little experience of VAR in the Europa League during Rangers games, I'm definitely opposed to it.

Last season, when we could actually attend matches, I was at the Braga and Leverkusen ties at Ibrox where it was used. VAR was used to award Leverkusen a penalty against us and it wasn't an enjoyable experience (not only due to them scoring the penalty). It delayed the game, sapped a bit of the atmosphere and although the big screens confirmed that there was a VAR check taking place, it just felt totally unnatural and being at the match, you felt a sense of injustice even though you couldn't see the multiple replays to make an informed decision.

Then if we use last nights match as an added example, I felt there were 4 VAR instances. in my opinion, they got 1 wrong, 1 right and 2 were borderline.

I feel they got the penalty against us wrong - the contact from Davis in no way impeded their player and he dived to win a penalty.

I feel they got our penalty award correct - clear shirt pulling to stop Morelos heading the ball correctly.

Then the other two borderline decisions - we had a penalty shout for handball early in the first half. The ball travelled quite far and struck their defenders arm that was held out from his body. I think it might've been soft to give so I can see why it wasn't awarded.

Then there was the decision to award us our second penalty for handball. From one angle behind the goal, it looked a stonewall penalty. But then a second angle from down the pitch it looked like it came off the defenders torso before hitting his arm so seemed harsh. I think in this instance you couldn't say it was a clear and obvious error so I can see why the ref's decision stood but again it could've went either way.

So, in summary, I am dead against VAR being introduced here as I feel there will still be inconsistent decisions and it will take away from the fan experience.

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I was pretty much 50-50 on VAR until last night.  The failure to award Rangers the early blatant hand ball penalty and the ludicrous 'penalty' against Davis give me severe doubts about the value of VAR now. The problem isn't the technology, or even the time delay, it is the fact that it is useless if the bloke looking at the screen is as much of a balloon as the on-field official!

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18 minutes ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

I was pretty much 50-50 on VAR until last night.  The failure to award Rangers the early blatant hand ball penalty and the ludicrous 'penalty' against Davis give me severe doubts about the value of VAR now. The problem isn't the technology, or even the time delay, it is the fact that it is useless if the bloke looking at the screen is as much of a balloon as the on-field official!

I'm really on the fence about VAR too. I'm not sure if I'm feeling positive today just because Rangers won the game, but do you not think the controversy around the penalty decisions and VAR was brilliant? What a game it was!

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