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Verbal abuse needs to stop in football. We can no longer accept it as a bit of banter, or just a laugh or alright because it's not against the law.

The statistics on depression in footballers is scary. The amount of players that come out season after season saying that the fans have a huge impact on their mental health is unreal. Looking at the Charlie Adam incident here since it's topical. His dad a former footballer, comitted suicide and his mum died less than a year ago. Other members of his family are going through notable tough time which you can put 2 + 2 together and come up with the reasoning for and then his sister is getting songs about her at the game. Now Adam has freely admitted that flak towards him doesn't have an impact on him, but can we say that for every player that walks out onto the pitch?

There's obviously the very famous incident of Hughie Ferguson, which, whilst a long time ago now is extremely relevant. He was a Motherwell legend, had a great few years at Cardiff and came back to Scotland to play for Dundee. From wiki: 'In his last game for Dundee, he received considerable criticism from the crowd as he struggled with cramp. The Dundee Evening Telegraph remarked that, for Ferguson, "the experience of that afternoon was tremendously painful." William McIntosh, a director of Dundee, commented that "(Ferguson) did his best for Dundee and he took his failure to heart. His lack of success was certainly not due to lack of trying  ... lately he became obsessed with the idea that his usefulness as a footballer had come to an end.'

He ended up killing himself in Dundee's Main Stand.

That might well be near a 100 year ago now, but has things changed much in that time? Obviously there was the situation with Kane Hemmings the other year with us as well who was suicidal during the season he was banging them in for us in the top flight - who would have ever guessed he was anything but feeling on top of the world?! Adam came forward and said that the effect of being sung about being a 'paedophile' had a bad impact on Cummings for days after the event. It's not just about being a 'snowflake'.

Edited by Ludo*1
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4 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:

Verbal abuse needs to stop in football. We can no longer accept it as a bit of banter, or just a laugh or alright because it's not against the law.

The statistics on depression in footballers is scary. The amount of players that come out season after season saying that the fans have a huge impact on their mental health is unreal. Looking at the Charlie Adam incident here since it's topical. His dad a former footballer, comitted suicide and his mum died less than a year ago. Other members of his family are going through notable tough time which you can put 2 + 2 together and come up with the reasoning for and then his sister is getting songs about her at the game. Now Adam has freely admitted that flak towards him doesn't have an impact on him, but can we say that for every player that walks out onto the pitch?

There's obviously the very famous incident of Hughie Ferguson, which, whilst a long time ago now is extremely relevant. He was a Motherwell legend, had a great few years at Cardiff and came back to Scotland to play for Dundee. From wiki: 'In his last game for Dundee, he received considerable criticism from the crowd as he struggled with cramp. The Dundee Evening Telegraph remarked that, for Ferguson, "the experience of that afternoon was tremendously painful." William McIntosh, a director of Dundee, commented that "(Ferguson) did his best for Dundee and he took his failure to heart. His lack of success was certainly not due to lack of trying  ... lately he became obsessed with the idea that his usefulness as a footballer had come to an end.'

He ended up killing himself in Dundee's Main Stand.

That might well be near a 100 year ago now, but has things changed much in that time? Obviously there was the situation with Kane Hemmings the other year with us as well who was suicidal during the season he was banging them in for us in the top flight - who would have ever guessed he was anything but feeling on top of the world?! Adam came forward and said that the effect of being sung about being a 'paedophile' had a bad impact on Cummings for days after the event. It's not just about being a 'snowflake'.

Good post, Ludo. 

There was a poster on here earlier who was essentially using the now widely lambasted phrase 'man up' when describing how certain footballers should deal with 'banter'. It's not up to the person dishing out the abuse to decide whether they're crossing the line or not,  it's the individual on the receiving end. 

Fortunately I have always been an angel on the terraces and can comment with a clear conscience :)

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6 minutes ago, Dee Man said:

Good post, Ludo. 

There was a poster on here earlier who was essentially using the now widely lambasted phrase 'man up' when describing how certain footballers should deal with 'banter'. It's not up to the person dishing out the abuse to decide whether they're crossing the line or not,  it's the individual on the receiving end. 

Fortunately I have always been an angel on the terraces and can comment with a clear conscience :)


9 hours ago, Dee Man said:

Because it wasn't banter when I was calling people thick c***s and cretins, I was being deadly serious. 

say what GIF by Midland

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20 minutes ago, Empty It said:

Wonder if all these Dundee fans would be campaigning for footballers if it wasnt their beloved toothless captain getting stick.

Jason Cummings isn't toothless or our captain m8.

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Jason Cummings isn't toothless or our captain m8.
The same Jason Cummings that was filmed having sex with an alleged under age girl at a house party whilst playing for hibs?
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11 minutes ago, Jinky67 said:


say what GIF by Midland

What's your point caller?

I was responding in kind to some unprovoked and frankly offensive name calling. 

Luckily I am absolutely nails but others aren't so fortunate. 

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2 minutes ago, Empty It said:
10 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:
Jason Cummings isn't toothless or our captain m8.

The same Jason Cummings that was filmed having sex with an alleged under age girl at a house party whilst playing for hibs?

That's some fucking allegation ooft.

Especially considering it wasn't him that was filmed. Even the Daily Record had the decency to say it wasn't him FFS.


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Just now, Empty It said:
3 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:
That's some fucking allegation ooft.
Especially considering it wasn't him that was filmed. Even the Daily Record had the decency to say it wasn't him FFS.

Sorry meant to say apparently filmed, don't think filming an underager having sex is a good look either tbf.

Again, you're making some hefty allegations that have been proven to be nonsense:

'Police said they are still looking for the people who filmed the incident, which happened at a sports party attended by a footballer and a boxer on Saturday night.

The footballer and boxer have not been named by the Record as we understand they were not involved in any illegal activity.'

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46 minutes ago, Empty It said:
54 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:
Jason Cummings isn't toothless or our captain m8.

The same Jason Cummings that was filmed having sex with an alleged under age girl at a house party whilst playing for hibs?


39 minutes ago, Empty It said:
42 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:
That's some fucking allegation ooft.
Especially considering it wasn't him that was filmed. Even the Daily Record had the decency to say it wasn't him FFS.

Sorry meant to say apparently filmed, don't think filming an underager having sex is a good look either tbf.

Oh dear. 

Desperate for a bite all day, gets one, then makes a monumental arse of it with these embarrassing posts. 

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Oh dear. 
Desperate for a bite all day, gets one, then makes a monumental arse of it with these embarrassing posts. 
Wasn't looking for a bite, was a genuine question when asked if the Dundee boys would be calling for players not to take stick if it wasnt their players getting the stick.
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30 minutes ago, UsedToGoToCentralPark said:

What about refs? They probably take more abuse than players over the course of a season by miles?

Ref at Kelty vs Cowdenbeath, first league game of the season got a significant amount shouted his way.

Refs are all masochists who enjoy the abuse IMO. 

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Guest TheJTS98

It's a funny thing because obviously it sounds ridiculous to be upset about footballers getting stick about their ability or performance at work. But who else would accept that?

I'm trying to imagine being screamed at by a bunch of paying customers calling me a c**t and singing a song about me being a beast before booing me. I imagine this would be deeply unpleasant, but we expect footballers to just get on with it.

I've always thought the public nature of perceived failure in football must be awful. Imagine going through a bad spell at work, which we all do, and having people writing newspaper articles about it, endless social media posts about it, radio phone-ins where completely unqualified onlookers discuss whether you're capable of doing your job, your family and friends all knowing that you're doing shite at work, maybe even people making snidey comments in the street. Then when you turn up at your work the customers scream at you and give you quite aggressive abuse, expecting this to somehow improve your performance.

And if this makes you struggle more at work then, of course, you lack CHARACTER! And there's no greater crime than that.

Fucking ridiculous.

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3 hours ago, TheJTS98 said:

It's a funny thing because obviously it sounds ridiculous to be upset about footballers getting stick about their ability or performance at work. But who else would accept that?

I'm trying to imagine being screamed at by a bunch of paying customers calling me a c**t and singing a song about me being a beast before booing me. I imagine this would be deeply unpleasant, but we expect footballers to just get on with it.

I've always thought the public nature of perceived failure in football must be awful. Imagine going through a bad spell at work, which we all do, and having people writing newspaper articles about it, endless social media posts about it, radio phone-ins where completely unqualified onlookers discuss whether you're capable of doing your job, your family and friends all knowing that you're doing shite at work, maybe even people making snidey comments in the street. Then when you turn up at your work the customers scream at you and give you quite aggressive abuse, expecting this to somehow improve your performance.

And if this makes you struggle more at work then, of course, you lack CHARACTER! And there's no greater crime than that.

Fucking ridiculous.

''Boaby Brings Wrong Spanner To The Job''

See how he had to make do with a shifter on pages 3,4,5 & 6

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