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2 minutes ago, 101 said:

But he goes on to save the day, why don't folk just not be poor? Great advice.



LMAO at "get higher salaries or higher wages". As if getting either of these things are like getting a loaf of bread.

Nothing worse than people who have probably never experienced any kind of hardship in their lives giving unsolicited advice.

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6 minutes ago, Clown Job said:

“Cut their consumption”

I take it he means things such as food and heating 

They aim to reduce fuel poverty and food poverty by killing off the people experiencing them, rather than helping them.

And I am only half-joking when I say that. I would not be surprised if it was true.

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14 minutes ago, Clown Job said:

“Cut their consumption”

I take it he means things such as food and heating 

Yes and I guess the third frivolous thing you should cut is clothing 

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It would be nice if blaming poverty on the poor was restricted to a tiny amount of self interested, rich Tories.  Sadly there are millions of thick working class people, many struggling financially themselves, who buy into that bullshit.

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From Guardian :-

Rees-Mogg's former business partner given peerage and made international trade minister

And, talking of Jacob Rees-Mogg, Steven Swinford from the Times has spotted this; according to an update on the government’s website, Rees-Mogg’s former business partner, Dominic Johnson, has been made an international trade minister. He is not an MP so, to allow him to do the job, he has been given a peerage too.

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8 minutes ago, Florentine_Pogen said:

From Guardian :-

Rees-Mogg's former business partner given peerage and made international trade minister

And, talking of Jacob Rees-Mogg, Steven Swinford from the Times has spotted this; according to an update on the government’s website, Rees-Mogg’s former business partner, Dominic Johnson, has been made an international trade minister. He is not an MP so, to allow him to do the job, he has been given a peerage too.



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Seems like the Tory plan for avoiding poverty is just like some posters on here think that the rest of the Scottish Clubs should do to catch up with the Ugly Sisters. 

Just go out there, work a wee bit harder, earn a few more quid and you'll win the Scottish Premiership/not have to worry about where your next meal is coming from. Delete as applicable. 

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1 hour ago, 10menwent2mow said:

Seems like the Tory plan for avoiding poverty is just like some posters on here think that the rest of the Scottish Clubs should do to catch up with the Ugly Sisters. 

Just go out there, work a wee bit harder, earn a few more quid and you'll win the Scottish Premiership/not have to worry about where your next meal is coming from. Delete as applicable. 

It's identical.

The idea that we should be pleased when our already wealthiest clubs get handed CL fortunes, because tiny crumbs get trickled down, is as ludicrous as what Truss is trying to pull.

It makes me laugh when 'Socialist' Celtic fans defend such ultra right wing economics in football, because it suits them.


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2 hours ago, Florentine_Pogen said:

From Guardian :-

Rees-Mogg's former business partner given peerage and made international trade minister

And, talking of Jacob Rees-Mogg, Steven Swinford from the Times has spotted this; according to an update on the government’s website, Rees-Mogg’s former business partner, Dominic Johnson, has been made an international trade minister. He is not an MP so, to allow him to do the job, he has been given a peerage too.

I’ve just seen that.  This is as corrupt as f**k, cronyism at its highest level.

It will barely be noticed with everything else that’s going on.

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Just read an article in The Grauniad (I know) where "betrayed of Basingstoke" (a pensioner) bemoans that Brexit & Boris have left him rationing his electricity use and wearing extra layers of clothing about the house and yet at the next GE he still isn't gonna vote against the Tories just not vote at all

Truss has chosen the "political strongman" route openly celebrating the outrageousness of her policies presumably in the expectation that the right wing press (whose owners won't be waring extra layers of clothing) will declare her policies to be working - it's gonna be a long two years and maybe more.

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9 minutes ago, btb said:

Just read an article in The Grauniad (I know) where "betrayed of Basingstoke" (a pensioner) bemoans that Brexit & Boris have left him rationing his electricity use and wearing extra layers of clothing about the house and yet at the next GE he still isn't gonna vote against the Tories just not vote at all

Those lot are as hopeless as the 'feminists' who are absolutely insistent that they will still vote Tory because 'Labour will destroy women's rights'.

I mean, it's as if having a ruined economy, exploding interest rates, negative equity, repossessions, your kids being rendered homeless, being unable to pay your extortionate private rent, being unable to heat your home, being forced to choose between feeding yourself or feeding your kids, being unable to afford childcare, wondering if you will even have a wage because of zero hours contracts, wholesale government theft of public money, cronysim and corruption, and collapsing public services are issues that uniquely affect men, and are therefore in no way 'women's rights' related.

I suspect though that the truth is these are very much typical middle class exclusionary feminists, who before now have been completely unconcerned by issues that affect working class women, and are too busy pottering around with their loss-making vanity business that is funded entirely by their husband's salary to notice that they are living in a ridiculously myopic bubble, and that their obsession with one single issue is not something shared by the vast majority of ordinary women.

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13 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:

Someone from Inverness has just texted LBC to ask if "Trickle Down Economics" is when rich Tories get to pee all over poor people and expect them to lap it up.

Sadly, more than a few “proud Scots” would be on their knees at the very thought.


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5 hours ago, btb said:

Just read an article in The Grauniad (I know) where "betrayed of Basingstoke" (a pensioner) bemoans that Brexit & Boris have left him rationing his electricity use and wearing extra layers of clothing about the house and yet at the next GE he still isn't gonna vote against the Tories just not vote at all

Truss has chosen the "political strongman" route openly celebrating the outrageousness of her policies presumably in the expectation that the right wing press (whose owners won't be waring extra layers of clothing) will declare her policies to be working - it's gonna be a long two years and maybe more.

Yes, I read that article by John Harris and there's going to be plenty more like Basingstoke Man, because it's a long-term tenet of English/British Nationalist politics that the Tories are the natural party of Government, and a lot of voters are heavily invested in that.  It follows then that when the shit hits the fan as it has now done spectacularly that the first reaction of habitual Tory voters will not be to condemn the party or its reckless policies but instead to seek assurance that somehow all of it lies outside Tory control.  When you have such ingrained beliefs it's very difficult to countenance inconvenient truths

Truss and her backers know this and that is why she has gone on a whataboutery warpath, laying the blame for the current economic upheaval firmly at the door of Putin and the Ukraine War, 'global economic conditions, the Federal Reserve and any other straw men.  Sadly, I fear it will take many more people like BM to begin to feel genuine hardship before there is any significant and lasting damage inflicted on this shambles of a Government, and if I was Labour I would count no chickens right now - there are a lot of gullible fools out there.

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