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Tory Lies, Corruption and Hypocrisy- Add Them Here


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12 hours ago, Theyellowbox said:

Megan Gallacher (deputy Scottish Conservative leader - (nope, me either)) asked on newsnight about HS2 and can only answer by saying about SNP and ferries. Shot down in seconds by presenter for irrelevance. Just another example of some of these folk being well well out of their depth. 

General take from the tory conference is that it is utter chaos. Putting Suneks policies to one side, he clearly has zero control over the folk in his party. Farage bri.g able to be right in about it all should be embarrassing for him, as well as plenty openly touting for his job makes him look very very weak. Just looks like a massive free for all.

If Starmer has any authority, he makes sure the Labour conference is very unified and professional like.

The MSM play a bit part in this.  They have decided the Tories are gone and Labour will win the next election.  Therefore it is more entertaining to focus on the maddest craziest speeches because they are going to lose anyway.

I predict the Labour Party conference will be presented as a natural "government in waiting" gathering.  There will be fringe meetings about support for striking workers but those meeting will go unmentioned.  Similarly those about proportional representation and re-joining the EU.  Lots of speeches that don't really say much, as well as lots of Union Jacks and God Save the Queen King.    As long as Labour promises not to actually do anything, the MSM are okay with them as a placeholder government until the Tories get their house in order.

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I see that ToryUltra Lord Frost is suggesting raising the Pension Age to 75 (IDS suggested this last year) after the recent groans about the Triple Lock from that section of the Tory party - is it the mainstream these days?

You've gotta wonder what what will happen when the vote on the review on Pension Age happens - it's been conveniently postponed until after the next GE.  

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Raising the cigarette smoking buying age by one year every year is one over ambitious idea but easy for them to claim as doing something. What about vapes and bringing some laws to prevent children using them? All the tobaco companies see money in vapes now as cigarettes sales continue to decrease, easy to hit cigarettes.


Still waiting on a good idea on to tackle obesity and unhealthy eating. See all these health issues the BBC point out caused by smoking, see what people have been eating for the last 4 decades and why its all getting worse.

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I saw most of Sunak's speech and about the only thing I agreed with was the raising of the age for buying cigarettes.  Two questions though.

1. Will the Tories decline any financial donations from cigarette and tobacco companies between now and any related votes in the Commons or Lords?

2. Will there be a three line whip in favour of the proposals or will there be a free vote in the Commons? ( The "freedom" brigade might be in bother with a three line whip.)


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4 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

Brevermans "immigration was ok when I wan benefitting from it" is absolutely fucking staggering. This is a person who is supposed to be taken seriously. What an absolutely vicious, irredeemable, hopefully hell-bound c**t

It was a mere "gust" that here parents arrived on remember compared to the upcoming "hurricane".

Classic pull up the drawbridge, I'm alright Jack Tory shite.

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The "illegal" boat arrivals in 2022 were reported at 45k. Legal migration (visas issued) in that year totalled 1.2m (excluding visitors visas). The obsession with those arriving illegally is out of all proportion and I never ever hear any govt official mention what a small fraction of overall inward migration it represents. A total smokescreen diversion away from the real issues affecting the country

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Another standout piece of bullshit from Sunak today was his insistence that the best tax cut he can give the "hard pressed" people of Britain is cutting inflation.  Firstly this implies inflation is a tax but way worse is the effect of the tool used to reduce inflation. It's a blatant lie to say reducing inflation makes people better off when the only tool they have to try to reduce it is raising interest rates. Here you go, your weekly shop is £10 a week cheaper, rejoice at that while your mortgage has risen 5 times that amount to deliver this. Total charlatans. 

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53 minutes ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

I saw most of Sunak's speech and about the only thing I agreed with was the raising of the age for buying cigarettes.  Two questions though.

1. Will the Tories decline any financial donations from cigarette and tobacco companies between now and any related votes in the Commons or Lords?

2. Will there be a three line whip in favour of the proposals or will there be a free vote in the Commons? ( The "freedom" brigade might be in bother with a three line whip.)


Priti Patel used to be a lobbyist for tobacco back in the day so I'm assuming that there contributions must have dried up 

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1 hour ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

I saw most of Sunak's speech and about the only thing I agreed with was the raising of the age for buying cigarettes.  Two questions though.

1. Will the Tories decline any financial donations from cigarette and tobacco companies between now and any related votes in the Commons or Lords?

2. Will there be a three line whip in favour of the proposals or will there be a free vote in the Commons? ( The "freedom" brigade might be in bother with a three line whip.)


Apparently, it's going to be a free vote with no whip.

A cynic would suggest that this will allow MP's to maximise their "consultancy fees" from Big Tobacco in the run-up to the vote.

An obvious side-effect of this policy will be that Challenge 25 requirements will also have to increase every year, resulting in bigger percentages of the population having to carry ID to buy tobacco. The right wing of the Tories will not agree with this "assault on their freeeeeedoms"

Much as I agree with the proposal, I can't see it getting through Westminster whilst the Tories have a majority  .

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12 minutes ago, Thane of Cawdor said:

Do my old eyes deceive me? Is that the same Billingham, that once formed part of Teesside, relocated to become a suburb of Berwick?

Something like that and potholes in Plymouth and Cornwall are part of the "network north" money 🤣

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7 hours ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

They do know that these speeches and interviews ARE also being shown in Scotland, yes?

We're never voting for them, so they don't need to care.

6 hours ago, btb said:

Seems to me that the Tories are looking around for anything to cut in order to make a "penny off Income Tax" last throw of the dice move just prior to calling a GE.

To quote Faith No More, a penny won't do.

2 hours ago, CityDave94 said:

Still waiting on a good idea on to tackle obesity and unhealthy eating. See all these health issues the BBC point out caused by smoking, see what people have been eating for the last 4 decades and why its all getting worse.

The idea is to run down the health service. If you're a fatty who can afford it, you'll pay for treatment elsewhere. If you can't afford it, you'll suffer and die, and will be blamed for your own demise by the important parts of the electorate.

Obviously not something that any government is going to admit to, but that's the plan. There's no downside for them.

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