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Tory Lies, Corruption and Hypocrisy- Add Them Here


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8 hours ago, MEADOWXI said:

I was born in the middle of a GE, 5 days before polling. Heath won. In the last 53 years Labour has been in charge for 18. That's just more than last half century had 35 years of Tory rule ( yes I'm lumping Clegg in there, it all he deserves).

Yet if you listened to the MSM or the Tories every ill and woe of the country is due to labour mismanagement. In charge 2/3 of the years of my life and never their fault and they are the ones to fix everything, as we spiral from clown to cretin to self-serving c*nt running the country.

Surely someone will realise they breaking the soul of the country as well as its infrastructure.



I think if you were being generous, the last two long term Tory governments could both be split into 2 very defined halves. The Thatcher/Major split and the Cameron and May vs Johnson, Truss and Sunek. In their minds a lot of Tories will genuinely see it as different governments in either half of the 79 to 97 period and 2010 to 2024 period and so not carry the sins from one half to the next. Now, this is utter BS as it is the same bods in each, but it allows them to justify themselves.

It's just incredible that after 13 years, they can come out and blame anything on the last Labour government. Next time they trot anything like that out, Interviewer should ask of it would have been  fair game for Gordon Brown in the 2010 election to blame anything on Majors government! 

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On 23/10/2023 at 11:51, MEADOWXI said:

I was born in the middle of a GE, 5 days before polling. Heath won. In the last 53 years Labour has been in charge for 18. That's just more than last half century had 35 years of Tory rule ( yes I'm lumping Clegg in there, it all he deserves).

Yet if you listened to the MSM or the Tories every ill and woe of the country is due to labour mismanagement. In charge 2/3 of the years of my life and never their fault and they are the ones to fix everything, as we spiral from clown to cretin to self-serving c*nt running the country.

Surely someone will realise they breaking the soul of the country as well as its infrastructure.


"It starts slowly at first. A food bank crops up inside your local mosque. You notice more sleeping bags on the walk to work. Over time, the signs seem to grow. A donation bin appears in Tesco for families who can’t afford soap or toothpaste. Terms such as “bed poverty” emerge in the news because we now need vocabulary to describe children who are so poor that they have to sleep on the floor.

Then one day you read a statistic that somehow feels both shocking and wearily unsurprising: about 3.8 million people experienced destitution in the UK last year. That’s the equivalent of almost half the population of London being unable to meet their most basic needs to stay warm, dry, clean and fed."


The following comes from 'Curtis Bollington' in the comments section regarding the above article in today's Guardian :-

"The fundamental that politicians serve the people has been lost for a long time. Instead most government politicians are in it for personal gain – the power it provides; mainly in the form of influence and personal wealth. Andrew Cooper’s comments before losing the Tamworth byelection, and his reaction on losing it, are typical of this attitude.
Personal gain is blatant abuse of the ‘power’ they acquire, which is given to be used for the benefit of their constituents, whom they are meant to represent and work on behalf of.
The success of our society is measured by the way we take care of everyone within it. The cornerstones of any caring and civilised society are a home, food, utilities, health, education. The aim of those given the responsibility for representing us should be to maintain and improve these. However wealth is the only factor used by this government to measure success. Not just of the country, but of its own party and politics. It has been the only measure for decades. With this measure it will always fail. Resources and profit are finite.
Money is purely a tool. It has to flow everywhere in order to work properly. It is like the health-giving lubricant of society. If it stops flowing, or is held back, then the areas it doesn’t reach become unhealthy, which in turn affects the whole organism of society. Because that’s what it is, a single organism, not separate parts that operate individually – which is how this government perceives it. For the Conservatives this is an ‘us and them’ society.
Wealth is not the product of success, it is a byproduct of a successful society. But this government is so blinded by greed and power they can’t see this and never will. They can never accept it because it would mean investing for long-term gain with no immediate substantial financial reward. Poverty and ill-health stricken constituents are an irritation for those MPs in it for personal gain, who only have five years in which to set themselves up for life. We have seen more blatant examples of this recently. This focus on short-term gain with minimum investment is another reason why it is inevitable that the Conservatives will always eventually fail. The longer they remain in power, the worse it is for them. They are not a political party, but a marketing organisation. They don’t have to do anything, just sell ideas that will get them back into power at an election. Look at recent history to see how this has worked.
Society is now too broken to vote on personalities and promises. People need homes now, food now, healthcare and medical appointments now, decent education and training now. Above all they (we) need money now, to lubricate their own lives and allow them to start taking care of themselves and those close to them in a way that many are capable of, but are cruelly and inhumanely denied."


Edited by Florentine_Pogen
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47 minutes ago, Florentine_Pogen said:


"It starts slowly at first. A food bank crops up inside your local mosque. You notice more sleeping bags on the walk to work. Over time, the signs seem to grow. A donation bin appears in Tesco for families who can’t afford soap or toothpaste. Terms such as “bed poverty” emerge in the news because we now need vocabulary to describe children who are so poor that they have to sleep on the floor.

Then one day you read a statistic that somehow feels both shocking and wearily unsurprising: about 3.8 million people experienced destitution in the UK last year. That’s the equivalent of almost half the population of London being unable to meet their most basic needs to stay warm, dry, clean and fed."


And millions refuse to even acknowledge it.

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On 23/10/2023 at 11:51, MEADOWXI said:

Surely someone will realise they breaking the soul of the country as well as its infrastructure.

That's the explicit point. It's the idea that Thatcherism expressed so effectively; there is no society, do not expect anything from us, you're all on your own. Their supporters know this, and agree with it. Plus, you can have it both ways - if an area becomes run down, it's because those bad selfish working class people have destroyed it and refuse to band together and fix their own problems.

The long-term aim is to have a desperate populace that have to dedicate their life to enriching their betters in exchange for food and shelter, so that the wealthy can claw some industry back from parts of the world that are already in that situation. Their supporters know this, and are fine with it as they assume they'll never be in the impoverished group.

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32 minutes ago, BFTD said:

That's the explicit point. It's the idea that Thatcherism expressed so effectively; there is no society, do not expect anything from us, you're all on your own. Their supporters know this, and agree with it. Plus, you can have it both ways - if an area becomes run down, it's because those bad selfish working class people have destroyed it and refuse to band together and fix their own problems.

The long-term aim is to have a desperate populace that have to dedicate their life to enriching their betters in exchange for food and shelter, so that the wealthy can claw some industry back from parts of the world that are already in that situation. Their supporters know this, and are fine with it as they assume they'll never be in the impoverished group.

There’s no such thing as society?  Everyone for themselves?

Why the f**k did we bail out the big banks when they fucked it up then?





“Every one is a free marketeer until they need a bail out.”*

* Chuck Rhoades - Billions.

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9 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

There’s no such thing as society?  Everyone for themselves?

Why the f**k did we bail out the big banks when they fucked it up then?





“Every one is a free marketeer until they need a bail out.”*

* Chuck Rhoades - Billions.

Ah, but we were all in it together back then, if you recall.

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1 hour ago, BFTD said:

Ah, but we were all in it together back then, if you recall.

I think when you look back over the last few decades, the banking bail out stands out, rightly, for a lot of criticism but it hasn't been the only one. Steel, Coal and Rover cars to name a few have or are still having, in the case of steel, getting government handouts, when in reality they had or have no future. The banks were a bit different in that underlying, there was and is, clearly viable business there. If they hadn't been bailed out, as hard as it is to imagine, we wouldn't be any better off as a result. We wouldn't have had morgages for example ripped up and any assets would have been hoovered up by foreign banks (which many were anyway) as their countries would have bailed them out.

What was massively a missed opportunity was not imposing even stricter measures on their future operations, such as bonuses etc. Could still pay comparable wages with elsewhere, but wouldn't need to be topped up with bonuses.

For their part, the banks should have been mandated to provide lower and incentivised borrowing for British businesses with government assurances. On the Government's side, they should have provided a stable environment to allow banks to do this and recover. Both didn't happen and with Brexit, the banks rightly or wrongly feel that it was a reset in the UK and frankly the government didn't want to and couldn't, properly regulate and monitor the banks.

The Truss mess is as clear an indicator as you can get that the Financial sector in the UK is broken again and ripe for another problem.... unless you get a serious government focused on the day job and being stable to allow for challenging the banks and allowing for investment.

FWIW, I think the SNP should as part of any manifesto offering give a pledge to any financial institutions that Edinburgh will become a fair, but open place to do banking in an independent Scotland, potentially lower taxes, but zero loopholes. Stability and certainty and everyone wins. 

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The government coincidentally releasing 160 transparency documents on the one day the press is barred from reporting on them.


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On 24/10/2023 at 12:05, BFTD said:

That's the explicit point. It's the idea that Thatcherism expressed so effectively; there is no society, do not expect anything from us, you're all on your own. Their supporters know this, and agree with it. Plus, you can have it both ways - if an area becomes run down, it's because those bad selfish working class people have destroyed it and refuse to band together and fix their own problems.

The long-term aim is to have a desperate populace that have to dedicate their life to enriching their betters in exchange for food and shelter, so that the wealthy can claw some industry back from parts of the world that are already in that situation. Their supporters know this, and are fine with it as they assume they'll never be in the impoverished group.


On 24/10/2023 at 12:41, Granny Danger said:

There’s no such thing as society?  Everyone for themselves?

Why the f**k did we bail out the big banks when they fucked it up then?





“Every one is a free marketeer until they need a bail out.”*

* Chuck Rhoades - Billions.

But what about the "blitz spirit" and the communities banding together banging pots during covid.

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4 hours ago, Empty It said:


But what about the "blitz spirit" and the communities banding together banging pots during covid.

"It is still not widely appreciated that crime boomed during the war. Criminals had a field day. When the war ended it was a source of regret to many on the wrong side of the law. One notorious crook went on record in later life saying that the war was a golden time for him and he’d never forgive Hitler for surrendering."

Blitz spirit my arse. In 80 years time dewy eyed poppy wearing types will pine for the days when their forefathers banged pots whilst those who lived through it remember the £37bn for track and trace (and Michelle Mone thieving furiously).

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18 minutes ago, Flatulent Gannet said:

OK, I’ve deleted my Twitter account,so anybody care to speculate who the latest Tory MP. Wing arrested for Rape is ?

Could be any of them.

Edit: report states in his 60s so that narrows the field.

Francois is 58. Amazingly.


Edited by Suspect Device
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30 minutes ago, Suspect Device said:

Could be any of them.

Edit: report states in his 60s so that narrows the field.

Francois is 58. Amazingly.


Twitter would have us believe he's a cùnt.

Sorry about the rhyming slang.

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