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24 minutes ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

How dare the woke unelected socialist judges declare that Rwanda is unsafe!

They've barely had any genocides in recent years.

It's the same pish they've been coming away with for years but it's actually fairly simple and straight forward, - you can not pass a law that, in doing so would be in breach of an existing law. to do that you would have to repeal or amend said exisiting law. When things like international treaties, conventions etc are involved, you would have to go through a long complex process in order to get to where you want to be and there's also far less chance of you getting enough support to do that than you're original idea might be able to muster.

TLDR they must have known from the start this was a no goer and they've just been playing to the crowd the whole time

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11 minutes ago, effeffsee_the2nd said:

TLDR they must have known from the start this was a no goer and they've just been playing to the crowd the whole time

It's either that or the Home Office has been completely blinkered by their sense of self brilliance and exceptionalism.

Quite funny that Cameron has come in to be a distraction from Tory incompetence, only for that unexpected news to be torpedoed by a bigger story about Tory incompetence, all within a day or two.

Edited by Hedgecutter
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Just now, sparky88 said:

The Tories calling a 'small boats election' which they then lose would be a contender for the most satisfying political outcomes of my lifetime. 

It's also very very possible. 

Again this is another thing they have pulled out their arse. the small boats are relatively new but the people entering  are not. for years people were trying to jump into or under lorries to get in. they beefed up security round ports in the north of France and dismantled the Calais jungle to the point that lorry jumping is no longer viable. people simple switched from that to boats!.  Also another reason why net migration is so fucking high is because all the auld c***s can't just move to Spain with no visa anymore, wonder whose idea that was?

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ECHR to be under attack next. I can’t see it capturing the popular/ignorant imagination like the EU did but a quarter of a century ago I couldn’t envisage mass participation giving-a-shit about the EU, so who knows. Maybe thirty years as a fringe Tory and Tory press obsession might do the job on that too.

The fact that being outside the ECHR wouldn’t have affected today’s decision is irrelevant.

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1 hour ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

How dare the woke unelected socialist judges declare that Rwanda is unsafe!

They've barely had any genocides in recent years.

I turned onto GBnews at the announcement for the shit and giggles and wasn't disappointed. The gammon flunkies presenting were apoplectic, it was worthy of the heads gone thread on here. Only heard the words lefty and woke about a dozen times in the few minutes I sat chuckling at it. Priceless stuff.


ETA all this while their messiah is in a jungle on the other side of the world whoring himself on a celebrity tv show. You couldn't make it up.

Edited by Billy Jean King
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2 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

Sunak is toast here now. Despite the proximity to an almost certain leathering I can see him out on his arse well before any GE.

Political suicide for them imo, and I can't see them voluntarily handing the baton over.  

To a large number of Tory voters, one short-term PM is a f***-up, but two consecutive ones shows proper incompetence.

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4 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

Sunak is toast here now. Despite the proximity to an almost certain leathering I can see him out on his arse well before any GE.

That’s terrible. You’re talking about a hard working billionaire losing his job here…..

The thought of going through the circus of watching the leadership candidates pitch to a few thousand foosty old snobs to be the next new Tory leader again makes me despair.
Scotland needs out of this UK shiteshow ASAP.

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