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Scottish Parliamentary Elections May 2021

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1 hour ago, GordonS said:

I'm curious as to why you call the first vote a referendum, but the second one is a "people's vote". In what way would an independence referendum not be a "people's vote"?

That was the term used by Sturgeon/SNP in the lead up to Brexit. The idea being the people should have the final say.

If the politicians negotiate a bad deal we shouldn't be bound by it.

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Folded leaflet received today from Tories.  Usual stuff. Big photo of Baroness Commander of Tank on page 3 (shudder), smaller picture of Dross on page 4. Oh, and of course, 18 references to independence or indyref2. A smattering of "pro-UKs" too. References to ANY other policy area conspicuous by it's absence. 

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1 hour ago, wirez said:

Leaflet from Labour earlier Had the usual 'activists pretending to punters' giving their views on why they are voting.

One of them was that the SNP are good at creating jobs outside of Scotland.

Look on the back of leaflet? Printed in Northamptonshire. Idiots!

I googled the one with the least common name, turns out she is the former chair of the Stirling Labour party.

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4 hours ago, Terry_Tibbs said:

That was the term used by Sturgeon/SNP in the lead up to Brexit. The idea being the people should have the final say.

If the politicians negotiate a bad deal we shouldn't be bound by it.

I know lots of politicians used the term, I just wondered why you were using it in this context. Fair enough.

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4 hours ago, Terry_Tibbs said:

I wonder how many Scottish businesses will be fucked over by a hard border with England. Think creating barriers to enter with our closest trading partner will put an extra groat in your pocket?

I always find statements like this somewhat puzzling.

As someone who has worked for multinational businesses all my working life (pharmaceuticals/fine chemicals, oil and gas engineering and utilities) I have dealt with customers and suppliers on every continent. If you have goods or services that are of the right quality and price, there are very few real borders. So, whilst the “newly independent" UK roared about how the EU would want to trade with it (which is true), suddenly an independent Scotland will be "banned" from trading with RUK? Is this a real threat with echoes of the English Alien Act of 1705, or empty rhetoric? I think it’s very much the latter.

If our products, resources, and services at least stay at current levels of quality or maintain USPs like our whisky and tourism and a long list of other sectors, there will still be customers. Control of our economic levers will act as enablers not blockers to growth. More importantly, this can be growth in a social democratic landscape rather than moral decline under a hard right conservative UK with alarming tendencies toward libertarianism, the removal of necessary regulation and contempt for human rights. 

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5 hours ago, Terry_Tibbs said:

I wonder how many Scottish businesses will be fucked over by a hard border with England. Think creating barriers to enter with our closest trading partner will put an extra groat in your pocket?

Fewer than the number of financial services and exporting business that will be fucked over by remaining part of Brexit Britain. Which you were all for. 

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6 hours ago, Terry_Tibbs said:

I wonder how many Scottish businesses will be fucked over by a hard border with England. Think creating barriers to enter with our closest trading partner will put an extra groat in your pocket?

It's their choice to be insular, inward looking,  "take back control" arseholes. I'll take some short term pain to restructure the Scottish export market and they can sink in their own Tory filth. My condolences to the millions of decent English people affected by the choices of their govt and the c***s that vote for them. 

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Yet to receive an election leaflet from the Lib Dem’s. Find it weird considering the local Lib Dem councillor writes to everyone as often as he can about he great he is.

Had Labour, Tories, SNP, Alba, Reform, Scottish Family Party, AFU all today.

Last election I didn’t receive a Lib Dem leaflet until the day after the vote. I think I’ll die laughing if that happens again.

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24 minutes ago, mizfit said:

Yet to receive an election leaflet from the Lib Dem’s. Find it weird considering the local Lib Dem councillor writes to everyone as often as he can about he great he is.

Had Labour, Tories, SNP, Alba, Reform, Scottish Family Party, AFU all today.

Last election I didn’t receive a Lib Dem leaflet until the day after the vote. I think I’ll die laughing if that happens again.

There’s a sad looking wee old wifie that hand delivers Lib Dem leaflets around my area. She’s probably daft Wullie’s auntie or something. At least it keeps her active.

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EU should ‘hang out welcome sign’ for an independent Scotland
Letter signed by 170 cultural figures seeks a ‘unilateral and open offer’ to rejoin EU ahead of Holyrood elections

Ahead of next week’s Holyrood elections, for which polling suggests a pro-independence majority of MSPs is a near certainty, the Italian novelist Elena Ferrante, the Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek, the English director Richard Eyre and the Greek political scientist Kalypso Nicolaïdis are among those asking heads of EU nations and institutions to show solidarity with the Scots.
Their letter calls on EU leaders to recognise Scotland’s special position, after it voted to remain by 62% to 38% in the 2016 referendum, by clearly signalling a path for the country to return as a member in advance of any independence referendum so that voters can make an informed choice.

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Id have a vote after independence on whether Scotland should join EU. The votes is sure to be won but its still worth doing. As we would be voting on what the terms were which will have changed from before and it would just put the whole thing to bed for the next 30 years. So no one would have to listen to whether being in EU or not is a good or bad thing for a long long time. It also means just in case there is some financial crisis or other crisis within eu in next 20 years no one can say we didnt have a vote on joining.



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Does anyone know when the results will be announced? 
I was reading that it will take place over Friday and Saturday but the BBC article has disappeared. 
Yeh I believe counting won't start until Friday morning and probably not finish until Saturday, however I'd imagine we will have a very good idea how its going by Fri evening
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30 minutes ago, John Lambies Doos said:
1 hour ago, betting competition said:
Does anyone know when the results will be announced? 
I was reading that it will take place over Friday and Saturday but the BBC article has disappeared. 

Yeh I believe counting won't start until Friday morning and probably not finish until Saturday, however I'd imagine we will have a very good idea how its going by Fri evening

We'll need to be a wee bit wary though, the huge difference in constituency and regional polling means we might see some weird stuff when the lists come in. For example, if the SNP hoover constituencies then the Greens could get a reasonably good share yet with greater competition from Tories and Labour on the list they might not end up with more seats. 

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