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Scottish Parliamentary Elections May 2021

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Voted about 7.10 and it seemed a bit busier than it would normally be, wonder if that's an indication that it might be a decent turnout?. Staff seemed a bit disorganised with no signs indicating the one way system that people were being told about when they were heading out the same door they came in. One person at a desk instead of the usual 2 🤔

Voted SNP/Green 👍

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I postal voted SNP/SNP in the Highlands.
My dad voted SNP/SNP  and my mum will be voting SNP/Green in Perthshire.
Think my grand parents have voted Labour and Tory though. Ffs [emoji24]

If it makes you feel any better her grandparents have voted Tory/SFP.

My Grandads refusing to vote because they’re all “A shower of b*****ds.”
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I've read a few articles recently on the SNP gaining a good chunk of the young vote, people who will be voting for the first time.  Surely there will be a lot of young ***s voting Tory too, so I'm not sure it's the home run some of the journos think is it.

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4 minutes ago, TheScarf said:

I've read a few articles recently on the SNP gaining a good chunk of the young vote, people who will be voting for the first time.  Surely there will be a lot of young ***s voting Tory too, so I'm not sure it's the home run some of the journos think is it.

Yip my niece is a first time voter she already voted snp/ green and I'm guessing all her pals will most likely be the same 

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Kev will be heading to vote soon in Dundee East with his 18 year old son.

This is his first time voting and I believe he's voting SNP.

People of his age group are our future so it's important that we encourage them to get out and vote [emoji994] and make their voices heard.

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Humbling – and a little sad – to see the extent of the coverage of the Holyrood election in Europe. Well covered by French newspapers, and a front page headline ("The Scottish Temptation" in the main French-speaking paper in Switzerland, with a full-page article inside (“It is remarkable to have a party in power so long which is still considered the most competent of all”) covering the battle for Edinburgh Central as well as a summary of the road to independence. Honestly, it's more reasoned than just about anything I've read in any of our papers.

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Can't think of the last time I saw articles about European politics on the front cover of a British paper. Unless of course you include the jingoistic stuff about gunboats in Jersey (which  isn't given the slightest notice by French papers because everyone knows it's a non-story). But this stuff is lapped up in this country.

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Edited by Mr Heliums
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7 hours ago, craigkillie said:

For all of this talk of SNP votes "shifting across on the list", it has to be acknowledged that there is also a lot of shift the other way. I'm a Green Party supporter, but I often vote SNP in the constituency list and or for Westminster because there isn't a Green candidate standing.

Yes, absolutely. Something that many in the SNP fail to acknowledge.

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