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Are YOU Voting for the Alba Party?


Who's Voting for the Alba Party?  

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9 hours ago, wirez said:

I know it, you know it, anybody that has looked at, and has a vague inkling of the D'Hondt voting system, knows it.

Folk should stop treating their political votes like it is their support for a fitba team. It is pathetic.

In south Scotland #BothVotesSNP makes sense. Elsewhere? A complete waste.

Understanding how the d'Hondt system works means people grasp that a list vote for the SNP is a waste outside South and H&I, yes.

Some laugh for you to turn round and start talking about people treating support for a political party like a football team though, as if you aren't doing so in your blanket dismissal of any criticism of Alba being down to following the SNP like a cult. It's not like anyone could have legitimate reasons to object to a party with racists, homophobes, transphobes, misogynists and anti-vaxers among their candidates, with official party events seeing members propogating far right conspiracy theories about LGBT organisations being a front for paedophiles.

Still though, they support independence so none of that matters. As long as someone supports independence the rest of their platform is irrelevant.

Who's guilty of cultish behaviour here exactly?

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3 hours ago, Genuine Hibs Fan said:

Also I know it's one guy but suggesting Alba are the party to turn to for rational scientific thought when Neale Hanvey has revealed himself to be a believer in astral projection seems a bit odd.


download (9).jpeg

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2 minutes ago, Dunning1874 said:

Understanding how the d'Hondt system works means people grasp that a list vote for the SNP is a waste outside South and H&I, yes.

Some laugh for you to turn round and start talking about people treating support for a political party like a football team though, as if you aren't doing so in your blanket dismissal of any criticism of Alba being down to following the SNP like a cult. It's not like anyone could have legitimate reasons to object to a party with racists, homophobes, transphobes, misogynists and anti-vaxers among their candidates, with official party events seeing members propogating far right conspiracy theories about LGBT organisations being a front for paedophiles.

Still though, they support independence so none of that matters. As long as someone supports independence the rest of their platform is irrelevant.

Who's guilty of cultish behaviour here exactly?

It's also an argument predicated on forgetting that another pro indy party, the Greens, exists and is an option on the list. In which case why are they talking about putting aside party politics? 

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7 hours ago, Illgresi said:

I believe you're confusing Marxist, with Neo-Marxist.

Also, as I stated above, I'm happy to have my opinion changed by considered, thoughtful discourse. You have not changed my opinion.

I think you think you are much more rational than you actually are. It's better to acknowledge your own biases, because we all have them.

Politics is not something with a findable correct answer. Obviously it should be based on fact, but ultimately it's a personal choice about what matters to each person and what they think is best for society.

That said, IMO it's a matter of fact that the SNP's policies are nowhere near neo-Marxist. I think they suck up to landowners and have done literally nothing about the rentier economy, but I'd be interested in knowing why you think they fit that bill.

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1 minute ago, Dunning1874 said:

Understanding how the d'Hondt system works means people grasp that a list vote for the SNP is a waste outside South and H&I, yes.

Some laugh for you to turn round and start talking about people treating support for a political party like a football team though, as if you aren't doing so in your blanket dismissal of any criticism of Alba being down to following the SNP like a cult. It's not like anyone could have legitimate reasons to object to a party with racists, homophobes, transphobes, misogynists and anti-vaxers among their candidates, with official party events seeing members propogating far right conspiracy theories about LGBT organisations being a front for paedophiles.

Still though, they support independence so none of that matters. As long as someone supports independence the rest of their platform is irrelevant.

Who's guilty of cultish behaviour here exactly?

All those 'phobes'. For a minute I thought you were going to talk about John Mason MSP.

Look you can deny it all you want, but there is a definite cult feel around some sections of SNP supporters. The dear leader is infallible.

There are now 2 SNP MPs under investigation for sexual harassment allegations. Where are the posts discussing that? Instead the ostrich approach gets adopted.

Salmond faced a full criminal inquiry in front of a jury in the highest court in Scotland and was cleared. The trial by pitchfork continues on though.

There is also some neck on supporters of independence that moaned for years about being labelled "cybernats" because of the actions of a few nutters. How sad that some SNP activists have taken up the same broad brush tactics to paint anyone associated with ALBA as a raving loon. .

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7 minutes ago, Pato said:

Tell you what re-watching the X files as an adult rather than an excitable teenager is a whole new experience. You want Scully to shoot Mulder multiple times per episode.

I'm loving it on my first watch rn



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11 hours ago, Illgresi said:

Let's get down to the real issue at hand.

Nearly 1M regional list votes in favour of the SNP (I was one of them), returned 4 seats. There's a famous 'quote' often missattributed to Einstein that "insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting the different results". It may be an urban myth, but the point very much holds true.

As an Alby party member I'll be voting SNP for my constituency, and Alba for the regional list. I understand not everyone will (certainly not my wife, the absolute dobber would vote for the Tories before either the SNP or Alba), but for crying out loud, please see that voting SNP on the regional is a wasted vote*. If you must, vote for the green party on the regional.

*Going against party lines here, I actually think it is prudent to vote for SNP on the regional list in the south Scotland region.

The whole idea of the system is that the list votes top-up the constituency votes. In Westminster we saw in 2015 the SNP take 95% of the seats with 50% of the vote. The Scottish parliament was designed so that this couldn't happen. It evens this out and means that parties are represented in the parliament in accordance with their vote share as well as keeping a constituency MP. If you go both votes SNP and so do 50% of the country, they get 50% of the seats. You're not being cheated out of anything, and your vote isn't wasted. 

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1 hour ago, wirez said:

All those 'phobes'. For a minute I thought you were going to talk about John Mason MSP.

Look you can deny it all you want, but there is a definite cult feel around some sections of SNP supporters. The dear leader is infallible.

There are now 2 SNP MPs under investigation for sexual harassment allegations. Where are the posts discussing that? Instead the ostrich approach gets adopted.

Salmond faced a full criminal inquiry in front of a jury in the highest court in Scotland and was cleared. The trial by pitchfork continues on though.

There is also some neck on supporters of independence that moaned for years about being labelled "cybernats" because of the actions of a few nutters. How sad that some SNP activists have taken up the same broad brush tactics to paint anyone associated with ALBA as a raving loon. .

Literally none of this screed of whataboutery addresses what the poster actually said about the Alba party candidates.

Edited by madwullie
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1 hour ago, oneteaminglasgow said:

The theme song from x-files used to scare the shit out of me when I was wee. I’ve still never watched any of it for that reason.

It's a lot gorier than I anticipated. Worth a watch tho even just for the f**k the govt message or how hot Scully and Mulder are.

39 minutes ago, renton said:

The monster of the week stories were far superior to the mythology episodes IMO 

I used to prefer the latter in my TV but I've swung around to the former more recently. I do like the  mythology characters in X-Files whose motives and allegiances are uncertain tho like X and Skinner. They're great.

Agreed on the monster of the week stuff tho. Any episode involving a random cult or guy quoting scripture are my faves by a distance. The satanists and vegan cults are the first ones I think of or the Vietnam vet enacting vengeance. "I haven't slept for 24 years!"

Edited by NotThePars
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I started on X-Files for the first time last year and absolutely loved it until the end of the 2nd season. The over-arching story and mystery is phenomenal but too many of the 'monster of the week' episodes were just dull and in some cases are just tired and dated now.

My favourite ever episode was their blatant rip-off of The Thing though. Cracking episode.

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4 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:

I started on X-Files for the first time last year and absolutely loved it until the end of the 2nd season. The over-arching story and mystery is phenomenal but too many of the 'monster of the week' episodes were just dull and in some cases are just tired and dated now.

My favourite ever episode was their blatant rip-off of The Thing though. Cracking episode.

I feel like that one was over rated. I loved the one with the forest and the bugs from season 1.


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2 hours ago, wirez said:

All those 'phobes'. For a minute I thought you were going to talk about John Mason MSP.

Look you can deny it all you want, but there is a definite cult feel around some sections of SNP supporters. The dear leader is infallible.

There are now 2 SNP MPs under investigation for sexual harassment allegations. Where are the posts discussing that? Instead the ostrich approach gets adopted.

Salmond faced a full criminal inquiry in front of a jury in the highest court in Scotland and was cleared. The trial by pitchfork continues on though.

There is also some neck on supporters of independence that moaned for years about being labelled "cybernats" because of the actions of a few nutters. How sad that some SNP activists have taken up the same broad brush tactics to paint anyone associated with ALBA as a raving loon. .

Yes, the SNP also have a case to answer here and if Mason was a candidate in my constituency I wouldn't be voting for him; more pertinently to me Chris McEleny was running to be the SNP candidate for Inverclyde, and had he won I wouldn't have voted SNP then either. Not taking a harder line on those with various questionable views has come back to bite them with many of those people getting the opportunity to slither off to Alba on their own terms.

Of course there are a number of SNP voters who view their party as infallible and fawn over everything Sturgeon says regardless of content. No one is disputing that. What we're saying is that you're just doing the exact same thing with Alba, which is why you're dismissing this as a few nutters when they've got nothing but nutters. For all the problems with the SNP, that isn't the case with them. You also claim you're backing Alba as it's a route to independence, when all the evidence suggests that Salmond's presence is the biggest gift the union has had in years.

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1 minute ago, Dunning1874 said:

You also claim you're backing Alba as it's a route to independence, when all the evidence suggests that Salmond's presence is the biggest gift the union has had in years.

What evidence is this, exactly?

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The X-Files is fantastic and 

2 hours ago, Pato said:

Tell you what re-watching the X files as an adult rather than an excitable teenager is a whole new experience. You want Scully to shoot Mulder multiple times per episode.

you have died inside, sorry

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