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Take the Knee or Stand Up.

velo army

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6 minutes ago, Iain said:

They should be kneeling and there's no strong argument against it. You can't signal your opposition to racism by giving in to what the racists want you to do. It's madness.

Exactly. It smacks of trying to appease the people who are against kneeling. 

You don't beat racism by pandering to racists.

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By choosing not take the knee, we'll be made to look like nothing but a bunch of spineless cowards, appeasing to some of the absolute lowest in our society. This shouldn't even up for debate. You only have to look at the types of individuals who have already come out commending this to understand just how badly the SFA have misjudged this. 

23 year absence of Scotland in major football tournaments, and we're already in danger of embarrassing ourselves on a global stage before we've even kicked a ball.  

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Scotland decided back in March no longer to kneel.  Instead they were going to stand up to racism.  

Scotland are not doing this because there are mad racists in the UK that are unhappy about kneeling.  

The unfortunate thing is we're playing a side that has had the issue with racist f**k wits booing the kneeling so the optics is going be made to look bad for the racist f**k wit to enjoy.  

Edited by Antiochas III
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The squad have been standing since March, likewise some clubs in Scotland. Motherwell put out a particularly good video on social media explaining why. 

It's largely only reared its head because of England's issues with their fans and general right wing racism in England. If we weren't playing them there would be no issue.

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I dont get why people are saying its "lost its impact".  What impact did it have at the start? Were the thick racist c***s booing it then? I can remember much of that happening.

The fact that the knuckle draggers continuously boo this and try to deflect from their own bigotry by the old Marxist shite is great for outing massively racist sets of fans, football clubs and arguably countries.  

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44 minutes ago, Iain said:

They should be kneeling and there's no strong argument against it. You can't signal your opposition to racism by giving in to what the racists want you to do. It's madness.

I don't think racists give a shit if someone is kneeling or not. Racists are going to be racist because they've not been educated enough to know the difference.

I agree with the sentiment, obviously, but I think its lost its meaning. There needs to be tougher sanctions against the guilty parties.

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1 hour ago, LiviLion said:

England players being booed for taking the knee while the Scotland players stand.

That's not going to look good for us at all. 

At !East the booing will be unanimous.

42 minutes ago, sergie's no1 fan said:

Either way doesn't really bother me.

It's not going to prevent a racist arsehole spewing his bile anyway.

It might help expose it further though.

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48 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

I dont get why people are saying its "lost its impact".  What impact did it have at the start? Were the thick racist c***s booing it then? I can remember much of that happening.

The fact that the knuckle draggers continuously boo this and try to deflect from their own bigotry by the old Marxist shite is great for outing massively racist sets of fans, football clubs and arguably countries.  

Campaigns by their very nature tend to have a "shelf life" for want of a better phrase and I think this one is the same. It was excellent when it was first introduced as it caught the whole sporting world's attention. But after an extended period of time I feel it needs a re-think or a refresh or it risks becoming stale. What that could look like, I'm not sure, but I feel players taking the knee has served it's initial purpose and there aren't many new people that are yet to be exposed to it.

I'd like to see something along the lines of videos or interviews played over the screens/speakers at stadiums before matches where one of the players in the team/league who has experienced racial abuse shares their feelings and thoughts on it. I think this would open up a new avenue to convey to the fans how a fellow human being is suffering.

Edited by AJF
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50 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

I dont get why people are saying its "lost its impact".  What impact did it have at the start? Were the thick racist c***s booing it then? I can remember much of that happening.

The fact that the knuckle draggers continuously boo this and try to deflect from their own bigotry by the old Marxist shite is great for outing massively racist sets of fans, football clubs and arguably countries.  

It started after lockdown when there were no crowds allowed in. 

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1 hour ago, Richey Edwards said:

We should be taking the knee.

I have read taking the knee being described as futile and an empty gesture, as if anybody is under the illusion that taking the knee alone will defeat racism. It's a gesture of solidarity with oppressed people. If you have an issue with taking the knee, then you are part of the reason why people have been taking the knee.

With England's players taking the knee at Wembley and most likely being booed (AGAIN) for doing so, the sight of our players just standing around will be an absolute cringe fest.

Basically this 👆

Taking the knee is the appointed gesture, and whilst I fully appreciate it’s become an empty gesture because it simply isn’t working, NOT taking the knee comes across as a lack of solidarity and a step away from a united effort to show our disdain for racism. 


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I find it all pretty ridiculous to be honest, I do totally agree with the sentiment behind it but unfortunately anyone can kneel down before a match but then go on to racially abuse their opponent in the very same game as ultimately it's just all tokenism.

You don't have to go to church to be a christian or stand on your doorstep applauding the NHS at 8pm on a Thursday to prove you're a good guy and this is pretty much the same for me.

I also think that the political side with the clenched fist "black power" doesn't help the cause and the close connections to the "black lives matter" movement is also a detractor given some of the extremists attached to them.

Personally I would never "boo" but I'd also not be applauding and just find the whole thing rather tedious and disingenuous now.

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Scots players should stand, but alongside the English players taking the knee, to show that we are standing in solidarity with them & not as a result of the boo boys - who let’s face it won’t know the Scottish national team & many club sides have been standing for a few months.

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I supported it initially as it was a great way of showing solidarity with the movement and it acheived its purpose of putting the topic racism at the forefront of peoples mind.

As time has went on it has become an empty gesture. The first few weeks everybody watched and appreciated that so many people were supporting it. Now when it happens its a case of "aw aye, they're doing that knee for racism thing" and nobody really thinks of it now. I certainly don't and that doesn't mean I am a racist. It's just not a powerful symbol anymore. 

As somebody has already said - Scotland didn't take the knee in March and on the whole people supported that. Now people are frothing at the fact that we aren't doing because England have quite a few racists supporting them. That's their problem to solve. Not the SFA or the Scotland team themselves. 

It has had it's time and we should move on. Racism can only be resolved through education and punishment of those found to be racist. Not choreographed pre-match routines. 

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