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9 hours ago, tamthebam said:

Funny how a 1940s festival is all about the War and Churchill and flegs and that and not about a proper Socialist Government nationalising everything and founding the NHS. 

Tbf,I think the mob asked to leave were well into a national socialist government 

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52 minutes ago, highlandmac said:

I,for one,am shocked that the sort of people who want to own XL bullys turn out to be gobshite bellends

Equally shocked that the folk on the XL Bully march were so confident that their beasts could behave well that they all left their little darlings at home.  The prospect of dozens of the beasts in close proximity to humans and each other obviously scared the keech out of the owners, as well it should.

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1 hour ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

Equally shocked that the folk on the XL Bully march were so confident that their beasts could behave well that they all left their little darlings at home.  The prospect of dozens of the beasts in close proximity to humans and each other obviously scared the keech out of the owners, as well it should.

And yet completely, pitch black, deep space level blind to the fact that that's exactly the problem.....

People in this country (and presumably others) have 100% lost the ability to think outside of "MYYYY TEEEEEEAM!!!!!" on even the most obvious issues

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12 hours ago, Ziggy Sobotka said:


I've changed my mind. Farage was right all along. 

Meanwhile, elsewhere, a gammony looking bunch were livening up my visit to the museum by protesting for the right to kill children. 


I guess that implementation of manifesto commitments after lengthy consultation leading to broad cross party consensus is one of the defining features of a totalitarian dictatorship. 

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Comparing driving on urban roads being capped at 20 mph to the systematic execution of a number of religious, political and ethnic groups tells you everything that is wrong with this country.

Maybe she can explain how Mark Drakefords road safety campaign is comparable to the deaths of around 50 million people. Stupid old cow.

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Presumably there were outraged fruitcakes protesting when the original speed limits were introduced at the dawn of the combustion engine, or when laws were drafted to criminalise galloping through residential areas on horseback.

It's remarkable what people will object to. There are probably people who'd complain about their own murderer being prosecuted, if only they were able.

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3 hours ago, 101 said:

Comparing driving on urban roads being capped at 20 mph to the systematic execution of a number of religious, political and ethnic groups tells you everything that is wrong with this country.

Maybe she can explain how Mark Drakefords road safety campaign is comparable to the deaths of around 50 million people. Stupid old cow.

Obviously, you haven’t given any consideration to the fact that going to the shops will take marginally longer now. That’s the metropolitan liberal elite for you. 

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Meanwhile, in a "House of Lords" in a crazy democracy...

"Lord Meston and Lord De ­Clifford last week landed lifelong seats as crossbench peers – entitling them to claim a daily attendance of £323 – ­after qualifying through birthright and writing an election pitch of just 75 words each.

Following Lords reforms in 1999, most hereditary peers were removed from the upper chamber, leaving 92 seats – which are all held by men."

This post contains far more than 75 words.

Nothing to see here, move along, move along...

(Edit to add source...https://www.thenational.scot/news/23809488.outrage-peers-elected-lords-just-23-votes-75-words/ ... some folk might not like the source, but I have no reason to believe that the content is either inaccurate or biased.)

Edited by Salt n Vinegar
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4 minutes ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

Meanwhile, in a "House of Lords" in a crazy democracy...

"Lord Meston and Lord De ­Clifford last week landed lifelong seats as crossbench peers – entitling them to claim a daily attendance of £323 – ­after qualifying through birthright and writing an election pitch of just 75 words each.

Following Lords reforms in 1999, most hereditary peers were removed from the upper chamber, leaving 92 seats – which are all held by men."

This post contains far more than 75 words.

Nothing to see here, move along, move along...

Oh, we absolutely need a P&B Election thread. Every poster has 75 words to justify their existence or be punted.

(I've got nothing BTW - well overdue being retired)

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I mean we can argue back and forth what wokeness is and how annoying it might be but there's something very Britishly gross about a guy who's disappeared because of a pattern of sexual assaults getting pages in probably the biggest and worst political magazine in the country to talk about it.

(Offences which he first tried to blame on the labour left and trans activists, then when caught out blamed it on being a former alcoholic (the last offences took place after he claims to have quit) and which had to be reported in the NYTimes because his mates at the guardian tried to rubbish the claims)


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