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Whoever started with these bird puns deserves to have an albatross round their neck. Hopefully we'll branch out into something else -maybe old TV classics like The Partridge Family, Robin's Nest or Birds of a Feather.

I'll be Donald Ducked if I'm going to carry on with this nonsense.

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Nothing to see here just your Normal Island media blaming Engerlands defeat on Saka despite him only playing 25 minutes, no hint of racism here at all, nope.


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I like the Sun's picture with Saka as the puppet master, pulling the strings on the hamster running the wheel in Gareth Southgate's mind.

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5 hours ago, Empty It said:

Nothing to see here just your Normal Island media blaming Engerlands defeat on Saka despite him only playing 25 minutes, no hint of racism here at all, nope.


Surely that Star headline is racist 

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19 minutes ago, Mark Connolly said:

Meanwhile, at the Daily Mail...


I read the tweet text before I saw the image and I don't think "Schnorrer" is really the most outrageous part of that byeline. 

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41 minutes ago, Mark Connolly said:

Meanwhile, at the Daily Mail...


Just think back to him cutting his holiday short to fly home after the Truss implosion, to stand again for leader, and losing to Rishi Sunak.

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25 minutes ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

I read the tweet text before I saw the image and I don't think "Schnorrer" is really the most outrageous part of that byeline. 

I presume you are alluding to the "ball=chewing gimp" image. I think the use of the word "punk" in this context is even worse.

Slang : a young man used as a sexual partner by another man especially in a prison

He must have been very drunk when he wrote that piece.  Fortunately, or unfortunately, most of his dullard/dotard readership won't understand his cretinous and vile imagery..

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My mum buys the Heil on a Saturday. She likes the TV pull out. 

When I visited today, I checked in it where the Sunak D Day story was.

Page 12. After the missing doctor and some royal getting married.

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7 hours ago, scottsdad said:

Page 12. After the missing doctor and some royal getting married.

That news must have been some shock for his wife.

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That Boris Johnson article is really weird.  I saw someone say that it reads like he's written it for a different audience - it reads like it's for Americans.

Schnorrer is a yiddish word to describe someone as a scrounger - kind of like someone who shows up whenever there's free food.  It's not really applicable in the context he gives it, it sounds like he's just wanted to use a Yiddish word for whatever reason.  I thinkt he term is more used in the States where those sorts of Jewish cracks have more cultural cut through.

"Punk" in the UK generally means someone who listens to punk music, has a mohawk and a leather jacket etc.  In the US it can also mean someone who is raped in prison - if you fancy a miserable read google 'Donny The Punk'.  I don't think anyone, least of all Daily Mail readers, would appreciate the differences between these usage.

"Ball chewing gimp" is bizarre.  I grew up in a world where the Tory press and politicians used to campaign to "ban this filth" when people talked about ball chewing gimps, now it;s the headline in a column by a former Tory PM.  I prefered the old world to be honest.

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Not sure this is the thread for this but


Children starting primary one in nappies, unable to communicate properly.  Parents saying "he wasn't interested in potty training so we never did it".  Were you waiting for him to send you a formal communication?  Fucking hell.

The details of the anxiety experienced by the older children are insane as well.  Kids who literally cannot go into school, turning back at the car park or reception.  Forest schools, in my experience, are for nursery aged kids but apparently secondary aged pupils attend them now to learn 'bushcraft'.  It's a massive cliche to say "oh you can't be coddled in the workplace like you are at school/university" but fucking hell, what's going to happen to kids who are too anxious to go into the school building when they try to have a life as adults? 

Has it always been like this?  Were a significant percentage of kids in school always just extremely miserable and uncomfortable and it was just glossed over?  

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