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43 minutes ago, Trogdor said:

This happened quicker than I expected, the publicity must be dying down.


Good on Jo Cherry.

Great to see Nat on Nat infighting as it's abundantly clear that these chancers don't have the best interests of iJock - in the round - at heart.

The increasingly fragmented Nat movement is all about which faction - from the high-minded Fergus Ewing to the lowest RA-loving Shinner - will get the chance to create New Brigadoon in their own image.

And, sadly, the DWTG's of P&B will keep voting for these charlatans in the vain hope they'll achieve their ultimate aim of ensuring a chap from Eyemouth has to cross an international border to get his messages in Berwick.

You are all being played like violins fiddles.

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9 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

Soon to be renamed The Folded.  'Mon Jo Cherry.

Not sure why they would fold.

If this is a personal action by Cherry, presumably it is a contractual question (might be delictial).  What is her “loss” - a few hundred quid?

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2 minutes ago, Wee Bully said:

Not sure why they would fold.

If this is a personal action by Cherry, presumably it is a contractual question (might be delictial).  What is her “loss” - a few hundred quid?

I was thinking more about them morally folding and reinstating JC rather than going bust.

But hey, it's Nat Scotland.  Factionalism is to the fore and f**k the principles.  We hope for the worst all round outcome.

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5 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

I was thinking more about them morally folding and reinstating JC rather than going bust.

But hey, it's Nat Scotland.  Factionalism is to the fore and f**k the principles.  We hope for the worst all round outcome.

I think they will have a lot of support to do the right thing if Cherry does take action.  

Just to be clear, the “right thing” here is to hold their position. 

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Just now, Wee Bully said:

I think they will have a lot of support to do the right thing if Cherry does take action.  

Just to be clear, the “right thing” here is to hold their position. 

I hope you're right.  To see one Nat MP - Cherry - challenge another Nat MP - Sheppard - is exactly what we're looking for.

The more viscous it gets the better.

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6 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

I hope you're right.  To see one Nat MP - Cherry - challenge another Nat MP - Sheppard - is exactly what we're looking for.

The more viscous it gets the better.


Don't you mean "I'm"? 

You're the only sad Carmelite on here embarrassing yourself. 

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5 minutes ago, Cosmic Joe said:


Don't you mean "I'm"? 

You're the only sad Carmelite on here embarrassing yourself. 

I know you're committed to supporting these clowns.  Sad wee man that you are.

2 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Certainly is a sticky situation.

Thin spelling from me.  Thanks.  I'm sort-of embarrassed...

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16 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

I know you're committed to supporting these clowns.  Sad wee man that you are.

Thin spelling from me.  Thanks.  I'm sort-of embarrassed...

Which "clowns" do you think I support?

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2 hours ago, Trogdor said:

This happened quicker than I expected, the publicity must be dying down.


The clear consequence of her position is that staff should have been sacked for not cooperating.

That might be legally correct but politically it's a fucking dreadful look.

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On 04/05/2023 at 22:57, The_Kincardine said:

The EA was framed to deal with ignorant boors like you.

You can f**k off now.

On 04/05/2023 at 22:58, StellarHibee said:

You're going to be very disappointed when there are literally no legal consequences. 😂

That's Jo Cherry's solicitors just sent in her papers outlining her legal case and the possible ramifications.

The expectation being, of course, that there are 'legal consequences'.

The cherry (no pun) on top is the increasing Balkinisation of Scotland's idiotic Nationalist movement.

You really hate each other.

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46 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

The clear consequence of her position is that staff should have been sacked for not cooperating.

That might be legally correct but politically it's a fucking dreadful look.

That's one conclusion. The Stand could have brought in agency workers, it would have cost them more. Did they consider that option?

Legally they don't have a case as the precedent has been set in Graham v SEC and this is broadly similar. IE - That canceling an event because you dislike the beliefs of a speaker is unlawful.

The Stand may have had a strawman defence if they hadn't put out the statements they had. By arguing that they couldn't safely host the event and using health and safety as the grounds. However, they've already said its not the availability of staff per se but their availability to staff this particular event when they disagree with the speakers protected belief. That changes it significantly.

The whole thing is an unedifying spectacle. Those on the left cheering this as some sort of greater good and those on the right crying about free speech are as bad as one another imo. 

As I alluded to earlier, JC is a self publicist and should be criticised for it. However, she has a right to her beliefs which are protected under the EA.

Edited by Trogdor
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42 minutes ago, Trogdor said:

The whole thing is an unedifying spectacle.

No it isn't.  When you support the politics of division you attract divisive characters.  This is no more than what's expected.

42 minutes ago, Trogdor said:

Those on the left cheering this as some sort of greater good and those on the right crying about free speech are as bad as one another imo. 

This isn't about L or R.  It's about the right or wrong sort of Nat.  This is the kind of petty squabbling the ugly politics of division brings.

42 minutes ago, Trogdor said:

JC is a self publicist and should be criticised for it. 

JC is a modest and self-effacing late-middle-aged KC.  She gets attention.  That doesn't mean she encourages attention.

Edited by The_Kincardine
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48 minutes ago, Trogdor said:

That's one conclusion. The Stand could have brought in agency workers, it would have cost them more. Did they consider that option?

I already covered this last week.

The event wasnt taking place at The Stand, it was in a Masonic Hall in George St - so its probable (in fact almost guaranteed, given its Edinburgh and August) that the majority of staff working the venue were already going to be non-permanent.

However, for each venue there will be specific roles required to be at the venue each night (those in charge of areas like ticketing / lighting / sound etc - and my guess is that the perm staff of The Stand do these key roles across the various temporary venues in August.

The Stand could have said "f**k the staff, lets just let it go ahead" and on the day of the show all of these key staff for that venue could have called in "sick".

The result would have been pissed off punters, an out of pocket promoter, and Cherry would have still been annoyed. Also, any other events at the same venue could have been impacted.

I think they saw this (because its pretty fucking obvious, and I also suspect the staff told them this would happen) and decided to bin it 3 months ahead of time in order that the promoter could try and get another venue.

I dont agree with the outcome, as Cherry is as entitled as the next person to have a platform - however if there are no key staff to run it, the show cant go on. 

I dont think the legal outcome is as cut and dried as some think...........however I will hazard a guess that Joanna Cherrys starring roles on stage have come to an abrupt end as nobody in their right mind is going to book her now.

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50 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

JC is a modest and self-effacing late-middle-aged KC.  She gets attention.  That doesn't mean she encourages attention.

Huge lol at this one.

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9 minutes ago, Marlo Stanfield said:

Huge lol at this one.

An attention-getter doesn't mean an attention-grabber.  That much is obvious.

3 minutes ago, Wee Bully said:

There are times you know he’s been at the gin.  This is one of those times. 


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17 minutes ago, Leith Green said:

I dont think the legal outcome is as cut and dried as some think

The legal outcome is now irrelevant.  The fun part is the political outcome.

What we're seeing is the fragmentation - the balkanisation - of the tawdry Nat movement.  And you, yourself, are complicit here with your castigation of the estimable Fergus Ewing.

You Nats are now in a fight for The Right Sort of Scot.

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