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The Gender Debate


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I don't know if anyone else from P&B was aware, but last Tuesday at Portobello library there was a demo against a group calling themselves "Concerned Adults Talking Openly About Gender Identity Ideology".

Jist of it is that this group contacted CEC about use of the library for their meeting months ago, and CEC gave permission, but having clocked what they were about also told them that in order for it to go ahead they would have to pay for their own security (to the tune of £600) as it was obvious it would be contentious and attract a protest.

They kicked up a stink, but setup a GoFundme for the security costs. After a bit of hoo-haa where even GoFundme rubbered them, they eventually raised the amount and the meeting went ahead as planned. Anyway, I happened to be in the area so decided to go along, more out of curiosity than anything else, but also because I was interested to witness one of these events for myself and see how my own first-hand experience compared with how these things are commonly reported in the 'mainstream' media.

So I rocked up shortly before the planned start time for the meeting to find about 150-200 people in all already on the scene. The vast majority of these folk, and I mean vast majority, like all but 10-15 of them, were just everyday, typical, ordinary looking Porty types that you'd walk past on the High Street every single day without batting an eyelid. There were roughly 10 youngsters dressed in black, coverings on their faces, waving placards adorned with pro-trans rights slogans, and a few other 'well kent faces' carrying boards with anti-trans slogans on. So having seen what I wanted to see, I waited around until the meeting finish time had passed, folk started drifting away, and I left and went home.

Next day, sure enough, every single newspaper runs with some variation of "200-strong woke mob waving placards, shouting abuse, hounding 'ordinary' people" and so on. Complete and utter keech the lot of it.

Anyone who thinks the UK media is portraying anything remotely close to a balanced or nuanced picture of what happens at these things is mistaken. Take this example :-


The group in the picture are the full extent of who was there that could possibly be described as 'gender warriors', and were the only folk who were being noisy or carrying placards. Where they get "150 protestors" from I have no idea, as the truth was more like 10-15 and the remainder passive onlookers. Also, I didn't witness anything whatsoever that could be described as an 'ugly scene', and I'm also at a loss as to why they feel the need to describe the goings on inside the library as a 'peaceful meeting' unless they are implying that was in contrast to events outside, which is so far removed from reality that it's utterly risible.

So yeah, I'd be really wary about the stuff you read in the paper about 'clashes' or certain groups acting in an 'intimidatory' manner, because at this 'protest' and the others I have taken in outside Holyrood, the only thing I've witnessed that anyone could possibly have objected to was some of the utter shite that the Cabaret lot choose to play on the karaoke machine when they are mocking the transphobes via the medium of song and dance.

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On 21/03/2023 at 16:49, Boo Khaki said:

It's ma baw, and it's no fair!!! 😭



Interesting building behind her, wonder if it is sandstone or Limestone? Either way its really nicely done, probably modern but in a nice Georgian style.

Posie Parker? Absolute minter

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51 minutes ago, Leith Green said:

Interesting building behind her, wonder if it is sandstone or Limestone? Either way its really nicely done, probably modern but in a nice Georgian style.

Posie Parker? Absolute minter

Why is this even getting any coverage at all?   Brain mush from the keyboard to the streets of Hobart.   There are surely more pressing issues, such as Australian mid century modernist architecture.

Edited by Savage Henry
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2 hours ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:

World Athletics bans transgender female athletes from competing in female world ranking events.

Feminists are mad the women making all these accomplishments have penises.

I think it might be the balls that are causing the issue.

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You are either responsible for, and guilty by association with the randoms who turn up to ostensibly side with you, or you are not, so which is it? I ask because the GC lot that Stock sides with have spent much of the past 10 days or so vehemently denying that this is the case, and doing everything they possibly can to distance KJK from actual Nazis, and the far-right groups she flagrantly consorts with herself, yet here the complete opposite apparently applies when the group in question are pro-trans rights.

Gender Criticals yet again indulging in duplicitous hypocrisy? Well strike me down with a feather. 

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40 minutes ago, Thorongil said:

I used to have absolutely no interest in Theo whole thing but I have changed my view and become unashamedly gender critical. 

I refuse to be forced to pretend things I know to false are true. 


This is hugely ironic given it's the gender critical mob who are denying the actual science that says gender dysphoria exists.

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54 minutes ago, Thorongil said:

I used to have absolutely no interest in Theo whole thing but I have changed my view and become unashamedly gender critical. 

I refuse to be forced to pretend things I know to false are true. 


You keep saying this.

On 21/06/2022 at 09:36, Thorongil said:

Great news from the sporting bodies. I used to be completely disinterested in this issue but the trans extremists have irritated me to the degree that I now want them to lose the culture war. And they now are losing. 

It’s very pleasing.


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1 hour ago, Thorongil said:

I used to have absolutely no interest in Theo whole thing but I have changed my view and become unashamedly gender critical. 

I refuse to be forced to pretend things I know to false are true. 


You want a medal? Some soup? A microwave carbonara for one? 

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