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Here's a neat new internet toy. Some PhD student in Australia has hooked up one of these cutting-edge machine learning natural language generators to the internet and it writes little stories given two themes:

Such as 'Scottish' and 'Football':


Football is a religion in Scotland. From the moment a new season starts, everyone is talking about the latest football matches. Some people even go so far as to say that football is the only thing that matters in Scotland. Even though Scotland has only a small population, they have produced some of the world's best footballers. Some of the most famous players in the world, like Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo, were born in Scotland. The rivalry between Scotland and England is legendary. Whenever these two countries play each other, the match is always highly contested. The fans in both countries are passionate about their football and they always come out to support their team. Even though Scotland is a small country, they have always been a force to be reckoned with in international football. They have won several prestigious awards, including the World Cup and the European Championship. They are always one of the favourites to win the World Cup, and their fans are always ready to support them in the biggest matches.

Sounds about right. When's Stevie Clarke calling up Cristiano Ronaldo?

or 'Craig Levein' and 'Natural Order':


Craig Levein had always been a bit of a loner. He had always been a bit of a rebel, too. He never really fit in with any of the other kids in his neighborhood. He always felt like he was an outsider, even though he was one of the most popular kids in his class. But then, one day, everything changed. Craig was walking home from school, and he saw a group of kids vandalizing a statue. He knew he could stop them. He ran over to the group of kids and started fighting them. He was outnumbered, but he didn't care. He was fighting for the natural order. And eventually, Craig Levein became the most famous football coach in the world. He taught his students how to fight for the natural order and to be proud of who they are. He showed them that they could be anything they wanted to be, as long as they were willing to fight for it.

Hearts fans have been saying this all along.

And then 'Aaron Ramsay' and 'a large pile of money':


In a dingy, graffiti-covered warehouse in the heart of the city, a big pile of money is waiting to be delivered to its rightful recipient. Aaron Ramsey, the most talked-about and coveted football player in the world, is the recipient of this fortune. But before he can take possession of the fortune, he must first complete a series of dangerous challenges put in front of him by his enigmatic benefactor.


The app is here. Knock yourselves out!

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"Falkirk fans" & "crowdwank"...


The Falkirk faithful were in full voice as the team took to the field. The fans were loud and proud, ready to support their team no matter what. But, as the game progressed, Falkirk began to lose. The fans were starting to get restless, and some of them were starting to get angry. Suddenly, someone started shouting insults at the Falkirk players. The crowd quickly turned on the individual, and began to shout insults and threats at him. The atmosphere in the stadium was tense, and the game was turning into a disaster.


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Prince Andrew was more interested in the affairs of state than in the affairs of his own heart. He was unmarried, and many ladies had sought his hand in marriage, but he had never been able to find the right woman. One day, he met a woman named Noncery, and he was immediately drawn to her. Prince Andrew was unsure of what to do, but he knew that he wanted to be with Noncery. He asked her to marry him, and she said yes. They were married quickly and quietly, and life was perfect for the two of them.

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Liz and jealousy


Queen Elizabeth II was known for her calm, collected demeanor, but she was anything but calm when her husband, Prince Philip, was away on official business. She was constantly jealous of the time he spent with other women, and she would often lash out at him in anger. One day, while Prince Philip was away on a trip to Greece, Queen Elizabeth had a particularly heated argument with him. She accused him of being unfaithful, and then she stormed out of the room. Prince Philip was devastated when he heard about the fight, and he knew that it was only a matter of time before Queen Elizabeth divorced him.


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'Celtic Park' and 'Restricted View'.


Celtic Park was a place where people could come to enjoy the great outdoors and feel the energy of the ancient Celts. But for one group of people, the park was a place of fear and intimidation. The restricted view section of the park was home to a group of supernatural beings that preyed on the innocent. They were the creatures of the night, and they were determined to keep the people of the city in fear.

This explains everything about the away end.

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Scotland is known for its whisky and haggis, but few know of its famous soft drink, Irn Bru. Irn Bru is made from malted barley and hops, and it is said that the drink was invented by a farmer who needed to keep his horses from getting sick from the barley fungus.

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Yogi Hughes is a master of embroidery. He has worked on the stitching of beautiful pieces of clothing for the most famous and respected women in the world. His latest project is a dress for the president of the United States. The deadline is fast approaching, and Yogi is struggling to find the right thread color.

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Art imitating life?

The town of Falkirk, in the Scottish highlands, was once a thriving community, but it is now a ghost town. It is said that the curse of the banshee is responsible for its demise. The townspeople believe that the banshee is a spirit that can bring bad luck, and so they have been avoiding the town for centuries. However, a group of adventurous tourists decided to explore Falkirk anyway, and they were not happy with the results. The buildings were derelict and the streets were deserted. The only thing that was alive in the town was the spirit of the banshee, which was stalking them from behind every corner. The tourists were terrified and they quickly abandoned Falkirk. It is now a forgotten town that is waiting for its inevitable doom.

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Dunfermline, a small town in Fife, Scotland, is known for its ancient castle and its annual festival, the Dunfermline Games. This year, the games were being hosted by the wealthy and famous Lord Dunfermline and his daughter, Lady Dunfermline. At the festival, Lord Dunfermline met his match in the form of the beautiful and vivacious Lady Evelyn. The two began an affair, and soon their love was consummated. But when Lady Evelyn found out that her father was also having an affair with her own sister, she was devastated. She left the castle, and never returned.

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In the early 1800s, the Greenock area was a bustling port town on the west coast of Scotland. It was a prosperous place, home to many wealthy merchants and shipbuilders. But then the shipbuilding industry went into decline, and the town began to fall into disrepair. Now, in the 21st century, the Greenock area is a shadow of its former self. Most of the businesses have closed down, and the town is almost entirely deserted. But there is one place that still stands, and that is the Greenock Aquarium. The Aquarium is a beautiful building, and it is still run by the same family who founded it back in the 1800s. They are a proud people, and they love their aquarium. Every day, they open their doors to visitors, and they hope that they can bring some life back to the Greenock area.

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The Rangers were always the first to know when there was trouble brewing in the big house. They had a special bond, one that was born out of necessity. They were the ones who guarded the gates, the ones who stood watch over the estate. And they were the ones who knew the secret passages. But things have been different lately. The Rangers have been disappearing one by one, and no one knows where they're going or why. The big house must stay open, no matter what. The estate depends on it.


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It's good to know how our World Cup qualifiers will go:

John McGinn's backside was on display for all to see as he ran the last few yards to catch the ball. Ukraine's defenders converged on him, but he managed to leap up and grab the ball just as it hit the ground. With a triumphant smile, he turned and sprinted towards the goal.

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Gary Holt had always been a hustler. When he was just a kid, he would sell lemonade from the back of his bike to make money. As he got older, he started hustling bigger and bigger things, until he was finally able to make a life for himself as a con man. He was good at it, too. He had a knack for being able to fool people, and he had a talent for making them believe anything he said. He had fooled everyone, from the wealthy people who he would take advantage of, to the law enforcement officers who he would scam, to the people he had been romantically involved with. He had even fooled himself, at times. But he was good at it, and he had never been caught. Until now.Gary Holt had always been a hustler. When he was just a kid, he would sell lemonade from the back of his bike to make money. As he got older, he started hustling bigger and bigger things, until he was finally able to make a life for himself as a con man. He was good at it, too. He had a knack for being able to fool people, and he had a talent for making them believe anything he said. He had fooled everyone, from the wealthy people who he would take advantage of, to the law enforcement officers who he would scam, to the people he had been romantically involved with. He had even fooled himself, at times. But he was good at it, and he had never been caught. Until now.

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