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Russian invasion of Ukraine


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12 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

It's not about caring how they feel. That is, once again, a really naive angle to come from. It's quite literally about avoiding not only WW3, but a disastrous economic climate for years. If we choose to go beyond the remit of making sure Ukraine is allowed to continue existing, for reasons of powerful men in the West deciding we should, thats not acceptable. 



Sorry pal this is nonsense, if Hitler & his Scientists got there before The Manhattan Project did, then none of us would have ever existed. Putin needs to be stopped, right now & there are plenty of Mossad agents with links to oligarchs who should be making this happen as quickly as possible.

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2 minutes ago, Moomintroll said:

Sorry pal this is nonsense, if Hitler & his Scientists got there before The Manhattan Project did, then none of us would have ever existed. Putin needs to be stopped, right now & there are plenty of Mossad agents with links to oligarchs who should be making this happen as quickly as possible.

World we would like =/= World we have. 

If we continue to push and push and push even after Russia are emptied out of the Donbas, the chances of Russia following through on the nuclear threat increase greatly. 

If folk think that's worthwhile to make a point and make sure the goodies win, fair enough. I disagree. I have absolutely no idea what any of this has to do with Hitler. 

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4 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

World we would like =/= World we have. 

If we continue to push and push and push even after Russia are emptied out of the Donbas, the chances of Russia following through on the nuclear threat increase greatly. 

If folk think that's worthwhile to make a point and make sure the goodies win, fair enough. I disagree. I have absolutely no idea what any of this has to do with Hitler. 

To be fair, I am spectacularly pished & rereading your original post, I thought you were advocating appeasement which was not the case. Feel free to ignore my addled ramblings, if Putin is pushed out of the Donbas Region & accepts it then we can all breathe a sigh of relief & move onto whatever calamity is coming next. Sorry.

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9 hours ago, ICTChris said:

Russian TV, having a normal one.


It's a fascinating phenomenon to what extent the UK of all nations seems to live rent free in the heads of the Russian political elite. 

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20 hours ago, LongTimeLurker said:

Think it's clear now that Russia needs to fully mobilise in the not too distant future or they will be in real danger of a humiliating defeat very few people in the West thought possible back in February. That last bit means some of the other basic assumptions that were generally held at that point are starting to be questioned as well. Think people are getting a wee bit too far ahead of events because there's a strong possibility they actually will mobilise if losing Sebastopol, Donetsk and Luhansk emerges as a credible scenario. 

If they do mobilise it's a sign of complete desperation and more or less an admission of impending defeat. Militarily, reservists are very much a "in case of emergency, break glass" option only to be used in extremis...in Britain unless there was a huge and imminent danger they would only countenance using ones that have been out for a few years...much longer and they're no more use than grabbing some guys off the street. Maybe less useful, as sometimes a little half-remembered knowledge can be a bad thing.

Factor in that the Russians have already expended a lot of their first-echelon equipment and continue to piss their remaining assets up against the wall over a broad front rather than concentrating force at one or two strategically important points, and you could be looking at them launching pointless human waves of barely trained troops at a dug-in and tooled-up defence a la WW1.

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18 minutes ago, renton said:

It's a fascinating phenomenon to what extent the UK of all nations seems to live rent free in the heads of the Russian political elite. 

The guy in those pictures, Andrei Isayev, lead an anarchist group in the late 80s and early 90s, he lead the pro-student protests in Moscow around the time of the Tiannamen Square massacre.  He soon mellowed and is now a highly corrupt member of United Russia. 

Classic boomer move to gammon status as he ages.

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45 minutes ago, Hillonearth said:

If they do mobilise it's a sign of complete desperation and more or less an admission of impending defeat. Militarily, reservists are very much a "in case of emergency, break glass" option only to be used in extremis...

Think a big part of all this is that if it's a war they can legally send conscripts at that point. They still have the equivalent of 12 months national service on the go so that gives them access to more troops relatively quickly who they already have called up and have been actively training and that probably shores things up for longer.

The problem they have beyond that apparently is that Ukraine went onto an all out war footing and mobilised a much larger age cohort a couple of months ago so is well ahead of them in training new highly motivated forces. The Ukrainian army is also about to receive all kinds of modern weaponry from NATO to arm those newly trained forces with while Russia's military capacity is slowly degrading away.

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32 minutes ago, Lurkst said:

Putin warned them tbf. Wonder if they were plotting to get rid of him?


Yes, of course, they will try to bet on the so-called fifth column, on national traitors, on those who earn money here, with us, but live there, and “live” not even in the geographical sense of the word, but in their own way. thoughts, in his slavish consciousness.

I am not at all judging those who have a villa in Miami or the French Riviera, who cannot do without foie gras, oysters or so-called gender freedoms. The problem is absolutely not in this, but, I repeat, in the fact that many of these people, by their very nature, are mentally located precisely there, and not here, not with our people, not with Russia. This is what they think - in their opinion! - a sign of belonging to a higher caste, to a higher race. Such people are ready to sell their own mother, if only they were allowed to sit in the hallway of this very highest caste. They want to be like her, imitating her in every possible way. But they forget or do not understand at all that if they are needed by this so-called higher caste, then as a consumable material in order to use them to inflict maximum damage on our people.

The collective West is trying to split our society, speculating on military losses, on the socio-economic consequences of sanctions, to provoke a civil confrontation in Russia and, using its fifth column, is striving to achieve its goal. And there is only one goal, I have already spoken about this, the destruction of Russia.

But any people, and even more so the Russian people, will always be able to distinguish true patriots from scum and traitors and simply spit them out like a midge that accidentally flew into their mouths, spit them out on the panel. I am convinced that such a natural and necessary self-purification of society will only strengthen our country, our solidarity, cohesion and readiness to respond to any challenges.


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14 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

Think a big part of all this is that if it's a war they can legally send conscripts at that point. They still have the equivalent of 12 months national service on the go so that gives them access to more troops relatively quickly who they already have called up and have been actively training and that probably shores things up for longer.

The problem they have beyond that apparently is that Ukraine went onto an all out war footing and mobilised a much larger age cohort a couple of months ago so is well ahead of them in training new highly motivated forces. The Ukrainian army is also about to receive all kinds of modern weaponry from NATO to arm those newly trained forces with while Russia's military capacity is slowly degrading away.

Great time to be doing your year's national service if you're a Russian :) I imagine though that the vast majority of the extra forces that would generate would only be trained to a fairly basic level, and that there wouldn't be much if any investment in more advanced and technical skills if they've only got them for a year.

More than likely that the conscripts they throw in would mainly be a cohort of infantrymen at a basic level of skill whose main contribution to a modern technical battlefield would be their quick ability to convert themselves into 12 stone of airborne mince.

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Reports are that Gerasimov was wounded with shrapnel. this is allegedly a video of the strike, it was on a command post near Izyum, a city the Russians took a few weeks back after a month of heavy fighting.


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