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Russian invasion of Ukraine


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30 minutes ago, Dev said:

What Putin & Co are doing will lead to the complete break-up of what is left of the old USSR i.e. current Russia. This is partly due to the huge size of Russia and the vast distance between the wealth of Siberia i.e. minerals, gas, oil etc and the western parts where most Russians live. Tragically this will take time and so many lives are being sacrificed and so much damage is being done in the meantime.

Cynically, the Chinese Government is using Russia to distract from its' intentions for Taiwan and for control of the world's resources. However, China is also too big to be sustainable for ever. Russia and China are being held together by brute force and that is not sustainable.

Regarding Russia, I mean Putin, the actions which are being taken are, noticeably, economic and they are being directed at the owners of the vast wealth of natural resources in Siberia. They are the individuals who really pull the strings in Russia and keep Putin in power. Without that financial support Putin cannot afford to keep the military and his hangers-on paid. Without that he's nothing but a figure-head who has screwed his masters (who own the minerals etc). They won't accept that for very long and a "beauty contest" is almost certainly going on to find a suitable replacement who can sweet-talk the Western nations which are the Oligarchs biggest earners.

My gut feeling is that someone will emerge who is an Oligarch or is very close to a group of Oligarchs i.e. chosen by them. Roman Abramovich strikes me as someone who will have a big say in all of this. He's selling his pet i.e. Chelsea FC and would he do that if he planned to to stay in the West? He's heading home.

I hope that the Oligarchs act sooner rather than later. 

Are the USA, Canada and the EU too big to be sustainable, too?

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53 minutes ago, deegee said:

I don’t disagree with your points and Hitler had no qualms in lobbing his V1 and V2 bombs at England, the second they were functional towards the end of the war. However, even if it is clearly not lead by NATO, there must be some humanitarian army of convenience, operating under UN that at some point must look to warn Russia they will enter Ukraine as a peacekeeping force? Otherwise we allow a bully to overthrow a peaceful lawful neighbour state, and we all know how that ends, with the Baltic’s, Moldova etc next in line for Putin’s expansive policies.

Ideally this would be a peace keeping force by consent of the Russians and Ukrainian governments, however I do accept this is all unlikely whilst Putin is in charge and losing his marbles on a daily basis. 

There was a large United Nations armed force in Korea. I may be wrong but I believe it was set up following  a majority UN General Assembly vote. At the time  Peking was not the permanent Chinese representative on the Security Council and there was no veto on the proposal.  While I would welcome such a force being set up now, I doubt whether the UN  could provide legal sanction.

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Feel like a lot of folk are dreaming here.

Russia will more than survive this.

If anyone close to Putin was going to disobey or off him, they would've done so before they decided to invade Ukraine, everyone on both sides knew where it would lead.

Putin would happily challenge a no fly zone over Ukraine, NATO has already shown they're nervous about WW3 so why wouldnt he gamble on them backing down?

There is no scenario where Ukraine comes out this the same way it went in. Pretending otherwise is stupid and I hope the public announcements about "winning" from their side is just bravado and isn't what they think.

This only ends without WW3 if Russia runs out of money or Ukraine surrenders at least half their country.

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The number of refugees fleeing the Russian invasion could potentially reach 1.5 million by the end of the weekend, the head of the UN refugee agency has said. The figure is currently above 1.3 million.

“This is the fastest moving refugee crisis we have seen in Europe since the end of World War Two,” UNHCR head Filippo Grandi told Reuters in a telephone interview.

Grandi also said most refugees at the moment were connecting with friends and family already living in Europe, but warned future waves would be more complex.

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3 minutes ago, Florentine_Pogen said:

The number of refugees fleeing the Russian invasion could potentially reach 1.5 million by the end of the weekend, the head of the UN refugee agency has said. The figure is currently above 1.3 million.

“This is the fastest moving refugee crisis we have seen in Europe since the end of World War Two,” UNHCR head Filippo Grandi told Reuters in a telephone interview.

Grandi also said most refugees at the moment were connecting with friends and family already living in Europe, but warned future waves would be more complex.

We'll send some tents and tinfoil blankets.

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3 minutes ago, Florentine_Pogen said:

The number of refugees fleeing the Russian invasion could potentially reach 1.5 million by the end of the weekend, the head of the UN refugee agency has said. The figure is currently above 1.3 million.

“This is the fastest moving refugee crisis we have seen in Europe since the end of World War Two,” UNHCR head Filippo Grandi told Reuters in a telephone interview.

Grandi also said most refugees at the moment were connecting with friends and family already living in Europe, but warned future waves would be more complex.

There's some vacancies for tomato pickers in Norfolk. We'll take six. 

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2 hours ago, doulikefish said:

The latter seems to be best hope.

Thoughts and prayers and buildings lit up in the Ukrainian flag is what will continue to happen.

However the Polish could break ranks if it's going to be any country

Rory Stewart made the point that there's not much use in changing you're Twitter icon to Ukraine flag.

But helps the likes and shows you care.

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See when there is major tension in the World, do the West not usually rock up close to the hot spot with their naval fleet? Where the f**k are they? Cher should be freezing her nips aff in the Baltic Sea.

 Why musicians can't make videos aboard Navy ships - We Are The Mighty

Edited by dirty dingus
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