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Russian invasion of Ukraine


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Somebody mentioned Ireland earlier. This is like Britain rolling tanks into Co Donegal on the basis it used to be British, or Israel invading Jordan because it's culturally theirs.


He's taking Ukraine because he can, because it has no allies, because it's not in NATO and he knows the West won't fight for it. 

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6 minutes ago, Newbornbairn said:

Somebody mentioned Ireland earlier. This is like Britain rolling tanks into Co Donegal on the basis it used to be British, or Israel invading Jordan because it's culturally theirs.


He's taking Ukraine because he can, because it has no allies, because it's not in NATO and he knows the West won't fight for it. 

Western Imperialist lies

The people are crying out for there freedom


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He's taking Ukraine because he can, because it has no allies, because it's not in NATO and he knows the West won't fight for it. 

Yup. All this chat about holodomor and Kievan Rus is irrelevant. When it comes down to it the vast majority of states are pragmatic. Putin if Putin thinks the risk/reward is good enough then he'll invade.
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1 minute ago, Newbornbairn said:

Somebody mentioned Ireland earlier. This is like Britain rolling tanks into Co Donegal on the basis it used to be British, or Israel invading Jordan because it's culturally theirs.


He's taking Ukraine because he can, because it has no allies, because it's not in NATO and he knows the West won't fight for it. 

I was thinking its like Boris Yeltsin Johnson agreeing to Scottish Independence then Prime Minister Vladimir Rees-Mogg landing troops without uniforms on Orkney and Shetland a decade later to seize it with a dubious referendum claiming fealty to Westminster, and sparking off a civil war in Dumfries and Galloway, with munitions and more soldiers without badges pouring in from the South. And a few years later threatening a full scale invasion with tanks on the Tweed and the rUK Navy blocking every port.

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1 hour ago, Billy Jean King said:

"The Scots Guards kicked arse in Crimea in 1853 so we can always do it again"

What a fuking melt. Anyone In Ben Wallace' position coming away with a comment like that in the current situation no matter what the context Isn't fit for office.

At least he didn't say 1854.

That was the Charge of the Light Brigade.

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6 minutes ago, Detective Jimmy McNulty said:

It appears that the Great British public are slightly in favour of participating in World War 3.20220223_194430.jpg.8099982fb71c79e1d5f297d90ae8f23d.jpg

wonder what the correlation is between that 37% and the folk who plaster themselves in poppies every autumn and give us their faux mourning for brave young lives lost. 

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6 minutes ago, DiegoDiego said:

Yup. All this chat about holodomor and Kievan Rus is irrelevant. When it comes down to it the vast majority of states are pragmatic. Putin if Putin thinks the risk/reward is good enough then he'll invade.

If the top military people and oligarchs disagree they might just get rid of him. I can't see any benefit to taking over the deepest and least profitable coal mines on the planet. Who actually wants to attack Russia? I really think the only reason for NATO arming the border states is the continual threats from Putin, spoken or just hinted at with cyber attacks on Baltic countries and others. A full scale war in the Ukraine would be disastrous for Russia, it's not like they have a 10-1 advantage so the boys will be home for Easter, it's a huge country and Ukraine has a sizeable and not badly equipped army. And then there's the sanctions, real ones.  

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1 hour ago, 101 said:

How do we go about setting up a volunteer crops for all the Brexity gammons who have such a hard on for WW2 that they will be itching to get in amongst a fight?

My great uncle is a prime candidate, wants national service brought back despite him not taking part in it due to some exemption he got.

Going to have them working on the land, are you?

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1 hour ago, Zetterlund said:

With Scotland's independence movement seemingly dead in the water for the foreseeable, it's looking like our best bet is to stage a false flag shelling of Dumfries and Lockerbie from Carlisle and appeal for assistance from our friends in the east.

I've got a shed full of fireworks and 15,000 Russian flags if anyone wants to join me in celebrating our official recognition.

In another way of truth being proven stranger than fiction, I expect the good burghers of D&G would actually be quite happy to secede from and independent Scotland and be swallowed by England…

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9 minutes ago, alta-pete said:

In another way of truth being proven stranger than fiction, I expect the good burghers of D&G would actually be quite happy to secede from and independent Scotland and be swallowed by England…

In other news, controversial news network Cumbria Today is reporting the shelling is actually coming from the north.

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3 minutes ago, Zetterlund said:

In other news, controversial news network Cumbria Today is reporting the shelling is actually coming from the north.

It's almost like certain media outlets will start to try and call people seperatists 

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American 'intelligence' claiming that Russian troops are only now 100% ready to launch the same invasion that they predicted would happen, err, last Wednesday. 

The stopped clock principle in action. 

Edited by vikingTON
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1 hour ago, Newbornbairn said:

Somebody mentioned Ireland earlier. This is like Britain rolling tanks into Co Donegal on the basis it used to be British]

Or Britain sending the army into their secessionist region of a sovereign nation under the pretense of keeping the peace.

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1 hour ago, Newbornbairn said:

He's taking Ukraine because he can, because it has no allies, because it's not in NATO and he knows the West won't fight for it. 

Then why has Russia not already absorbed Belarus, Georgia or Kazakhstan? The same conditions apply to those states and Russian policy differs massively in each case.

Putin is not actually playing some post-Soviet version of a Risk map. 

1 hour ago, DiegoDiego said:

Yup. All this chat about holodomor and Kievan Rus is irrelevant. When it comes down to it the vast majority of states are pragmatic. Putin if Putin thinks the risk/reward is good enough then he'll invade.

But the reward is intangible in this case while the risks and costs involved with intervention are tangible enough. The explanation then for why Putin values intangible benefits so highly lies precisely in that contested history, which the current occupant in the Kremlin values much more highly than the average Russian in the street. It is Vladimir Putin himself who publishes treatises on Kievan Rus - failing to grasp his  worldview is a foolish way of understanding Russian policy. 

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The people of Dumfries and Galloway are ethnically and culturally Tory so I'd imagine they'd welcome the English troops as liberators. The far right Alba Battalion will continue to wage an insurgency.

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18 minutes ago, AlbionSaint said:

It was me!

But, the analogy is totally wrong. I'm not sure where you're getting your info from, but to use your analogy it'd be like:

1) Dublin having a legitimately elected pro-British government overthrown and installed in its place would be a very anti-British government including Irish fascists.

2) This very nationalist Dublin government to ban the use of English as an official language, in favour of Irish.

(See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Language_policy_in_Ukraine )

3) The people of Donegal, who (for your analogy to work) we'll pretend largely identify as British setting up a 'people's republic' in protest at what they perceive to be discrimination against them by this unelected government.

4) We negotiate a deal between the warring parties, which neither side respects.

5) We recognise the People's Republic of Donegal and send troops in to protect them.


Things aren't always as simple as the British tabloids claim them to be. ;)

British tabloids, do every single media outlet in the western world fall into that category 

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