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Russian invasion of Ukraine


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7 hours ago, Newbornbairn said:

User name checks out 

A para is someone who's volunteered to go abroad and kill men for the "crime" of defending their homeland from the paras' invasion. We can recognise that such volunteers are deliberately steered down that path by both propaganda and socio-economic conditions. Yet an element of choice was present and I don't think its unfair to judge them for that choice. If we can question the character of Russians volunteering to do this to Ukrainians then we can also question the character of Brits volunteering to do it to Iraqis, Afghans, Kosovans and the rest.

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13 minutes ago, Newbornbairn said:



I could write more but that pretty much covers it. 

Aye, you've been strident with your double standard throughout this thread.

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8 hours ago, FreedomFarter said:

A para is someone who's volunteered to go abroad and kill men for the "crime" of defending their homeland from the paras' invasion. We can recognise that such volunteers are deliberately steered down that path by both propaganda and socio-economic conditions. Yet an element of choice was present and I don't think its unfair to judge them for that choice. If we can question the character of Russians volunteering to do this to Ukrainians then we can also question the character of Brits volunteering to do it to Iraqis, Afghans, Kosovans and the rest.

When did brits do it to kosovans?

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2 hours ago, Booker-T said:

When did brits do it to kosovans?

Paras killing a Kosovo Serb: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/shot-dead-by-the-paras-policeman-who-said-no-1099991.html

Paras killing Kosovar Albanians: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/paras-face-murder-probe-1105664.html

If you mean UK military in general and not specifically the paras, RAF pilots obviously contributed to the NATO bombing of Kosovo. That resulted in the killing of many local combatants, mostly Serbian military but also Albanian KLA. Many civilians in both Kosovo and Serbia were also killed by the bombing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civilian_casualties_during_Operation_Allied_Force

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3 hours ago, FreedomFarter said:

Paras killing a Kosovo Serb: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/shot-dead-by-the-paras-policeman-who-said-no-1099991.html

Paras killing Kosovar Albanians: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/paras-face-murder-probe-1105664.html

If you mean UK military in general and not specifically the paras, RAF pilots obviously contributed to the NATO bombing of Kosovo. That resulted in the killing of many local combatants, mostly Serbian military but also Albanian KLA. Many civilians in both Kosovo and Serbia were also killed by the bombing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civilian_casualties_during_Operation_Allied_Force

And many more civilians would have been killed without those bombings. 

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1 hour ago, Booker-T said:

And many more civilians would have been killed without those bombings. 

Academic consensus is the opposite. Here's a Danish researcher (he's not of special significance but I have to use someone's findings as an example):



The bombing created chaos within which both the KLA and Serb paramilitaries could run riot. 

So that was outcome. Intent is worth considering too. The KLA had an established track record of killing civilians prior to the 1999 war yet the SAS still chose to provide them training, suggesting civilian casualties were not a particular UK concern.

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Signing projectiles with messages is thousands of years old.

on the left is a slingshot stone with “catch” written on it in ancient Greek, likely from more than 2000 years ago.


Edited by ICTChris
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26 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Signing projectiles with messages is thousands of years old.

on the left is a slingshot stone with “catch” written on it in ancient Greek, likely from more than 2000 years ago.


Oh, I'm well aware of the history, but uninvolved foreign civilians donating money to do it is distasteful.

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1 hour ago, ICTChris said:

Signing projectiles with messages is thousands of years old.

on the left is a slingshot stone with “catch” written on it in ancient Greek, likely from more than 2000 years ago.


...and on the right is an utter moron

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