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The Anabolic Steroid thread


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While doom scrolling about the potential for war in Ukraine I saw the following tweet, speculating that Vladimir Putin is on steroids.

The reply to the thread notes the strange transformation of Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk from nerds to swole alpha chads.

Steroid abuse is widespread, with many men using the drugs both to build muscle and also to stave off ageing. Notably, Joe Rogan is open about taking TRT, testosterone replacement therapy, an increasingly popular treatment to decrease natural drop off of testosterone through ageing.

Are any P&Bers on the juice?  Is there anything to be ashamed about if you are?

How many P&B “heads gones” are due to roid rage?

Do you even lift bro? How much can you bench brah? 

Edited by ICTChris
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It’s Lee’s twenty-first
But they’re not coming in
Because Bruiser McHuge
Declares them too thin
Annoyed and upset
They head for elsewhere
They normally argue the toss
But besides being boss
He’s on the ’roids
He’s on the ’roids
He’s on the ’roids
He’s on the ’roids
Just walk away John, come on
Just walk away John, come on
Just walk away John, come on
Just walk away John because
He’s on the ’roids
He’s on the ’roids

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I was #lifting last night in the the gym, looking pretty #hench in the full length mirror and I got a great pump from the workout.  There was definitely a boy there who was on the #gas.  His head was really small and his arms were ridiculously out of proportion to the rest of him.

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I've been a #gymbro for 10+ years and there's definitely a fair amount of guys on roids. It's actually quite fascinating to see them progress and the difference they can make. One particular guy started the gym around the same time I did - he's about 6'5 and was built like the side of a fiver for years. He (openly) started taking steroids and is now a complete monster.

I've never bothered with them myself or even been tempted to try them. I go to the gym as a hobby and to work off whatever I ate / drank at the weekend. Never understood why anyone other than elite level athletes would use PEDs.

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1 hour ago, TheScarf said:

I was #lifting last night in the the gym, looking pretty #hench in the full length mirror and I got a great pump from the workout.  There was definitely a boy there who was on the #gas.  His head was really small and his arms were ridiculously out of proportion to the rest of him.

I remember reading somewhere that a good way to tell if someone is juiced is that their shoulders, delta and traps are disproportionate to the rest of their body. There are more androgen receptors in the muscles there so they get a bigger boost.

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The best way to tell if someone takes roids is do they stand about the gym chatting to other similarly huge guys for most of the time you are there.

Putin has clearly had plastic surgery, i doubt he is taking roids in his 70s he may have been in the past. Biden's face is comically distorted due to surgery now. Bezos has obviously been on something to bulk up. The super rich have access to drugs and medicines that we will never hear of.

Guys that are regularly cycling stand out a mile. I also think it's more common than people think for guys to do a couple of cycles and just maintain that. 


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I wouldn't say a TRT prescription is the equivalent of anabolic steroid abuse.  It just pumps the test levels back up to where they would have been aged 18-21, a world away from the stacks pro bodybuilders and some athletes are on.

Vlads just a jacked white boy who honed his muscles doing judo with bears in a Russian forest.

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1 hour ago, Detournement said:

The best way to tell if someone takes roids is do they stand about the gym chatting to other similarly huge guys for most of the time you are there.

Putin has clearly had plastic surgery, i doubt he is taking roids in his 70s he may have been in the past. Biden's face is comically distorted due to surgery now. Bezos has obviously been on something to bulk up. The super rich have access to drugs and medicines that we will never hear of.

Guys that are regularly cycling stand out a mile. I also think it's more common than people think for guys to do a couple of cycles and just maintain that. 

Bodybuilders who are on cycles are very easy to spot, they are massive and have veins popping out of their shoulders and stuff like that.  Most of the TRT sort of thing will be at a much lower level.

I’ve heard it said that Biden is on TRT. Putin has obviously had fillers/Botox. His bonce is like a snooker ball.

The other group who are clearly smashing PEDs are Hollywood actors. The guy who plays Thor is obviously enhanced - hilariously he and his trainers have just released an exercise and diet app. There are obviously quite a few others on it.

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36 minutes ago, Mr. Alli said:

Sometimes go on a sus cycle to aid recovery. 

Possibly about to start on deca. 

I took Sus & Deca about 12 years ago after getting in tow with a couple of guys in the gym who also injected.

I'm 6'4 and when I started the gym was around 12st 10, within a few months I'd gained over a stone and a lot of size around my shoulders and just looked like a big square.  started taking DBol tablets as well, and then because of all the testosterone/poison floating about I had to take Tamoxifen to counter-act the oestrogen build up and milk thistle so my liver didnt get poisoned.

after p*ssing about with that for about a year, came off it, sacked the gym and I ended up fat and 17 and a half stone.  Its only in the last year I've managed to get back down to 13st 2

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If i had professional access to people managing my course for me, maybe (also loadsamoney would help) but afaik if you try to diy with roids if you f**k up even slightly it can easilly kill you. Im also weirdly paranoid about my heart so dont want anything enlarging/damaging the fucker.

I get the appeal tbf, packing on some muscle even if youre idle + packing on shitloads if you also lift and eat decently, but its not for me.

RIP Zyzz. X

Edited by Thistle_do_nicely
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Hypochondria is the main reason I wouldn't do it. A few of my mates have been on it years ago and got good results but you also noticed the pitch of their laugh getting higher and a few of them are very mooby now in their 30s.

It's easy to see how people get into though as the more time you spend in the gym the more exceptional physiques seem normal and you spend more time comparing yourself to them. Instagram probably doesn't help either. 

Hollywood stars are definitely juiced but they also get a lot of help from make up, lighting and dehydrating which creates an even more unrealistic image. 

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