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8 hours ago, 19QOS19 said:

All my radiators are off upstairs. The heat rises from downstairs and we're only ever up there to sleep so there's no need for the heating to be burned in rooms we aren't using.

Like @V.Aye.R said, completely off is a bad idea, especially in a really cold spell..


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Happy to be corrected here but rads completely off possibly isnt the best advice. I'd read previously that the lockshield valves on each rad can be used to balance your system. 
Essentially the same idea you're suggesting but the upstairs rads get *some* flow through them but the majority of the hot water is 'pushed' downstairs. Ive noticed the benefit in my living room which has a radiator that is the last one in the loop and was often lukewarm at best. 
A quick search for balancing radiators on youtube will explain it. 
Also worth looking into deflector sheets to sit between external walls and radiators. 
Hope this is helpful. 
I'm currently sticking tin foil down the back of the radiators to reflect heat back into the rooms
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9 hours ago, Gaz said:

This is a good point and again won't be long before the Tory media jump on the "What do you expect working from home? Get back to the office!" bandwagon.

Is this the unheated office, due to high energy costs?

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38 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:

Tbh it's as much about keeping upstairs cool as it is saving money. It's an older house so it stores the heat really well. If the heating is on upstairs for a long period of time it's absolutely roasting upstairs come bedtime. I like it to be cooler tbh.

When we had an upstairs we were the same.  All the radiators were switched off.  Plenty heat from downstairs and who wants to sleep in a hot bedroom?

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24 minutes ago, MuckleMoo said:
1 hour ago, V.Aye.R said:
Happy to be corrected here but rads completely off possibly isnt the best advice. I'd read previously that the lockshield valves on each rad can be used to balance your system. 
Essentially the same idea you're suggesting but the upstairs rads get *some* flow through them but the majority of the hot water is 'pushed' downstairs. Ive noticed the benefit in my living room which has a radiator that is the last one in the loop and was often lukewarm at best. 
A quick search for balancing radiators on youtube will explain it. 
Also worth looking into deflector sheets to sit between external walls and radiators. 
Hope this is helpful. 

I'm currently sticking tin foil down the back of the radiators to reflect heat back into the rooms

Given that radiators work by convection, does this actually do anything useful?  Is it worth the cost, I would seriously doubt it?

Edited by strichener
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10 hours ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

On a more practical note, the wife and I have been discussing things to do to reduce energy usage such as limiting the use of the dishwasher and washing machine, making better use of the central heating, etc,

Would appreciate getting some tips on how best to maximise the most efficient use of the various appliances which most of us have.

I think I’ve changed all my bulbs to LED which seems sensible.

I have a smart meter which shows my weekly cost at the moment (summer) to be around £25.

Whatever happens, it’s going to cost more and being sensible and practical seems the best way forward.

Don't use the dishwasher and go back to the old basin with hot water and washing up liquid. Obviously switch it off at the wall. 

Agree with the washing machine situation by only washing full loads at a time. I'm sure there's some guidance about avoiding use of washing machines etc at certain times of the day. 

I've been round the house tonight turning all radiators down to the second setting. We've also started switching off everything at the wall when we're not using them, exception to that being the fridge/freezer. I also only charge my mobile using the USB port in my work laptop rather than through the mains. 


No idea how cost effective this will be but need to do something

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Given that radiators work by convection, does this actually do anything useful?  Is it worth the cost, I would seriously doubt it?
It'll stop the wall from absorbing heat. Is it worth it? My guess would be no.
Given the really obviously cost savours of cranking down the thermostat, turning off 'on standby' appliances, switching to LED bulbs etc. only lead to a modest saving, this sort of stuff is mere pennies over the year.
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27 minutes ago, Loonytoons said:

It'll stop the wall from absorbing heat. Is it worth it? My guess would be no.
Given the really obviously cost savours of cranking down the thermostat, turning off 'on standby' appliances, switching to LED bulbs etc. only lead to a modest saving, this sort of stuff is mere pennies over the year.

If you can get sheets for a few quid they'll absolutely pay themselves. They'll last forever unlike lightbulbs so even a low% saving is absolutely worth it. The case gets stronger with a price 'cap'  approaching £4k

Edited by V.Aye.R
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If you can get sheets for a few quid they'll absolutely pay themselves. They'll last forever unlike lightbulbs so even a low% saving is absolutely worth it. The case gets stronger with a price 'cap'  approaching £4k
Your low% savings will literally be pennies over the year.
You'll save literally pennies irrespective of how crazy the price cap gets. Your external walls should be well insulated anyway.

I may be wrong and happy to be corrected but I suspect there is next to nothing to be saved here.
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It's kind of funny looking back at the start of the thread. Christ, even I was boasting on how I could afford the increase if I was just to cut back on a few 'luxuries'.

Now? If the government doesn't step in I'm kind of fucked! I'm seriously looking at cancelling my life insurance and pension just to make the payments I'm expected to make to the energy supplier, not to mention everything else that's rocketing up in price. It's going to be a grim few years for the vast majority of us I fear.

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9 minutes ago, MuckleMoo said:

I'm seriously looking at cancelling my life insurance and pension

I really don't think the forecasted horror prices for years to come will come to pass, much of the increase is artificial, like North Sea wind generated electricity being based on the price of Russian gas which is ridiculous. We actually import zero gas and oil from Russia. And the Government have an election coming up in the next couple of years so they can't afford to have all the care homes closing down, small businesses closing and people freezing to death. If you get into serious shit I'd ask for a contribution sabbatical rather closing down your insurance and pension.

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I really don't think the forecasted horror prices for years to come will come to pass, much of the increase is artificial, like North Sea wind generated electricity being based on the price of Russian gas which is ridiculous. We actually import zero gas and oil from Russia. And the Government have an election coming up in the next couple of years so they can't afford to have all the care homes closing down, small businesses closing and people freezing to death. If you get into serious shit I'd ask for a contribution sabbatical rather closing down your insurance and pension.

That's a strange take on supply and demand markets Welshy.
The uncoupling of gas and electricity costs isn't far away though.
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