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17 minutes ago, HoBNob said:

Fair play, this made me chuckle. 


So in your opinion are the majority of Cowdenbeath fans in favour of B teams? 

I'm not really sure that by sending an email to a select view you're really putting your view "out there". It is quite interesting that a few of those clubs who were voting no to B teams communicated this beforehand, while none of the clubs voting in favour of B teams did. 

Was it ever a consideration of those running Cowdenbeath to put your intentions out beforehand? Or to canvas opinions from the wider Cowdenbeath fanbase? 

If the SFA are adamant that the league can't be increased from 16, is there any appetite to introduce a split? That would give you 37 games. 

Congratulations on the win yesterday. 

Never been any discussion re a split but a possibility although not too keen on splits.  Don’t know if other clubs would want a split and some might be content with just 30 games.  

Message didn’t go to a select few - around 350 fans in mail shot.  That is the core intended audience and we of course were aware that it would then be more widely shared with Cowden fans not on our mailing list plus third parties.  

Well there is an exercise in populism here.  A vociferous group are anti-B teams so want to set the agenda.  Many fans don’t want B teams in the pyramid - I didn’t support that but it has already happened.  Some fans have no view on the matter or aren’t that bothered or are even unaware of it as opposed to those who are fired up about it.  The latter group dominates the debate.  That also was the Brexit referendum experience.  

So I guess if we just fired out a yes/no referendum style poll there would have been a No result from those who actually would vote.  However, if we had had time to hold a series of fan meetings to encompass the whole fan base and articulated all the aspects contained in our briefing plus answered questions I would like to think that we would have had the backing of a majority of CFC fans - they also know that CFC is a fan run organisation already plus that we intend to give fans even greater direct influence via the CISS as we go forward.  Simply canvassing opinions without any real engagement is a simplistic approach.  Most of the Board members, maybe all, aren’t B team in the pyramid supporters but it also isn’t just a simple case of take the cash.  

I won’t say any more as the subject has already been gone over enough for me.  Thanks re congrats on our win yesterday - enjoyed a good old winter football battle at Coatbridge v old foes.


Time for a bit of Festive downtime (apart from laundry duties today) and best wishes to you for the Festive season and all the avid readers of this Cowden section of P&B


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Just a reminder to CISS members that we welcome you all to the Lounge after the game on the 30th for a drink and an update.

We also have some decent raffle prizes. All members entered in the draw.

It is still not to late to join. If interested please get in touch.

The CISS still requires more members to reach our target of 20% shares. Remember that all the money goes towards player budget and will help us to keep players like Zak and Matty and push on for a successful 2024/25.

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Some positive news on Xmas. We have extended Gregor Jordans contract and he will be with us next season. Gregor has been superb this season and in my opinion our most consistent player.

Good extension from perspective of defensive continuity as robbie/greg and Andy rodden also signed up for next season.

Hope to see as many fans as possible tomorrow at falkirk stadium and get behind the lads to kick on the winning momentum in what shall be a tough game.

Mon the coo.

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Just been catching up on the posts about the reasoning re. the vote for B-teams. Honestly, how naive are you lot for believing that dishonest shite? The Cowdenbeath board is a disgrace, doesn't give a sh!t about "ventilation" or the league in general despite their claims to the contrary. The last vote they spread the lie about the conference league as "justification" and now this pathetic stuff, and people fall for it? 

There is no justification for this vote, simple as that. The statement is entirely dishonest.

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13 minutes ago, Marten said:

Just been catching up on the posts about the reasoning re. the vote for B-teams. Honestly, how naive are you lot for believing that dishonest shite? The Cowdenbeath board is a disgrace, doesn't give a sh!t about "ventilation" or the league in general despite their claims to the contrary. The last vote they spread the lie about the conference league as "justification" and now this pathetic stuff, and people fall for it? 

There is no justification for this vote, simple as that. The statement is entirely dishonest.

Past caring what folk like you think, so crack on. 

Have you been over to the EK thread to have a hissy fit about them? No you fucking haven’t because they (nor any other yes voter) and said a fucking peep.

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2 minutes ago, Cowdenleith said:

Past caring what folk like you think, so crack on. 

Have you been over to the EK thread to have a hissy fit about them? No you fucking haven’t because they (nor any other yes voter) and said a fucking peep.

I've criticised EK plenty of times for their support of B-teams. But while saying nothing isn't right, such a dishonest statement is even worse. I don't believe a word they say and I can't believe how so many Cowdenbeath fans seem to believe this shite.

I've never had anything against Cowdenbeath and even had a bit of a soft spot due to Cowden fans I met, but this stuff is really putting that to the test.

Edited by Marten
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11 minutes ago, Marten said:

Just been catching up on the posts about the reasoning re. the vote for B-teams. Honestly, how naive are you lot for believing that dishonest shite? The Cowdenbeath board is a disgrace, doesn't give a sh!t about "ventilation" or the league in general despite their claims to the contrary. The last vote they spread the lie about the conference league as "justification" and now this pathetic stuff, and people fall for it? 

There is no justification for this vote, simple as that. The statement is entirely dishonest.

Helmets on. Incoming


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1 minute ago, Marten said:

I've criticised EK plenty of times for their support of B-teams. But while saying nothing isn't right, such a dishonest statement is even worse. I don't believe a word they say and I can't believe how so many Cowdenbeath fans seem to believe this shite.

Well Cowden fans have had plenty of opportunity over the years to judge the Board’s honesty.  And seem willing to listen and engage unlike yourself who would be as well putting slogans on the side of buses.  It is clear that debating with Bexiteers is entirely futile as most have a fixed, simple view so have no real interest in the debate - just in getting their own way and abusing those who don’t fall into line.  

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1 minute ago, Cowden Cowboy said:

Well Cowden fans have had plenty of opportunity over the years to judge the Board’s honesty.  And seem willing to listen and engage unlike yourself who would be as well putting slogans on the side of buses.  It is clear that debating with Bexiteers is entirely futile as most have a fixed, simple view so have no real interest in the debate - just in getting their own way and abusing those who don’t fall into line.  

I can't stand Brexiteers so don't compare me to them, thank you.

Do you truly believe what they said in the statement, that this is transparent? That they really want to improve the LL for the better rather than just get the B-team cash? That they ultimately want B-teams fully out of the pyramid? If they honestly believe in their own words, sorry, but then the SFA has them totally fooled. The last time around the Conference League threat was being used as reason for voting for B-teams. That ultimately proved to be a completely empty threat. Why should we assume that this LL expansion debate isn't another bit of rubbish from the SFA to get teams to vote for B-teams.

The statements from Albion Rovers seem to contradict Cowdenbeath. And to me, what comes out of Coatbridge on this subject seems far more honest.

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8 minutes ago, Marten said:

I can't stand Brexiteers so don't compare me to them, thank you.

Do you truly believe what they said in the statement, that this is transparent? That they really want to improve the LL for the better rather than just get the B-team cash? That they ultimately want B-teams fully out of the pyramid? If they honestly believe in their own words, sorry, but then the SFA has them totally fooled. The last time around the Conference League threat was being used as reason for voting for B-teams. That ultimately proved to be a completely empty threat. Why should we assume that this LL expansion debate isn't another bit of rubbish from the SFA to get teams to vote for B-teams.

The statements from Albion Rovers seem to contradict Cowdenbeath. And to me, what comes out of Coatbridge on this subject seems far more honest.

No I will compare you to Brexiteers - you don’t get to decide that - same as I don’t have a choice about what you write which is purely based on what you prefer to believe rather than any objectivity.  Classic Brexit stuff

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Just now, Cowden Cowboy said:

No I will compare you to Brexiteers - you don’t get to decide that - same as I don’t have a choice about what you write which is purely based on what you prefer to believe rather than any objectivity.  Classic Brexit stuff

By the way all 16 clubs should already be well aware that the SFA rejects the LL having more than 16 teams after it proposed a formal rule change to that effect 

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37 minutes ago, Marten said:

I can't stand Brexiteers so don't compare me to them, thank you.

Do you truly believe what they said in the statement, that this is transparent? That they really want to improve the LL for the better rather than just get the B-team cash? That they ultimately want B-teams fully out of the pyramid? If they honestly believe in their own words, sorry, but then the SFA has them totally fooled. The last time around the Conference League threat was being used as reason for voting for B-teams. That ultimately proved to be a completely empty threat. Why should we assume that this LL expansion debate isn't another bit of rubbish from the SFA to get teams to vote for B-teams.

The statements from Albion Rovers seem to contradict Cowdenbeath. And to me, what comes out of Coatbridge on this subject seems far more honest.

In the mainstream of running a football club £4k is small beer I doubt they would be that desperate.

Albion Rovers statement just seems one of those put out to sound good.

There are 2 vacancies on the LL board never see any of the clubs who put statements out on a whim putting anyone forward for the places.

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48 minutes ago, Marten said:

I've criticised EK plenty of times for their support of B-teams. But while saying nothing isn't right, such a dishonest statement is even worse. I don't believe a word they say and I can't believe how so many Cowdenbeath fans seem to believe this shite.

I've never had anything against Cowdenbeath and even had a bit of a soft spot due to Cowden fans I met, but this stuff is really putting that to the test.

Not seen any comments from you since since the vote about 10 days ago criticising any individual club except ours.

Why aren’t you in the EK, Gala and Strollers threads venting your spleen (apart from the fact that with two of those examples you would be basically talking to yourself 😁) about those clubs?

I think you need to read back a few pages to see that most Cowden fans don’t want the B teams either, but the well being of the club at this time is most important to us. Are we being ‘dishonest’, to quote your favourite word, for having that opinion?  

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Everyone knows the end goal with B teams is only 2 things.. Allowing the 2 arse cheeks to get a 2nd team in the leagues therefore allowing them to purchase any talent in Scotland and keep them in 1 of their teams until they decide if they are good enough or not. It’s just strengthening the position of 2 teams who are far and away already stronger than the rest, another example of the multiple advantages they receive to remain at the top of the league and take as much European money as they can. 

The 2nd reason is so if the opportunity of a euro league arises, they can bolt at the earliest opportunity and still have a team in the Scottish leagues. It’s called forward planning and everyone knows this but the media won’t embarrass or call out their darlings. 
Scottish fitba is corrupt and isn’t interested in creating a competitive product, just a duopoly fuelled by religion and hatred as out of date as  
racism, homophobia etc.

They don’t care if Hearts join in, it makes it less obvious what’s going on. And let’s face it if they fancy a player from Hearts B they will just take him. 


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18 minutes ago, Cowden Cowboy said:

By the way all 16 clubs should already be well aware that the SFA rejects the LL having more than 16 teams after it proposed a formal rule change to that effect 

I'm not disputing that. I just don't believe the SFA would change their minds depending on the B-team vote. My view is still that the Cowdenbeath board are dishonest in their statement. But ultimately, the SFA are about the most dishonest you can get. They sold the absolute lie that the conference league was a done deal. This was something a few clubs, including Cowdenbeath, based their previous B-team vote on. 

And that's not exactly anything new. With Lochee United we had bad experiences with the SFA's dishonesty too. They claimed the juniors entering the pyramid was a "done deal", which was an absolute lie. I personally know people who now regret having believed what the SFA said back then. This is just history repeating itself. The SFA only dance to the tunes of the bigoted 2 in Glasgow. 

I do strongly agree that an expanded LL without B-teams is very much desirable and the best for improving the league. I just am sceptical that's really what the Cowdenbeath board want and I really don't believe this vote would ultimately help this happen. I want to be proven wrong on this and if so, I'd have no problems holding my hands up and admitting I misjudged it. But this is how I look at things now. 

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