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The Queen of the South thread

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FWIW Antell was at fault for at least one goal yesterday. Incase anyone forgot, he failed to deal with a shot from outside the box and managed to fumble it out for a corner. You know the rest!

I'm prepared for the slating - "Give him a chance", "He wasn't to blame", "He's young" blah blah blah. You can be 'positive' all you want, it won't change facts.

"Failed to deal with" - Give us peace. That was a tremendous save. It was an excellent shot with dip and swerve and he hadn't a hope in hell of catching it if that's what you are suggesting he should have done.

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Time to get POSITIVE stop the negativity.Look we are up a division. It's gonna be harder with more or less the same squad that got us promoted last season, we are unbeaten after 2 league games and still in both cup competitions.Lets get behind the manager and players.Up the South.

Erm... no its a forum to discuss the performance of the team and they rightly deserve criticism for not performing to the level that we saw last week or preseason. They did well to grab a point but they just weren't good enough to play like that.

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Erm... no its a forum to discuss the performance of the team and they rightly deserve criticism for not performing to the level that we saw last week or preseason. They did well to grab a point but they just weren't good enough to play like that.

This. Ive never understood why people want to stop discussion on an internet discussion forum. Its somewhere up there with this "scapegoat" nonsense.

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"Where to start after watching yesterday's performance?

Ok so as not to offend anyone I'll keep it positive. We scored 3 goals and didn't get beat."

Lol, taken from the Mad site.

Aye you're right. He should have just said it as it was on the day. We defended atrociously, our midfield struggled against a youthful energetic Livi one and up front although we scored three we were sluggish!

Work in progress as far that display goes.

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FWIW Antell was at fault for at least one goal yesterday. Incase anyone forgot, he failed to deal with a shot from outside the box and managed to fumble it out for a corner. You know the rest!

I'm prepared for the slating - "Give him a chance", "He wasn't to blame", "He's young" blah blah blah. You can be 'positive' all you want, it won't change facts.

"Failed to deal with" - Give us peace. That was a tremendous save. It was an excellent shot with dip and swerve and he hadn't a hope in hell of catching it if that's what you are suggesting he should have done.

Tremendous save?! We can agree to disagree that it was an easy save to make or hard to deal with, but there is no way that it coukd be classed as "tremendous"!

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"Where to start after watching yesterday's performance?

Ok so as not to offend anyone I'll keep it positive. We scored 3 goals and didn't get beat."

Lol, taken from the Mad site.

Hiya Kirky .Suberb!!! Never bothered with this site for a while,log on and my old pal is still spouting negative (allbeit in code)pish.Last season he probably didn't have much to complain about,bet he's loving all these goals flying in.No doubt I'm still on ignore,never mind I'll keep an eye on his classic one liners and cryptic references and roll about with aching sides. Thanks AJ for a moan free season.

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Tremendous save?! We can agree to disagree that it was an easy save to make or hard to deal with, but there is no way that it coukd be classed as "tremendous"!

Yeah, having seen the highlights now, it's not as good a save as I thought it was at the time. He didn't have to move that far to block it. I still don't think he could have held it though. It dipped right at his feet as it reached him. Given the two options of parrying it wide or back into play I think he did the right thing.

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Yeah, having seen the highlights now, it's not as good a save as I thought it was at the time. He didn't have to move that far to block it. I still don't think he could have held it though. It dipped right at his feet as it reached him. Given the two options of parrying it wide or back into play I think he did the right thing.

It was a well struck shot, but I thought he could maybe have done better with it. Of course, if it wasnt for the awful defending there wouldnt have been a shot in the first place

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All this dissaproving of talking about the defence is nonsence. Its hardly negative to be concerned about the back line . We all ( I imagine) want the team to do as best it can and this is somewhere we can improve. A Qos Thread is the best place to discuss all things Qos , from the small things to major. On the plus side , we have banged in 7 in 2 games and that aint bad going at all.

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This. Ive never understood why people want to stop discussion on an internet discussion forum. Its somewhere up there with this "scapegoat" nonsense.

I actively dislike the "lets get behind the team" happy clapping everything is ok mentality. Apart from making it seem like its our fault that they can't mark a man to save themselves. I wouldn't even think a professional footballer will care what some muppet in the stands thinks of them (apart from maybe Derek Lyle...)

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This. Ive never understood why people want to stop discussion on an internet discussion forum. Its somewhere up there with this "scapegoat" nonsense.

I actively dislike the "lets get behind the team" happy clapping everything is ok mentality. Apart from making it seem like its our fault that they can't mark a man to save themselves. I wouldn't even think a professional footballer will care what some muppet in the stands thinks of them (apart from maybe Derek Lyle...)

On the other side, those that don't seem to be too happy ,even if the team is doing well , are as bad . ps If you take into account the abuse Lyle was getting , then I don't think his conduct was bad.
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Think ill keep arguing this one until I'm blue in the face. I understand its easy to have a scapegoat and under no circumstances am I saying don't slag off the keeper if he's at fault but for f**k sake we are going on as if we had an option to keep Lee Robinson or we had 2 keepers on trail and we chose the wrong one. Ok he's not proven at this level ok he's making mistakes and if he's at fault he should be criticised but nit-picking at silly details like what he should of done better and holding it against him is out of order. There is no text book at how you should make a save or when you should come for a ball, ok there are basic training methods like having your angles right and how you should catch the ball etc but let's be honest it's a split second situation where a wrong decision could end up a goal so give the boy a break.

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Think ill keep arguing this one until I'm blue in the face. I understand its easy to have a scapegoat and under no circumstances am I saying don't slag off the keeper if he's at fault but for f**k sake we are going on as if we had an option to keep Lee Robinson or we had 2 keepers on trail and we chose the wrong one. Ok he's not proven at this level ok he's making mistakes and if he's at fault he should be criticised but nit-picking at silly details like what he should of done better and holding it against him is out of order. There is no text book at how you should make a save or when you should come for a ball, ok there are basic training methods like having your angles right and how you should catch the ball etc but let's be honest it's a split second situation where a wrong decision could end up a goal so give the boy a break.

I dont get the logic of this argument either. No-one is expecting him to be Lee Robinson. Obviously, there are comparisons to be made there but they are pointless and a waste of time. There are, however, valid comparisons to be made against the other keepers in the league and other keepers who might have been available in the summer. We'll see, for example, come October whether or not Grant Adam might have been a better signing.

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Anyone else got their copy of the Queens are Kings dvd yet? Mine arrived today (thanks to John P in the shop) and I've just had a quick watch. Great stuff, I still get butterflies during the penalties in the Cup Final!

Well done to all involved in it's production :thumsup2

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Think ill keep arguing this one until I'm blue in the face. I understand its easy to have a scapegoat and under no circumstances am I saying don't slag off the keeper if he's at fault but for f**k sake we are going on as if we had an option to keep Lee Robinson or we had 2 keepers on trail and we chose the wrong one. Ok he's not proven at this level ok he's making mistakes and if he's at fault he should be criticised but nit-picking at silly details like what he should of done better and holding it against him is out of order. There is no text book at how you should make a save or when you should come for a ball, ok there are basic training methods like having your angles right and how you should catch the ball etc but let's be honest it's a split second situation where a wrong decision could end up a goal so give the boy a break.

I dont get the logic of this argument either. No-one is expecting him to be Lee Robinson. Obviously, there are comparisons to be made there but they are pointless and a waste of time. There are, however, valid comparisons to be made against the other keepers in the league and other keepers who might have been available in the summer. We'll see, for example, come October whether or not Grant Adam might have been a better signing.

Listen, I'm not saying he can't be compared to other keepers and FWIW I agree that there are much better keepers in the league at the moment. It's the nit-picking at stupid details that I have a problem with or purposely looking at him as a scapegoat. Like I say the fact he is new to our last seasons successful squad makes it easy to make him a scapegoat and its not right IMO. New season better opposition brings a bigger set of challenges, sooner folk accept that the sooner they will get behind the team instead of looking at negatives!

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Listen, I'm not saying he can't be compared to other keepers and FWIW I agree that there are much better keepers in the league at the moment. It's the nit-picking at stupid details that I have a problem with or purposely looking at him as a scapegoat. Like I say the fact he is new to our last seasons successful squad makes it easy to make him a scapegoat and its not right IMO. New season better opposition brings a bigger set of challenges, sooner folk accept that the sooner they will get behind the team instead of looking at negatives!

Sorry, I dont get this scapegoat stuff. Who has blamed him for any of the goals on Saturday?

Of course a new season, in a higher league, brings a new set of challenges. But, surely, the team has to be up to those challenges? If it isnt, then either the players are at fault for not performing, or the manager is at fault for signing them. Why shouldnt we discuss this?

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Sorry, I dont get this scapegoat stuff. Who has blamed him for any of the goals on Saturday?

Of course a new season, in a higher league, brings a new set of challenges. But, surely, the team has to be up to those challenges? If it isnt, then either the players are at fault for not performing, or the manager is at fault for signing them. Why shouldnt we discuss this?

The team certainly looked up to the challenge last season, particularly against full-time opposition in the cups. From an outside perspective, it would appear as though a) there are problems with Calum Antell's lack of communication and confidence in coming off his line and b) there was absolutely no need to break up the Chris Higgins - Mark Durnan defensive partnership. I agree with a poster above who said that Durnan is not some kind of magic tonic that will cure the ills, but given how well the pair performed last season, it seemed senseless to break them up to accommodate Andy Dowie.

That's my two cents, and you're welcome to them.

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