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The Queen of the South thread

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So to label people as "snobs" is disrespectful but to respond by calling someone an "idiot" as in an earlier post, is obviously acceptable. Double standards or what? I stress that I only ever express MY OWN opinions and preferences, not saying that this way or that way of playing the game is correct, or that others should not be allowed have their own views, unlike some who give the impression by their responses that they are right and everyone who disagrees with them is an "idiot". I couldn't care less if my views and opinions are shared by the majority, but I do reserve the right to express them if I so wish. Sticks and stones, etc.

Please remind me where and when I called you an "idiot". Once you've failed to do so, I'll consider your apology accepted.

I think you'll also find that my last reply specifically said that you've got your own opinion and you're more than entitled to express it. That's kinda the point of forums such as this.

I think you've really got to understand that, once you post an opinion/thought/random musing on life into the public domain, then you've got to expect the rest of us to have a right to reply.

Finally, chill out a little - peace and goodwill to all men!!

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Qos squad to train together at the Queens arena for the first time tomorrow. Don't think they will be able to practise the long ball as the roof not high enough.

The Queens Arena looks fantastic & will be a great money earner once it's fully up & running .

Things may not be going to plan on the pitch at the moment but off the field we're in great shape .

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I realise the basis for your response which did not really offend me. I admit to being "old school" in my preferences on how I like to see football played. Whilst I can appreciate the talent and natural ability of players and teams who excel at playing a controlled, passing game, such as Barcelona, I'm afraid that my attention span in watching games such as this can be very short. The point of my original post on this matter, perhaps lost on some, was that I do not state that my simple preferences to football are to be accepted without question unlike others who state that their views on how football should be played is the final and definitive answer and should not be challenged. It's as if they look down their noses at anyone who dares to like what they do not. Live and let live.

Please remind me where and when I called you an "idiot". Once you've failed to do so, I'll consider your apology accepted.

I think you'll also find that my last reply specifically said that you've got your own opinion and you're more than entitled to express it. That's kinda the point of forums such as this.

I think you've really got to understand that, once you post an opinion/thought/random musing on life into the public domain, then you've got to expect the rest of us to have a right to reply.

Finally, chill out a little - peace and goodwill to all men!!

I did not say that the "idiot" quote was in one of your posts, I said it was in an earlier post so no apology forthcoming I'm afraid.

I am probably one of the most "chilled out" people you could meet but It does wind me up when self-appointed experts try and tell me what I should and shouldn't like or what is best for me (on any subject in life) as if their views are final.. In none of my posts on this subject have I knowingly suggested that I am trying to stop anyone having their own views or enjoy football as they prefer it to be played or that they are wrong for not agreeing with me. It would indeed be a boring life if we all agreed on every subject and I'm glad that i have at least provoked some response even from the intolerant.

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What's going on with the QOSTV section of the official site? Nothing new for 2 months now. As someone who relies on this to see the mighty Queens in action this is most disappointing. :(
Mr Goo on Queens Mad is your best bet mate . Usually uploads a mini video of away game later on that night or next morning.
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What's going on with the QOSTV section of the official site? Nothing new for 2 months now. As someone who relies on this to see the mighty Queens in action this is most disappointing. :(

All the matches have been filmed. Unfortunately, the person who edits the footage and produces the highlights is struggling to get the time to do it - its a time consuming process.

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Mr Goo on Queens Mad is your best bet mate . Usually uploads a mini video of away game later on that night or next morning.

Has Mr McIntyre taken over the running of the Queens Mad Site and started tinkering with it?

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