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Not sure Cowie is the answer. Not got the credentials at this level yet and part of the previous two failures this season. Obviously must be short term to see where we are come June! Underwhelmed by this but understand the need to not appoint a permanent at this stage.

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8 minutes ago, StoneThrowAway said:

That's a relegation appointment if I've ever seen one.

I don't understand why a coaching team that continuously fails, stays in place...

We have that with Scott Kellacher, always seems to stay part of the coaching staff when the team gets worse every season.

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I think this is the correct appointment in the circumstances. He’s done his apprenticeship under 2/3 managers, in which there’s been successful and unsuccessful spells. He’s learnt from several experienced managers in his playing career, and he seems like the type of guy that will be well respected by the players currently at the club. From a business perspective as well, externally hiring just brings in another wage which the club don’t need right now. It just makes sense. 


It’s been years since the club had a manager I could get fully behind. Hughes was a joke appointment and was lucky there was 2 worse sides in the league than us. MM gave us some good moments on the pitch, but it’s hard to get too emotionally invested when that’s the figurehead you have driving on your club. The less said about Adams the better. 


All that’s left for us to do is back Cowie to the hilt between now and the end of the season (assuming that’s when he’s got it until). I’ve seen so many, myself included, moan about managers across social media. Well, now we have a guy that knows the club inside out, born and bred a County fan, leading the charge. You can’t ask for much more, and we just have to give him as much support as we can. 

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Cowie has credit in the bank but is untested.


Has worked with Mackay and Adams, so hope not too much of them has rubbed off on him.

Uninspiring but understandable.

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21 minutes ago, Comrie said:

Cowie has credit in the bank but is untested.


Has worked with Mackay and Adams, so hope not too much of them has rubbed off on him.

Uninspiring but understandable.

I think that Cowie will instil confidence in the players and they'll prefer his training etc compared to his predecessor.

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23 minutes ago, Zeto-83 said:

I think that Cowie will instil confidence in the players and they'll prefer his training etc compared to his predecessor.

Yip, I agree.  I think it will be a totally different approach to man management too. 

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It's very much the in thing in Scottish Football just now to promote from within & also to have an interim manager. Could eventually go wrong, (a la Robson) could go right (a la Naismith/McCabe). Much prefer this interim approach than rushing to appoint a manager permanently immediately. Puts less pressure on all involved & no doubt Don will be 100% invested in keeping the club up.

Still don't think 11th is a certainty (although a lot more likely after the last week) now that Adams is gone. Cowie has to be given a chance to show what he can do. He couldn't just hang about as an assistant forever. I was excited by the Adams appointment and eventually let down. I've got more trepidation about this one, but fully behind him and hope it is the right choice

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4 hours ago, bunglebonce said:

Putting it out there that I'm not comfortable with speculating about someone's condition or otherwise on a public forum.

Totally agree.  To be technical we are all on the Autistic spectrum.  To be diagnosed with ASD you have to test high in three different factors.  Social interaction is only one of those.

I have undergone autistic testing and scored highly in the systemisation and routine aspect, but low on the others. If we all took a test we will find that we all share traits associated with ASD, but at no point would anyone be close to being diagnosed with one factor.

If anyone is interested in autism and finding out more can look up the work of Simon Baron-Cohen (cousin of Sasha).

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Anyway for the appointment of Don there was no one really else to consider.  Thought it would be Derek or Don last time, so there is only one choice now.  A good opportunity for him and hope he does well.  Understands the club and has attended matches since he was kid.  Being ballboy at our record win against St Cuthbert Wanderers.


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1 hour ago, Zappa16 said:

Interesting to see how Cowie will do. it could be a really really bad decision or a really really good one, no in between

Football fans repeatedly say this, yet 90% of managers end up being fairly average. Going on the little knowledge I have, I suspect Cowie will be quite average. How his time at the helm is viewed will depend as much on the abilities of Martindale, Levein, Kettlewell, et cetera over the next dozen games as it will on Cowie's.

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