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The Official Liz Truss no longer PM but still a Clusterfuck thread

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If the Tories kick her out on her fascist arse, I hope they elect,appoint, anoint a leader who sees Labour's lead melt away and head towards at least a hung parliament.  Might remind Scots to make sure that SNP get a huge independence mandate. Make no mistake the electorate down south will slways be primarily Conservative. 

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10 hours ago, HTG said:


I love that Joe lycett is just ripping the piss out of them. We're supposed to believe that these politicians are serious, dignified and intelligent people. 

The fact he just openly mocks them gives me great pleasure.

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6 hours ago, BFTD said:

The answer is, for now and evermore, that everything would be worse with Scots in cherge. We'd make poorer decisions, voting in terrible useless people, and anyone with a modicum of competence would leave to pursue a career in London, so we'd have no choice anyway.

There's absolutely no point in asking because, no matter how it's dressed up, that's the fundamental bottom line. No matter how venal, corrupt and, more likely than not, fascist the government in Westminster becomes, many people will always prefer to hope that, some day, England will elect a government that does more than feather its nest in the South-East and provide exactly as much as is required to buy the necessary votes in the rest of the island, and not a penny more.

On the back of Scottish renewable energy resources 

Which is becoming clearer is the only way the much sought after growth can be achieved 

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The tories are self imploding, theres nowhere for them to go. Call a GE and they will lose massively and infighting after will destroy them. Keep Liz Truss in power and things will get far worse for the UK and they will collapse and infighting will destroy whats left. Appoint a new leader and then they tear themselves apart with infighting.

I may be optimistic but I can see the tories vote going the way that labours did

Edited by BigDoddyKane
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10 hours ago, Mark Connolly said:

Jess Phillips is a pain in the arse, but she finally got something right.

They showed her on HIGNFY predicting that the show would be out of date by the time it aired, as the Chancellor would have resigned

Jess Phillips is Labour’s Liz Truss.

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9 hours ago, Monkey Tennis said:

1) I take it you mean Black Wednesday?  The Tory government who oversaw that had a much slimmer majority than this one, and faced a Labour party capable of sweeping up Scotland.

2) Welshbairn has got this. If/when Truss gets deposed, there is no way on earth that the Tory party membership will again be entrusted to install her replacement.


Anyone old enough to actually recall the year of Black Wednesday, will never treat electoral defeat for the Tories as inevitable.

Easier said than done.  The method of choosing a leader is enshrined in the rules and cannot be changed by Tory MPs alone.  The only way to avoid a contest would be if a single candidate emerged and given that the PCP is pretty fragmented at present I wouldn’t count on the unanimity required.


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Hunt doing the media rounds it's all about the "stability" now 

And tax rises incoming with public service cuts ... Jeremy is going to make all the hard decisions 

Trussonomics is getting binned but the clown shoes remains in charge in name only Hunt is the pm basically 

Edited by doulikefish
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The cornerstone of Truss’s campaign for the Tory leadership was a clear set of economic policies that are about to be scrapped.  Her main rival’s economic policies were far closer to the ones that will now be enacted.

Her credibility is in shreds and seems impossible that she can garner enough support to remain in the job but the alternative of sacking her is equally dangerous for the Tory Party, particularly if she resists going.

In addition to all that she is like a rabbit in the headlights any time she is asked a question.

The rate at which the the Conservative Party has unravelled is astounding and I don’t see the polls changing significantly even with Hunt at number 11.  There is still the issue of keeping increases in benefits at a level to combat inflation and ensuring there are not real term cuts to services, that is a powder keg



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8 minutes ago, doulikefish said:

Just about to post that ...on straight after him aswell 🤣🤣

Aye he would have definitely heard it on his way out the building, some start to his term, pretty much as the Prime Minister in all but name.

His plans are a departure from what Truss promised so she will be keeping the seat warm, and maybe will resign allowing an uncontested leader replace her, citing personal reasons.

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32 minutes ago, 101 said:

Aye he would have definitely heard it on his way out the building, some start to his term, pretty much as the Prime Minister in all but name.

His plans are a departure from what Truss promised so she will be keeping the seat warm, and maybe will resign allowing an uncontested leader replace her, citing personal reasons.

Agreed, Truss is in office but no longer in power, the Tories have already lost the next GE the only remaining issue is who's gonna take the bullet. I suspect the Tories would like Truss to take said bullet leaving Sunak to takeover (Hunt would be in his mid 60s by the time of the following GE) the only drawback to this is that Truss is a black hole in terms of charisma - she could do a Major & leave the Tories unelectable for 2/3 GEs. 

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8 minutes ago, btb said:

Agreed, Truss is in office but no longer in power, the Tories have already lost the next GE the only remaining issue is who's gonna take the bullet. I suspect the Tories would like Truss to take said bullet leaving Sunak to takeover (Hunt would be in his mid 60s by the time of the following GE) the only drawback to this is that Truss is a black hole in terms of charisma - she could do a Major & leave the Tories unelectable for 2/3 GEs. 

TBF, I don't think that was down to Major, other than that nobody in the party was scared he'd eat their faces, like with Thatcher. The Tories went absolutely hog-wild after she was deposed, with a new scandal every week, and were left clinging to power by their fingertips as their majority was gradually eaten away. Major also seemed like a political titan compared to Hague, IDS, and Howard, although they became the power behind the throne of Cameron despite being woefully unpopular.

Sounds a bit familiar. I guess we'll see May, Boris, Truss and co pulling the strings of whatever bland drone gets them back into power after Labour get to take the blame for fourteen years under the Conservative Party.

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This entire cluskerfuck that has been going on for years can all directly be traced back to Cameron wanting to please the gammons in his party by accounting a referendum on the EU

Its all down to Tory infighting

They really shouldn’t be anywhere near government again 

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1 minute ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

The Tory party must been struggling "a bit" in Scotland. Nobody available to speak for the Scottish branch (or is that perhaps Scottish twig?) on Radio Scotland this morning. 

As is the norm with them 

Ruth Davidson was famous for it

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8 minutes ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

The Tory party must been struggling "a bit" in Scotland. Nobody available to speak for the Scottish branch (or is that perhaps Scottish twig?) on Radio Scotland this morning. 

Every time wee Dougie has backed a Truss decision she has binned it within 24 hours.

Maybe he has finally learnt that keeping his mouth shut may be the best policy.

Nae fun for the rest of us though. 

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