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The Official Liz Truss no longer PM but still a Clusterfuck thread

Clown Job

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3 hours ago, coprolite said:

They're opposing views in that they have different sets of mates and backers that they wish to enrich. The remaining differences are fairly trivial. 

I think that’s a bit simplistic.  The sort of think tanks backing Truss and Kwarteng are more dangerous than the people who would support someone like Hunt.

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"The prime minister certainly now presents as a captured beast, having spent the entire summer campaigning stridently against the hideous failings of precisely the policies she is now saying are the only thing that make sense. Yet as Hunt outlined the biggest U-turn in modern political history to the Commons yesterday afternoon, Truss flanked him, wearing that sad, faraway smile of a Tory wife standing next to her husband explaining why he’s resigning over a sex scandal. This arguably isn’t the optimal look for a leader.

Earlier, temporarily released from her oubliette, the PM had put out a tweet. “The British people rightly want stability,” this began, “which is why we are addressing the serious challenges we face in worsening economic conditions. We have taken action to …” No, sorry, I haven’t got the strength to reproduce the thing in full. Long story short: she’s pissed down your back, and now she’s telling you it’s raining."

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16 minutes ago, btb said:

Triple lock on pensions looks set to be next the next U-turn..... 

This will piss off a lot of the Tory (pensioner) base whilst causing misery for those retired folk wholly dependent upon the state pension.

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It should never be forgotten that, in the midst of major cuts to public spending to come, as well as reversing help for energy bills from 2years to 6 months (handing public money to multinationals), increasing tax on small businesses, that they still remove the cap on bankers bonuses.

Even taking the attempted scrapping of the top rate of tax from 45 to 40% being removed, has there ever been a set of policies from anyUK government which in such a short space of time doesn't even try to hide making the mega rich better off, while leaving everyone else struggling? They are royally shafting their own voter based of middle class home owners and pensioners.

Once the mortgage rate hike to 6% starts to filter through, along with continuing high rates of inflation, eye watering energy bills, removing the triple lock on pensions, even the most ardent Tory voter must be turning against them. All the while watching bankers racking up their bonuses.

It is off the charts right wing economics.

Edited by Jedi
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They say capping bankers' bonuses forced firms to raise their salaries overall, to still attract the best people, so removing the cap likely won't make much difference. On the other hand it's likely to encourage more risk taking in the hope of boosting bonuses which was the point of the cap, to prevent another 2008.

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I listened to about 10 minutes of 5 live's phone in this morning. First time in months. I really wish I hadn't. 

One caller was a Scottish woman who didn't want an election as we've just had elections in Scotland. 

Another said she needed to stay in power as changing leader or calling an election would cause instability. 

The third said she should apologise but stay. 

I switched off at this point. What planet do these people live on? Truss causes instability.

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6 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

If Hunt is really in charge then this is very relevant and needs to be called out:

“The same Jeremy Hunt who had twice campaigned to be Tory party leader and had twice been rejected, most recently in the summer, when he had finished eighth out eight with only 18 Conservative MPs thinking he was worth voting for.”

Unlike most on here I did not question how a new Tory Party leader/Prime Minister was appointed because it’s simply a reflection of Parliamentary democracy, but the fact that Hunt had so little support and is now being hailed a saviour is a further indication that the Conservative Parliamentary Party is a loose collection of deeply opposing political views.

Think about how many failed Tory leaders were running things behind the scenes when Cameron became Prime Minister. These p***ks never go away, regardless of what the electorate think of them.

I seem to remember Neil Kinnock being touted as one of the architects of Labour's win in 1997 too, which was quite funny considering 1992.

20 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

I listened to about 10 minutes of 5 live's phone in this morning. First time in months. I really wish I hadn't. 

One caller was a Scottish woman who didn't want an election as we've just had elections in Scotland. 

Another said she needed to stay in power as changing leader or calling an election would cause instability. 

The third said she should apologise but stay. 

I switched off at this point. What planet do these people live on? Truss causes instability.

People being angry about too much democracy is always funny. It seems like an awful lot of people would like somebody to be appointed and stay in cherge until their death, just so they don't have to do any thinking for themselves or take ten minutes out of their day to mark a cross in a box every now and then.

Wait, that's not funny at all, is it.

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24 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

They say capping bankers' bonuses forced firms to raise their salaries overall, to still attract the best people, so removing the cap likely won't make much difference. On the other hand it's likely to encourage more risk taking in the hope of boosting bonuses which was the point of the cap, to prevent another 2008.

Absolutely. It's also the optics of raising the already bloated cask paid out in the city (attracting the best talent...code for make sure the boys from Eton et al get a cushy job) at the same time of slashing public spending, and not raising benefits and pensions in line with inflation.

There will still be a (surely small) camp who think Truss is being treated a bit unfairly (give her time etc). However, once their mortgage shoots up, their supermarket bills continue to be high, and they are struggling with energy bills, lets see the effect on being able to send Tarquin or Penelope to the 'school of their choice'.

Once the Tories start squeezing the upper middle class, as they are now doing, they are finished. 

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2 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

They say capping bankers' bonuses forced firms to raise their salaries overall, to still attract the best people, so removing the cap likely won't make much difference. On the other hand it's likely to encourage more risk taking in the hope of boosting bonuses which was the point of the cap, to prevent another 2008.

We’re already socialising the costs of risks taken by “too big to fail” pension funds who’ve leveraged their positions to boost returns. They want more of this. Big payments to financiers for taking risks with our money.

still, I’m sure the black rock, Jp Morgan and hedge fund bodies on the economic advisory panel will put this right.

26 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

I listened to about 10 minutes of 5 live's phone in this morning. First time in months. I really wish I hadn't. 

One caller was a Scottish woman who didn't want an election as we've just had elections in Scotland. 

Another said she needed to stay in power as changing leader or calling an election would cause instability. 

The third said she should apologise but stay. 

I switched off at this point. What planet do these people live on? Truss causes instability.

Radio vox pops are increasingly terrifying. Where do they get these fuckwits. Barely coherent, no apparent understanding of reality but able to vote.

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25 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

They say capping bankers' bonuses forced firms to raise their salaries overall, to still attract the best people, so removing the cap likely won't make much difference. On the other hand it's likely to encourage more risk taking in the hope of boosting bonuses which was the point of the cap, to prevent another 2008.

Does anyone actually believe they?

Forced the markets are a semi closed shop (old boys network) given our pension funds to play with and thus deemed too important to control by successive governments, so they set their own rules and laugh in our faces.

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