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The Official Liz Truss no longer PM but still a Clusterfuck thread

Clown Job

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"To prove how far we have regressed, the politician who is once again everywhere is Osborne, easily the most ruinous Conservative minister this century. Others might name the layabout liar Boris Johnson or Truss the malfunctioning android, but it was Osborne who robbed Britain of a future. In the 2010s, interest rates hit rock-bottom and markets were practically screaming for governments to spend and invest. The UK could have rethought and rebuilt its post-crash economic model, but he chose to trample on the working poor and to cut, cut, cut. He is a big reason why Tory economics now has only two settings: cutting taxes for the rich, which never produces growth, or pursuing austerity that never brings prosperity.

Even today, Hunt is copying Osborne’s moves, right down to outsourcing politics to the financiers – just look at the newly installed panel of economic advisers, which comprises just two representatives of giant asset managers and two hedge-funders. Yet Jeremy cannot be George, because his role model cut public services so far there is nothing of substance left to take without them falling over. Now inflation is in double digits (unlike the prime minister’s approval ratings), it is devouring every Whitehall budget.

This is the UK’s horrific doom-loop, where voters are told the untenable is inevitable, while the sensibles keep mouthing stupidities and capitalists mirthlessly toast a cadaverous capitalism. Further downstream, surveys suggest over half (54%) of the 4m households on universal credit have gone without food in the last month, sick people in Wales can wait nearly two days inside an ambulance before getting admitted to A&E, and about 100,000 households each month are rolling off their mortgages into financial disaster."

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29 minutes ago, Brother Blades said:

Is there a realistic chance of a government defeat tonight or will there be a few abstentions & Mogg will get the confidence through? 

Loads of abstentions by the sounds of it but probably not enough 

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1 hour ago, Day of the Lords said:

I hope she's seething. An utter cuntress. 

I like the way 'c**t' has totally lost its feminine connotations and someone has had to invent a new nasty insult for nasty women.

Female 'c***s' , who'da thunk it?

Edited by cyderspaceman
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1 minute ago, doulikefish said:

Loads of abstentions by the sounds of it but probably not enough 

Cheers, be fucking hilarious if it happened, but didn’t really think it would, love to be inside the head of a Tory MP in a likely fracking area, knowing that your voting record is public knowledge, tbf, the way things are going the whole thing could be on its head by tomorrow & the Cons will be the new Greens!! 

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2 minutes ago, Brother Blades said:

Cheers, be fucking hilarious if it happened, but didn’t really think it would, love to be inside the head of a Tory MP in a likely fracking area, knowing that your voting record is public knowledge, tbf, the way things are going the whole thing could be on its head by tomorrow & the Cons will be the new Greens!! 

The debate is on now,just loads of Tories  saying they don't support fracking .......but will vote for/abstain as local people should have the final say so that's there cop out .One even said he is voting for it so they don't withdraw his whip because he wants his letter of no confidence against Truss to count....they are a shambles 

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38 minutes ago, 101 said:

I think it's an outside chance, a defeat really would be remarkable, however I think Tories that are fed up and don't wish to stand again or that are so fed up with the erosion of the party might give up and vote against this.

It's certainly a high risk strategy to bin the darling of the biggest lunatics in the party then immediately offer them a de facto confidence vote on what for at least a portion of is just nimbyism. 


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9 minutes ago, 101 said:

Stevie "ERG" Baker being wheeled out, it must be the last days if he is the man to wheel out.

I saw him today on BBC and he appeared to claim that the UK state has been following the wrong economic path since the 1911 National Insurance Act, and we need to sort it out or the State will fail by 2044! Quite how Conservative rule has been responsible for this was studiously avoided by him How he has managed to get a government post is bizarre. 


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Just now, williemillersmoustache said:

It's certainly a high risk strategy to bin the darling of the biggest lunatics in the party then immediately offer them a de facto confidence vote on what for at least a portion of is just nimbyism. 


Yes, but just to be clear I would oppose fracking regardless of where they were drilling. I wouldn't feel as upset if they did it in Tory heartlands but it shouldn't be done regardless.

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1 minute ago, Highlandmagar said:

Bringing back a guy who she sacked as Transport Secretary into an even bigger post as Home Secretary proces that Hunt is the PM.

I don't know the numbers in the Parliamentary Tory Party anymore, but they got rid of loads of the wets and One Nation types in Johnson's cull and deselections. The ERG have had their first opportunity to put their dreams into reality, and its been a total disaster. Can't see them just handing over power to the centrists though, this soap opera has longer to run. The obvious solution to the ruling party imploding would be a general election, but that would mean half of the Tory MPs losing their jobs.

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Shapps gets bombed as Transport Secretary when Truss announces her first cabinet. He isn't given a ministerial position, presumably because he's not particularly rated, then six weeks down the line he's parachuted into the post of Home Secretary???
It's like Real Madrid calling a press conference to introduce new 1st team coach Jack Ross. 
Utterly insane.
Shapps in a fetching shorts and blazer combo incoming
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