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Monarchy debate/discussion

Richey Edwards

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  • 1 month later...


Fuxake, Nicola................

ETA - https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/jul/28/revealed-queen-vetted-67-laws-before-scottish-parliament-pass-them

Once Ol' Jug Ears becomes king (urgh....), he'll no doubt be lobbying for the reintroduction of droit de seigneur......

Edited by Florentine_Pogen
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  • 10 months later...

Obviously I'm actively up for a Robespierrean solution to our constitutional issues but the people greeting that the BBC aren't acting impartially are dumber than the loyal subjects mainlining Gammon propaganda. 

The Royals are the state. The BBC is the state. It's not difficult to understand. 

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11 minutes ago, Detournement said:

Obviously I'm actively up for a Robespierrean solution to our constitutional issues but the people greeting that the BBC aren't acting impartially are dumber than the loyal subjects mainlining Gammon propaganda. 

The Royals are the state. The BBC is the state. It's not difficult to understand. 

I'm sure Republic knows all that, but it's still useful to demand the BBC be a bit more even-handed. The BBC does pretend to be impartial, and that's a useful lever that can sometimes be used to coerce them into doing the right thing, now and again.

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31 minutes ago, Aim Here said:

I'm sure Republic knows all that, but it's still useful to demand the BBC be a bit more even-handed. The BBC does pretend to be impartial, and that's a useful lever that can sometimes be used to coerce them into doing the right thing, now and again.

We are beyond that point now. 

They should just be saying don't pay the license fee. 

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9 minutes ago, Zen Archer (Raconteur) said:

Aye fucking right.



It's not quite John le Carre levels of plot manipulation, is it? All the powers of the state and "he's got covid" is the best they can come up with. I think there's too much Jubilee partying going on at MI6.

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13 minutes ago, Zen Archer (Raconteur) said:

Aye fucking right.



If you swapped the words “tested positive for” with “been injected with” then it would be believable.

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5 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

If you swapped the words “tested positive for” with “been injected with” then it would be believable.

Nah. That wouldn't be anything I believe.

The security services don't kill nonces - they blackmail them and keep them around. If you have a dirty skeleton or three in your closet and lots of famous and important people in your address book, you're an asset -exactly the sort of person that MI5/MI6 can make use of.

This is just a lame, pedestrian excuse thought up by the Royal Household to keep Andy from embarrassing everyone with his presence.

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You don’t even need to self insulate with a positive Covid test anymore so it’s clearly just a paper thin excuse for him not rear his nonce face and ruin the party for everyone.

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Tried to start a new thread but don’t know how to do polls.

Is Andy missing the jubilee events because:

a) he’s caught Covid 

b) he’s a sweaty, embarrassing paedo and the Covid thing is a convenient excuse?

Anyone who can do polls could oblige.


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