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The Official ‘Hi-Risk Anus PM’ Clusterfuck Thread

Granny Danger

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Wee rant here about something I saw earlier. A concern troll arrived into what I'll call a "leftist online space". They said Sunak as the "first Indian prime minister of UK" should be celebrated for that reason and that non-Indians just don't get it.

This is a cynical invocation of shallow liberal identity politics in an attempt to neuter leftist criticism of Sunak. Should mention first that if anyone actually did have such a superficial care then they'd know there's already been two West European prime ministers in recent years who were sons of Indian fathers, Varadkar in Ireland and Costa in Portugal.

Now I very much support leftist identity politics. Where a group of people are being harmed on account of an identity characteristic they share, the response has to be to organise around that characteristic and assert their rights. The liberation of the working class means the liberation of all working class people. Basic stuff.

Liberal identity politics is something else, though, as it seeks to trick folk by painting a veneer over the already existing structure. Cornel West talks of his exasperation with the "Black faces in high places" strategy of US liberals. It's an attempt to enfranchise the Black working class into the US system, to create a new market. Sell working class Black people expensive Michael Jordan Nike trainers while denying them access to healthcare.

The wealth of Sunak's wife's family was stolen from the labour of Dalits just as it was previously stolen by the UK elite. The exploitative class is international. Anyone saying "actually, Sunak is good you see, because Indian" can f**k right off.

Edited by FreedomFarter
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'A nasty vindictive idea'....to ask those with accumulated wealth of over £1 million in the bank (and there would normally also be many other assets attached to that), to pay a tax of 3 or 4% on it, in order to contribute to funding public services, (which the same individuals themselves use).
Meanwhile increasing food banks, forcing 1 in 4 children into poverty, decimating disability benefits, dismantling education and health, letting the elderly freeze through the winter, awarding bankers with bigger bonuses, is a capital idea.
Its the allegedly 4th largest economy in the world having high levels of homelessness, poverty and inequality while installing a multi-millionaire PM unelected by the people, which is obscene.

You don’t even need to do that though to increase the tax take.

A more subtle way would be removing all the loopholes and tax dodges that the super-rich exploit through their accountants.

I suspect that if you did have your 3% tax on wealth in the bank they would just transfer it to non-taxable assets that could be liquefied at short notice.
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9 hours ago, sophia said:

He did nothing exceptional nor was he the exception. Others did something broadly similar.

Indeed.  And it was hailed as visionary here because there are so few examples of UK Governments doing remotely the right thing by the population as a whole, and not just self-interested sectors of it.

Sunak took action because he (sensibly) realised that furlough was the lesser of two evils but that doesn't stray anywhere near a coherent and equitable economic and social policy as we haven't had one of those since the 1960's.

Even then it wasn't ideal, but I doubt we'll now hear much about Rishi's misguided 'Eat Out To Spread Covid' wheeze.

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And another thing, you can argue the toss, strongest possible emphasis on the word "toss", about how covid was managed but Dishi was the chancellor who presided over the largest theft from the public purse in history, during the worst public health crisis in 100 years. 

Billions empty into the pockets of private contractors (and donors) to deliver a test and trace system which bypassed local public health teams and delivered nothing.

And further billions spunked into the filthy mitts of their cronies for desperately needed equipment, that would have been stockpiled and available had they not outsourced the storage or sold off the reserves, that was substandard,, unusable, and priced massively over even the ludicrously inflated market rate and cost lives. 

It's beyond grotesque. It's one thing to f**k up a national calamity but he was in charge of the dough when the motherfucking carrion feeding c***s treated this disaster like it was a money making Christmas, Hogmanay and Diwali all rolled into one.

Get any feeble minded misplaced fawning gratitude for keeping some people businesses above water with one hand while he let his pals fist and then rip the guts out of the public purse with the other, so so very far to f**k. 

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1 hour ago, williemillersmoustache said:

The UK is the world's sixth largest economy and it can't feed its own kids. 

Let's not forget it took Marcus Rashford to make the case for free school to the "hero of Furlough." 

Actually, maybe that's not quite right. The UK is the worlds sixth largest economy and it could easily feed its kids, if the c***s in charge chose to do so. But they don't. 

f**k Rishi Sunak, and f**k the UK. A midden state awash with wealth that has kids eating imaginary food out of empty lunch boxes, while a multi-milliomaire b*****d dwarf gets appointed to tell us tough times are ahead. 

f**k. Off. 


^^^Extreme Left Winger found

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Surely only utter simpletons like DPB would paint furlough as any kind of altruistic gesture 😂

Sunak quite simply realised that the alternative was catastrophic levels of unemployment and an already creaking universal credit system would have collapsed under the weight of hundreds of thousands of new applications. 

You'd have claims not being dealt with, existing claims crashing and probably civil unrest within weeks, if not days. 

In summary, Sunak for many reasons (including support of the Rwanda scheme) is a little Tory c**t. 

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13 minutes ago, Suspect Device said:

Has there ever been a politician made PM just 7 years after first being elected?


Makes me very suspicious and look out my tinfoil hat.

David Cameron did it in 9 years. Cannot think of anyone managing it in 7.

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14 minutes ago, Day of the Lords said:

Surely only utter simpletons like DPB would paint furlough as any kind of altruistic gesture 😂

Sunak quite simply realised that the alternative was catastrophic levels of unemployment and an already creaking universal credit system would have collapsed under the weight of hundreds of thousands of new applications. 

You'd have claims not being dealt with, existing claims crashing and probably civil unrest within weeks, if not days. 

In summary, Sunak for many reasons (including support of the Rwanda scheme) is a little Tory c**t. 

Nothing altruistic about the furlough scheme. There was no alternative if you wanted to keep the economy going and people in jobs.

The big error was in having lockdowns which made the furlough scheme necessary.

Its now becoming evident that, if we had kept things open we wouldn’t be any worse off in terms of illness and deaths and the economy would be in a far better state.

Bad things happen, people die. We need to realise that. That’s life (or death).

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14 minutes ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

Nothing altruistic about the furlough scheme. There was no alternative if you wanted to keep the economy going and people in jobs.

The big error was in having lockdowns which made the furlough scheme necessary.

Its now becoming evident that, if we had kept things open we wouldn’t be any worse off in terms of illness and deaths and the economy would be in a far better state.

Bad things happen, people die. We need to realise that. That’s life (or death).

Ah yes.............20/20 hindsight.......tis' a wonderful thing.

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37 minutes ago, Suspect Device said:

Has there ever been a politician made PM just 7 years after first being elected?


Makes me very suspicious and look out my tinfoil hat.

Pierre Trudeau, father of the current Prime Minister of Canada, did it in less than 3 years.  He became an MP in 1965 and was Prime Minister from 1968 to 1979.

He was briefly in opposition and then Prime Minister again from 1980 to 1984.

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2 minutes ago, Fullerene said:

Pierre Trudeau, father of the current Prime Minister of Canada, did it in less than 3 years.  He became an MP in 1965 and was Prime Minister from 1968 to 1979.

He was briefly in opposition and then Prime Minister again from 1980 to 1984.

Canada's not a real country though.

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