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P&B Weight Observers Thread 23/24

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I've struggled a bit with my weight for a few years since I stopped working a physical job and moved into the office. I'm 6ft and pretty broad shouldered, so can actually carry a bit of extra weight ok, but it gets harder as I'm getting older. Piled on the weight during covid like many. Been back at the gym for a while now and have made inroads, but need to up it now this year.


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I've been overweight since my honeymoon 4 years ago.  I've tried a few things to get back down to about mid 14 stone but I'm currently floating around the high 15, low 16.  I'm looking to get back into some sort of sport this year and we've started turning the garage into a gym so we'll see how we go.

I just need to finish off the rest of the Xmas chocolate :D 

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On 18/01/2023 at 10:09, Alert Mongoose said:

Akin to the excellent depression thread, I wonder if there would be any interest in a 'supportive' thread dedicated to those looking to shed some weight this year. 

I'm at the stage now where its becoming detrimental to my health and really needs acted upon. I've always been 'overweight' though for most of the time relatively fit (regular football, cycling, walking etc) but that is becoming increasingly difficult. I'm hoping that maybe some sort of weekly measurement would provide additional support? 

Anyone interested?

Same as yourself ,I classed myself as fat but fit until covid kicked the shit out of me two years ago ,I'm still fat but now without any core strength or stamina 

Last March I weighed 21 stone 9 (138kg) ,made some half arsed attempts to get my weight down and by 1st December weighed 21 stone (133kg). Joined my local pool and tried to get serious about it and by 1st January have got it down to 19:13 (126kg) .still swimming and now trying dry January too, to try and boost me in the right direction .next weigh in is the 1st Feb ,hoping to still be going in the right direction

All the best to everyone else who is trying too

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Since joining this thread i've managed a week without eating shite (crisps, cakes, biscuits, sweets).

It's not been very hard tbh but i have found myself on autopilot foraging in cupboards a couple of times, and was in a meeting room at work and went for the biscuits automatically. Just needed a bit of attention. 

Still to come, reducing portion sizes and getting more exercise. 

Good luck fellow fatties. 

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Wee update as it’s the end of the month. Started the year at 15st 2 and was 14st 5lbs on the scales this morning.

Fairly pleased with the progress so far, currently off the bevvy and not had a drink since Hogmanay and no takeaways yet this year either (did sneak a pie at Starks Park on Saturday though). Keeping consistent with the running too and ran about 120km so far this year. 

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15 minutes ago, Central Belt Caley said:

Wee update as it’s the end of the month. Started the year at 15st 2 and was 14st 5lbs on the scales this morning.

Fairly pleased with the progress so far, currently off the bevvy and not had a drink since Hogmanay and no takeaways yet this year either (did sneak a pie at Starks Park on Saturday though). Keeping consistent with the running too and ran about 120km so far this year. 

Well done, keep it going

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just noticed its the first of the month so ill start this today. 

maybe monthly weighings are a good idea as id normally do it several times in a week and feel guilty about having eaten something so if im generally eating healthier it shouldnt matter over a month.

im 15st 3 lbs now.

ill cut out bread but have a tortilla wrap every day.

i just have a batch of home brew nearly ready so stopping drinking is not an option.

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1 hour ago, Nkomo-A-Gogo said:

just noticed its the first of the month so ill start this today. 

maybe monthly weighings are a good idea as id normally do it several times in a week and feel guilty about having eaten something so if im generally eating healthier it shouldnt matter over a month.

im 15st 3 lbs now.

ill cut out bread but have a tortilla wrap every day.

i just have a batch of home brew nearly ready so stopping drinking is not an option.

Aye I should cut out bread too. It's just junk calories that cause an insulin spike with no nutritional benefit. 

I've reduced my eating window to between 12 and 7 most days to try and compensate for eating the occasional cake (which is harder than booze to give up). 

Emotional eating is the biggie though. My anxiety level will creep up and I'll hae to reach for a doughnut or a packet o digestives.

I had a week of boozing and eating shite last week so the weight has crept up. I'm still losing 0.5kg a week (about a pound @coprolite).

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bread is the big thing for me. if i cut that out ill be fine. the reason i have a tortilla every day is because i bring a salad to work and its handy to put it all in a wrap and roll it up.

Another problem is my wifes family always have everyone over on birthdays for a chinese takeaway and there are two happening this month! the last time i was trying to lose weight i switched to chicken with green peppers and mushrooms in black bean sauce with boiled rice which is apparently the best of a bad bunch and still very tasty.



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3 minutes ago, velo army said:

Aye I should cut out bread too. It's just junk calories that cause an insulin spike with no nutritional benefit. 

I've reduced my eating window to between 12 and 7 most days to try and compensate for eating the occasional cake (which is harder than booze to give up). 

Emotional eating is the biggie though. My anxiety level will creep up and I'll hae to reach for a doughnut or a packet o digestives.

I had a week of boozing and eating shite last week so the weight has crept up. I'm still losing 0.5kg a week (about a pound @coprolite).

that 12 til 7 is interesting.  i had a job before delivering fruit and veg with an early start and was climbing flights of stairs with 15 kg of potatoes in each hand.

didnt get a chance to eat anything until after 12pm. i was in great shape then.

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Started on Monday. Scales said 93.1kg (6ft) on Sunday night, which combined with clothes getting a bit tighter meant something had to be done. 

My plan is no pasta or bread, only meat and fruit/veg from Monday to Friday and trying to get all my eating done by 6.30pm. Will relax a bit at weekend so as not to get fed up but still keep it under control. Weigh in will be each Sunday morning from now (post jobby and pre breakfast). 

I use the Feelfit app because it was linked via Bluetooth to the scales and it does a great job of tracking the weight. It's dead annoying though when you put on weight it makes a disappointed clang noise. Started using it two years ago and the lowest I have got to on it is 83.5kg with a highest point of 93.45kg. Don't plan to get anywhere near the lowest point but Christmas period was ridiculous. I reckon as long as I'm below 90 it's ok but prefer to hover around 88. We'll see.

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On 27/01/2023 at 09:20, dagane said:

Same as yourself ,I classed myself as fat but fit until covid kicked the shit out of me two years ago ,I'm still fat but now without any core strength or stamina 

Last March I weighed 21 stone 9 (138kg) ,made some half arsed attempts to get my weight down and by 1st December weighed 21 stone (133kg). Joined my local pool and tried to get serious about it and by 1st January have got it down to 19:13 (126kg) .still swimming and now trying dry January too, to try and boost me in the right direction .next weigh in is the 1st Feb ,hoping to still be going in the right direction

All the best to everyone else who is trying too

What news pal?

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I typically weigh myself a couple times a week just to keep myself on the right track. 

Bread is a big thing for me to cut out, if I look at a bit of bread I put on weight so best option is none. 

I’m the worlds worst for eating for the sake of it, need to catch myself before I’m away dipping my hand in the biscuit tin again. 

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4 hours ago, jimbaxters said:

What news pal?


4 hours ago, jimbaxters said:

What news pal?

I'm down to 19 stone 7 (123kg) pleased but hoped for more ,been using the try dry app to monitor my alcohol intake and have had 23 dry days in January (quite pleased with that ,I'll give myself a b -)

Time to reset and go again in Feb

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1 hour ago, Alert Mongoose said:

Perhaps this might go some way to explaining my current predicament (weight) but I'd never considered bread as a bad thing. I think that dates back to after being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and it was the easiest for carbohydrate counting.

I was the same as you, was making fairly basic ham sandwiches and wasn’t losing anything. Switched to small tortillas with chicken and it’s far better for losing weight. 

13 minutes ago, dagane said:


I'm down to 19 stone 7 (123kg) pleased but hoped for more ,been using the try dry app to monitor my alcohol intake and have had 23 dry days in January (quite pleased with that ,I'll give myself a b -)

Time to reset and go again in Feb

Good stuff, steady progress! Keep it up 

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6.5lbs off in January. Stumbled a bit last week and didn't lose anything, but not a bad start. A stone and a half down from my heaviest (18st 2lbs). Target is to get down to 15 and see how that goes. 

Once I hit just below 16, I'm going to change approach and introduce weight lifting and up the calories to a small deficit, rather than the larger one I've been on to reduce the number I wasn't happy with a bit quicker. Reading around it seems this *should* be OK to shift the gut and build some muscle as long as my diet is right. 


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  • 1 month later...
48 minutes ago, dagane said:

Did my weigh in yesterday , I've lost 3 st 3 lb since the 1st March last year

2St 6lb since I took up swimming in December , so I'm feeling pretty pleased with myself

That’s great going! Well done

Down to 13st 13 this morning so 6lbs off in February. Run just under 100k in Feb and noticed that some clothes are starting to get baggier/fit better. Still not had an alcoholic drink this year. Please with the progress so far 

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