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Their Brains Have Turned To Porridge!

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It was on P&B that I first got wind that Neil Oliver wasn’t very pleasant and this was long before he was on GB News. I remember being quite surprised he was a unionist and saying he was “proud of Britain” during the referendum but didn’t think much more about it, then someone on here posted that they’d witnessed him being really rude to some old women once which I thought seemed quite poor. 

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Some of P&Bs best centrists went to bat for a Neil Oliver in the politics forum insisting he was a historian despite him not being a historian because apparently a "TV historian" is a thing.

There's a definite pattern with all these where.

Person says a thing

Centrist are all over Internet explaining why the person who said the thing doesnt/can't mean the thing 

Person keeps saying the thing 

Centrists continue to platform them because "the market of ideas"

The person explicitly espouses fascist ideology.

Centrists are horrified that politics does in fact exist and isn't a parlour game played by jolly nice chaps with different coloured rosettes 

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11 minutes ago, invergowrie arab said:

Some of P&Bs best centrists went to bat for a Neil Oliver in the politics forum insisting he was a historian despite him not being a historian because apparently a "TV historian" is a thing.

There's a definite pattern with all these where.

Person says a thing

Centrist are all over Internet explaining why the person who said the thing doesnt/can't mean the thing 

Person keeps saying the thing 

Centrists continue to platform them because "the market of ideas"

The person explicitly espouses fascist ideology.

Centrists are horrified that politics does in fact exist and isn't a parlour game played by jolly nice chaps with different coloured rosettes 

Can we clarify,  we're talking about people who call themselves centralist, whilst holding hard right views,  not actual centralists?  

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36 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

@invergowrie arabcalling 'the coast guy a fascist is the least surprising thing I've  read on here.

You are all over this forum tonight trying and in my humble opinion, failing to compensate for "armed forces day" which is quite the most ludicrous concept associated with sport that I can recall since November.

Like Ernest Walter Schleyer you can recover from this 

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14 hours ago, invergowrie arab said:

Some of P&Bs best centrists went to bat for a Neil Oliver in the politics forum insisting he was a historian despite him not being a historian because apparently a "TV historian" is a thing.

There's a definite pattern with all these where.

Person says a thing

Centrist are all over Internet explaining why the person who said the thing doesnt/can't mean the thing 

Person keeps saying the thing 

Centrists continue to platform them because "the market of ideas"

The person explicitly espouses fascist ideology.

Centrists are horrified that politics does in fact exist and isn't a parlour game played by jolly nice chaps with different coloured rosettes 

As a proud centrist I've known that Oliver's a c**t for at least a decade. 

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On 27/01/2023 at 21:21, invergowrie arab said:

No you wouldn't.

George Galloway likes to pretend he was brought up in a version of Lochee akin to Free Derry.

He was brought up the son of a professional family in, at the time, would have been new desirable council housing. I've no idea what Church he did or didn't attend but we went to non- denominational Charleston Primary and Harris Academy when there was plenty alternative denominational schooling around.

He's a Tammany Hall politician happy to play to the gallery up to any community where he thinks he can get votes.

Totally - I remember running into him when I was living in the west end and he was running for Glasgow Hillhead. At that point Labour would have got in there if they'd nominated a multipack of Wotsits with a red rosette pinned to it, but he still saw the need to play the sectarian card.

I was in the Smiddy in Partick one night which is nominally a Celtic pub - not THAT kind of Celtic pub though - and there were a group of us in from both sides of the OF and neither side. At some point in the night, in walks a pre-Ronald Villiers tribute act GG, who proceeded to walk round the tables giving it the full Tiocfaidh ár lá routine and totally misreading the vibe of the place. Predictably a couple of dafties seemed to be lapping it up, but generally he was either being laughed at or told to f**k off.

He still got back in though, but that was Labour in Scotland back then.

Edited by Hillonearth
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Kevin Sorbo. Ok in Hercules, passable in Andromeda. He blames his current inability to get work in anything other than fundamentalist Christian films on Hollywood's disdain for religion (and probably "the jews") other than his lack of talent.

Normally seen on twitter whining about Biden, vaccines, abortion, lgb guns...he's basically Fox News in human form. 


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1 hour ago, Genuine Hibs Fan said:

When you're a normal guy cruelly punished for your normal, rational pov


That wasn’t even the most fucked up thing he did yesterday. Here’s him actually pissing himself laughing about someone being repeatedly raped in prison. 


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I had forgotten about this until is as it today but there was a time when Naomi Wolf was considered an important thinker, an influential person. I believe she had some advisor role in the Clinton administration in the US.  Slowly but surely she waded into the deep end and is now completely, off the radar insane. My favourite tweet of hers is this


She also claimed the independence referendum was rigged and that she overheard tech workers in a restaurant discussing secret time travel technology.

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