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The Lockdown Years

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Was in Bali when airline cancelled flight without telling us, then refused to get us back.  Paid £3,000 for the two of us to fly back.  Landed Saturday, lock down on the Tuesday.  Took 7 months to get my cash back.

Quarantined for a week then redeployed (as did all our team). I started working in a care home with dementia  residents for the next 3 months (never done anything like that).  All you saw on TV were people dying in care homes and hospitals.  Humbling experience.  Only went to the shops 3 times in 3 months.  Twice to get something  for residents and a card for Mrs SA 40th birthday.

June, went back to my normal job of supporting 16-24 year olds.  This meant door knocking during a pandemic wearing mask, gloves and sanitiser to try and help them navigate through a pandemic.  How can you do jobsearch or college applications when everything is closed?  Sitting in the middle of a park socially distanced in a mask trying to help their mental  wellbeing was the most important thing I could.  Did this right up until the December, it was shit but just wanted to do my bit and sport those less fortunate.

As well as my normal job I was also involved in the covid response team.  Delivering foodbank parcels, meds, nappies or even hot meals to kids off school due to isolating.

As things eased, I was also took on the role in helping people submit the correct documentation for Isolation Grants (while still doing my normal job). 

Finally I got involved in the vaccination centre when it opened up. It was amazing to see the relief and joy on faces when they got their first jab...people started seeing a future rather than focusing on the now.

Oh yeah, and for a few Thursdays at 8pm I dressed up like a daftie and ran along the street just to make my neighbours laugh.

Three things struck me while all this was going on. 

1.How amazing a job people in care homes do.

2.What great work colleagues I had and how lucky I was.

3.How great Mrs SA was, while I already knew that, the pandemic reinforced it.

Nae PS4 or daytime TV for me...ya bunch of jammy sods 🤣🤣🤣

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My main memory is that it was boring. At home all day, every day. Working at home, leisure time at home, same 4 walls. 

Professionally it was great for me. Managed to get stuff done I hadn't time for before. But not seeing my parents for months, not seeing friends, queueing for supermarkets with their 1 way systems and so on was utter shite. 

So. Much. Conversation. about "cases". The mad schemes to keep us safe, the "levels" , masks, all of it just consumed so much thought and discussion. Vertical drinking ffs. 

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18 minutes ago, Cosmic Joe said:

The one way system in supermarkets was something else. 

I got a ticking off on the day it was introduced in Tesco South Road. 

Up the wrang dreel. 

I remember Perth Morrisons having a long winding path to get to the door and the audible booing and abuse when someone jumped a barrier and skipped half of it. 

I also remember sending my now wife to Tesco whilst furloughed to get the shopping, she spent £100 on Prosecco and a sun lounger instead and sunbathed whilst I continued working from home. 

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15 minutes ago, mizfit said:

I remember Perth Morrisons having a long winding path to get to the door and the audible booing and abuse when someone jumped a barrier and skipped half of it. 

I also remember sending my now wife to Tesco whilst furloughed to get the shopping, she spent £100 on Prosecco and a sun lounger instead and sunbathed whilst I continued working from home. 

No wonder you married her. Sassy! 

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I quite enjoyed mastering all the Covid rules in different countries to find ways of sneaking around them to go on holiday between hardcore lockdowns. And not having to bother looking presentable going out to the shops thanks to face masks. And getting out of some family visits.

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Went to Spain on my own during Covid - best holiday ever. Visiting touristy places like castles and the Borgia's palace - and having them all to myself! Literally, the only visitor. I hate people and crowds so it was amazing wandering around very quiet streets and being the only person in the restaurant. Wearing a mask outdoors wasa bit of a pain but hey-ho.  


Went back a year later and caught Covid. Bugger. 

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Built a veg garden, really enjoyed the time to do some online trainings as well as restarting my piano playing ambitions. The weather was absolutely sublime too.

It was fucking lonely though and I really missed physical contact. Having a ready excuse not to visit my family was, however, teckle 

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The Mrs. happened to catch a couple of programs that suggested there might be shortages, so when out and spent $800 on various non-perishable goods…turned out to be a great move.

Sent home to work remotely for over a year.

Learned to cutout and sew masks, and how to use a sewing machine.

Painted near the whole f**king interior of the house.

Build a foundation for a greenhouse and then the damn greenhouse too.

Some not so good things still dealing with and can’t discuss.

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Memories of everyone grassing their neighbours in for going two walks. 
Having to wear all the PPE gear was fun. 
Worked shifts so remember the whole first summer not being able to sleep after nights cos everyone was doing DIY, it really must have been fun for some tbf. 
Events of the last 6 months with my dads cancer diagnosis has made me realise just how much time I was robbed of and that his cancer or the pre-condition that caused it might have been caught sooner if the hospitals/health service werent so overwhelmed. 

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I think Jason Leitch was discussing how the virus could maybe be more prevalent on shiny Christmas wrapping paper as opposed to the basic Christmas wrapping paper. Definitely wash your hands if is shiny paper. Discussions around whether a pie and a packet of crisps was a main meal. Splitting the country into zones. Not being able to fish in a river where the nearest person was probably ten miles away. Not being able to play golf and remove the pin. Without doubt making this up as they went along, but it was the science. One thing that does stick in my mind. Having to arrange to my son and his girlfriend at the top of the garden as they went out for a one hour walk, and they couldn't come into the house. Also, my mum and dad driving in for a visit and standing in the garden in the pissing rain. Not 'allowed' in for the toilet maybe that's not true 😅. Never again 



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