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Next permanent Scotland manager

Richey Edwards


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5 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

Great vid on how Rwanda is using drone technology to deliver medical supplies to remote parts of the country.  Truly inspirational.


I assume this isn't a defence of forced trafficking of Syrian asylum seekers to Rwanda?

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3 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

I'd just be very disappointed if it was.

Your posting has been a disappointment to us all this past month.  A sort of 'finger in the dyke' ( @Jacksgranda) in reverse.

You're not keeping the water out but denying that it's washing over the whole of iJockland.

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33 minutes ago, virginton said:

The policies of the Scottish government and the ideology of party itself are two different things. The SNP has clearly pivoted towards the left of centre - starting under Salmond and then accelerating under Sturgeon. Some would argue that it has now also pursued daft liberal obsessions about identity politics (and daft Green fixations like charging everyone a massive tax on recycling) that has acted to the detriment of genuine left wing social justice issues in its current term. 

The SNP's M.O. is to act as the national party of Scotland. That includes all of Scotland and not just trying to take over Scottish Labour's traditional base of support in the Central Belt. It is a party of the centre and if it cannot have a fair and open discussion of different ways to make Scotland a better place after independence, will never succeed in achieving its goal.

There are far too many narcissists attached to the Yes movement who cannot see the wood for the trees here. 

No.  The policies reflect the ideology, to suggest otherwise is nonsensical.

Of course an ideology can change over time and will sooner or later be reflected in the policies.

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35 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Maybe the jealousy thing struck home, though I find it amusing being accused of being right wing by you.  Keep it up.

Well, you started this nonsense. Given my posting history on this forum I'm beginning to think you're mixing me up with another poster due to your age/too much sun and wine.

Not to worry though, like you I'm planning to prove my left wing credentials beyond all doubt by voting to make working class people poorer before fucking off abroad to leave them with the consequences. Once I'm safely out the country a few posts rubbing peoples faces in it while calling them jealous will seal the deal. The ultimate act of solidarity.


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3 minutes ago, Bodie said:

Well, you started this nonsense. Given my posting history on this forum I'm beginning to think you're mixing me up with another poster due to your age/too much sun and wine.

Not to worry though, like you I'm planning to prove my left wing credentials beyond all doubt by voting to make working class people poorer before fucking off abroad to leave them with the consequences. Once I'm safely out the country a few posts rubbing peoples faces in it while calling them jealous will seal the deal. The ultimate act of solidarity.


Stopped reading at ‘given my posting history’.

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How much of a tax increase would it take to persuade people to leave Scotland for England?

I am actually one of those people who pay more tax now and I also work in a team that’s based in England and Scotland so if I really wanted to I could relocate pretty easily. I can’t be arsed though. Seems like a bother. If I was going to relocate like that I’d move to the US or Canada where people doing jobs like mine tend to earn far larger salaries. Comparatively poor pay for professional jobs is a strange feature of the British economy that people don’t seem to cotton on to.

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1 minute ago, Granny Danger said:

Stopped reading because I've lost whatever daft point I've been trying to make and have once again made myself look like the silly old fool that I am.


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3 hours ago, Terry_Tibbs said:

You presumably like public services because you use them frequently. Higher earners use public services the least and many would rather keep more of their income for themselves. The threshold at which is becomes worth doing will vary depending on the individual. If it was a 60% top rate vs a 45% top we'd see significant numbers of highers crossing the border.


I don't. My point was living in England i wouldn't feel like i'm a "foreign" country.  If i'm in Bavaria i feel like like a foreigner. The word foreign doesn't have negative connotations for me. If tax divergence is a problem under devolution the problem doesn't disappear by having a physical border. Many Scots feel equally at home living in England or Wales is what i'm getting at.

Edit: Just noticed the typo. I meant to say feel like.






So after furious googling that's the best that you can come up with. 🤣

The Finnish experience likely has no relevance to Scotland. Indeed had you actually read it fully, the author of your first link specifically states his view is that the Finnish experience is likely to be reversed in the case of an independent Scotland.

Why would there be a flow of migration from the wealthier Northern part of this island to the poorer Southern bit, once the North finally decides to end its subsidy. Its clearly much more likely to be the opposite.

Edited by git-intae-thum
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12 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

No.  The policies reflect the ideology, to suggest otherwise is nonsensical.

There's no evidence that the SNP's party ideology is of a left-wing movement. It's not in the party constitution and its election manifestos have been both on the centre right and the centre left since devolution. 

The current set of policies reflect the short-term tactical choices (and personal preferences) made by the leadership and those who influence that position. It can quite easily pivot under a different leader without causing any fundamental change to the party's identity or membership. 

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11 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

Your posting has been a disappointment to us all this past month.  A sort of 'finger in the dyke' ( @Jacksgranda) in reverse.

You're not keeping the water out but denying that it's washing over the whole of iJockland.

Sad to see that the Rwanda policy was enough to bring you back in the Tory fold after seeing Brexit as a step too far.

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17 minutes ago, Bodie said:

Given my posting history on this forum

If you Hibee c***s could stop changing usernames every five minutes, we might have more of an idea who you all are!

Look at what you've all done to the mods. They used to be so boring and reliable, with names like "Keith" and "Ziggy" or whatever.

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7 minutes ago, BTFD said:

If you Hibee c***s could stop changing usernames every five minutes, we might have more of an idea who you all are!

Look at what you've all done to the mods. They used to be so boring and reliable, with names like "Keith" and "Ziggy" or whatever.

Who the f**k's @Trogdor btw?

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We boring middle-aged fannies should agree to rotate usernames between us every now and then, although I'm not sure the young sexy Hibs set would notice any difference.

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23 minutes ago, BTFD said:

If you Hibee c***s could stop changing usernames every five minutes, we might have more of an idea who you all are!


I'm due another name change soon actually.

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