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The Very Meh Humza Yousaf Thread.


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11 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

'Tory' is a political party.  Has been for yonks.  No notion why you're even trying to contend this.



4 minutes ago, Londonwell said:

 Tory isn’t a political party dum dum. 


2 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

Who the f**k said that?  It certainly wasn't me.

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1 hour ago, The_Kincardine said:

This is bleeding heart pish.  Thanks to Mr Barnett Scotland has about £4,000 per taxpayer per annum (pre covid numbers but still valid) to make things better.

Aw jesus fuckin christ, throwing in "The Barnett Formula" is like invoking Godwins law for Unionist / Indy debates man !

This "subsidy junkie" shite is about as valid as the "I dinnae sweat" excuse Prince Andrew came out with.

I suppose all that amazing transport infrastructure you have been babbling on about in the SE of England is utterly free?

The Elizabeth (dead)line - was that free?

The Eurostar stations and lines - free ?

The new 15 mile sewer 30 m below the tube lines in London - free?

The HS2 that wont get to Glasgow or Edinburgh - free?

Every single fucking one of them cost £billions,  paid for by the UK taxpayer (i.e. Scottish people too) and to benefit "all of us".............well, all of us if we live in the south of England or fucking London.


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Just now, Leith Green said:

Aw jesus fuckin christ, throwing in "The Barnett Formula" is like invoking Godwins law for Unionist / Indy debates man !

Scotland is subsidised - via Barnett - by taxpayers like me in leafy South Bucks.

2 minutes ago, Leith Green said:

The Elizabeth (dead)line - was that free?

For every £1 spent on the Eliz Line Scotland got 8p back thanks to Mr Barnett.

You are absolutely coining it in yet have a matching pair of rotting hulls.  And that's just Humza and Shona.

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Just now, The_Kincardine said:

Scotland is subsidised - via Barnett - by taxpayers like me in leafy South Bucks.


On an unrelated note, I spotted this house reported on in an article about graffiti in leafy South Bucks. Pure coincidence, I’m sure.


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42 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

Scotland is subsidised - via Barnett - by taxpayers like me in leafy South Bucks.

For every £1 spent on the Eliz Line Scotland got 8p back thanks to Mr Barnett.

You are absolutely coining it in yet have a matching pair of rotting hulls.  And that's just Humza and Shona.

South Bucks ? That doesn't exist anymore, wasn't that incorporated into the Buckinghamshire unitary authority a few years back ?

Was it a redrawing of the boundaries or a resurrection of old existing boundaries that resulted in the demise of S Bucks ?

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6 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

South Bucks ? That doesn't exist anymore, wasn't that incorporated into the Buckinghamshire unitary authority a few years back ?

Was it a redrawing of the boundaries or a resurrection of old existing boundaries that resulted in the demise of S Bucks ?

Just keeked out the window to see if I've been moved.

Nope.  Still South Bucks.  Pishing down, though.

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3 hours ago, The_Kincardine said:

After 300+ years of being one nation - where social attitudes surveys see almost no difference between north and south and when we have many hundreds of thousands of Scots living in England and VV - you belong to a political movement that wants to manufacture differences to the extent of creating a new nation.  The Scotland, even.

Rubbish, there is a difference, in some cases small, but pretty much always a higher percentage of Scots have more socially democratic views. 

British Social Attitudes "research has indicated that Scotland is more socially democratic in outlook than England, though this difference is often smaller than common wisdom would suggest"


3 hours ago, The_Kincardine said:

Tory' isn't a social attitude and Scotland doesn't vote in GEs.

Graph shows that support for parties with socially democratic traditions (Labour, Lib Dems and SNP) has been consistently higher in Scotland than in England since opening of the Scottish Parliament.


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1 minute ago, s_dog said:

Rubbish, there is a difference, in some cases small, but pretty much always a higher percentage of Scots have more socially democratic views. 

British Social Attitudes "research has indicated that Scotland is more socially democratic in outlook than England, though this difference is often smaller than common wisdom would suggest"


Graph shows that support for parties with socially democratic traditions (Labour, Lib Dems and SNP) has been consistently higher in Scotland than in England since opening of the Scottish Parliament.

Britain doesn't have any 'socially democratic' parties and - unlike Scandi countries - there is no tradition of social democracy.


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