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The Very Meh Humza Yousaf Thread.


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25 minutes ago, CarrbridgeSaintee said:

You raise some decent points, but your choice of language was atrocious.

Calling it the Heil does you no favours either IMO.

I suspect Ewing has always hated the coalition but currently sees an opportunity.  Just the way politics is really.

Given this rag's support for fascism in the the 1930s it is absolutely justified.


And here is the same Viscount Rothermere with Hitler.


And if you want a more modern demonstration of its antidemocratic tendencies look no further than this.


The Daily Mail has always been a viciously reactionary newspaper, prepared to slander and malign anyone perceived to be a threat to the interests of the right.

Why anyone thinks it is appropriate to go running to that rag with its warped agenda is just plain crazy. Fergus Ewing should know better but it seems his ego doesn't.

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19 hours ago, FreedomFarter said:

Ah, ok, not sure where I got you being a member from, I must've misinterpreted one of your previous comments. Even if not a member, I can tell from your comments you're more informed than me on these internal SNP discussions. Likewise with Trogdor and I think he is a member. As I put in my last reply to him there, I respect folk in that position of actually making the thing happen rather than just being in my position - arsehole yelling from the sidelines!

I'm a lapsed member.

I have no issue debating the points with you and expect a robust challenge. As Sophia suggested that's much better than group think. 

I've only ever voted Labour & SNP. I once voted for an independent in a Council election but tbf to the guy he did get fly tipping cleared when the council told me to do one (it was a private road!). I felt somewhat indebted to him and having spent most of my voting life moaning that politicians never deliver for their constituents, he did.

I've also on occasion spoilt my ballot in frustration at the quality of the candidates.

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3 hours ago, Trogdor said:

Great to see Humza at Ayr United Football Academy today. 👍


With Inverness challenging for a play off place, this shows his blatant anti Highland agenda for everyone to see. I'm only surprised that it wasn't Dundee he chose.

Edited by sophia
Added agenda now that I've calmed down
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2 hours ago, Trogdor said:

Great to see Humza at Ayr United Football Academy today. 👍


Apparently he announced £15m in funding for a new left back. Or something along those lines.

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26 minutes ago, GTee said:

Folk still deciding on their country's independence, based on the current First Minister 😄

Maybe the idea behind installing towering political heavyweights such as Jim Murphy, Kezia Dugdale, and Douglas Ross has been to demonstrate how useless and feeble Scotland really is.

Well played, Unionism.

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22 hours ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Given this rag's support for fascism in the the 1930s it is absolutely justified.


And here is the same Viscount Rothermere with Hitler.





Aye only 90 years ago.

I suppose you still refer to Germany as The Reich and Germans as Nazis

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All feels a bit shit just now. Humza is indeed Yousless but the other two weren't much cop either for differing reasons. 

The cabinet is laughably shit as well. 

Can't see anything other than the GRR bill dominating politics for the next decade either.

What's the world coming to when Anas fucking Sarwar is leading a mini revival for Labour. Thank f**k the Tory wankers still have Douglas Ross.

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3 hours ago, FalkirkBairn2021 said:

All feels a bit shit just now. Humza is indeed Yousless but the other two weren't much cop either for differing reasons. 

The cabinet is laughably shit as well. 

Can't see anything other than the GRR bill dominating politics for the next decade either.

What's the world coming to when Anas fucking Sarwar is leading a mini revival for Labour. Thank f**k the Tory wankers still have Douglas Ross.

I take your point, but that’s a very liberal use of the word “leading”.

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3 hours ago, FalkirkBairn2021 said:

All feels a bit shit just now. Humza is indeed Yousless but the other two weren't much cop either for differing reasons. 

The cabinet is laughably shit as well. 

Can't see anything other than the GRR bill dominating politics for the next decade either.

What's the world coming to when Anas fucking Sarwar is leading a mini revival for Labour. Thank f**k the Tory wankers still have Douglas Ross.

Hasn't changed the world in a week. Get him punted 😂

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5 minutes ago, JohnC said:

Before we get on our high horses about media sources that supported Nazis, let's remember the SNP leader who actually was one.


Leader until 1969 and remained active well into the 80s.

Stronger For Germany.

Quite the second post, the difference is that the Daily Mail still has a similar ideology 90 years later, the SNP hasn't.

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56 minutes ago, JohnC said:

Before we get on our high horses about media sources that supported Nazis, let's remember the SNP leader who actually was one.


Leader until 1969 and remained active well into the 80s.

Stronger For Germany.

Stronger For Germany.

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47 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Quite the second post, the difference is that the Daily Mail still has a similar ideology 90 years later, the SNP hasn't.

Haud on, I've been reading for years about the current SNP being Nazis. Naturally, as a huge fan of fascism, I'm going to be most upset if that isn't true.

I thought the Unionists were going into camps any day now?

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